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I didn't want this to become a two-part story but it just became too long.


Luna typed away at her computer, doing her best to appear that she was working as she listened to her boss talking with the CEO of the company, Fredrick. “Sir. I am sorry we haven’t been able to progress as quickly on this. We just keep hitting snaps in the research.”

Fredrick snorted. “I am telling you I want products that can cause people to shrink.

You have giantess blood, for god’s sake. How hard is it.”

The young man wiped the sweat from his face. “But we need more time. Some of the tests have resulted in permeant growth.” Luna raised an eyebrow. “Granted, we were only trying to achieve a few feet in growth as a controlled test, so the testers are only like eight or nine feet tall, but still.”

Fredrick grabbed the young man, lifting him in the air. “I don’t care for your excuses. I have a business to run, and I won’t just settle for products that make people grow. Now, figure out how to reverse-engineer our products to cause people to shrink. And not just by mistake! Do you hear me!”

He gulped. “Yes, sir. I understand you.”

“Good. Now you have until the end of the week to get results, or I will find someone else who will.”


Fredrick turned around. “I am tired of dealing with people who just fail over and over again. If you can’t do this, I will find someone else who will.” He looked at Luna. “Like this young lady.” Luna forced a smile.

“Yes, sir. I will do my best.” He sighed as Fredrick left the room. The young man then walked over and put his hand on Luna’s shoulder. “What am I going to do, Luna?”

She shrugged. “You heard him. You have until the end of the week.”

“Ugh. I don’t know if I can ask you for help, can I?”

She shook her head, standing up. “I am sorry. But I have my own issues I have to deal with. My own boss is breathing down my neck, and if I don’t deal with it, I will be fired.” She gave him a half smile. “But I am sure it will work out. Hang in there.” She patted him on the back before walking towards the door. “Besides, replacing you is easier said than done. Keep that in mind.”

He smiled. “You are right. Thank you, Luna.”

“Of course.” Once she was out of the room, her demeanor changed. This was the moment she had been waiting for, putting up in this horrible job for the last few months. This whole company was horrible, thinking they could play god with people’s sizes. The CEO, Fredrick, was the biggest asshole of all. He wanted to force people to become giantesses only to hold the shrinking potion at what could be considered ransom. She hated that she had to suck up to these people.

But now she had what she wanted, what her associates wanted. Fredrick had stumbled onto a way to cause people to permanently grow. Over a year ago, he had kidnapped a giantess and extracted her blood for his experiments. But in doing so, he had opened a window for everyone who wanted to become a giantess themselves like Luna. Fredrick may consider that research useless, but she didn’t. Her associates didn’t.

She made her to the elevator and pressed the button that would take her to the fifteenth floor, where they kept the research archives for Fredricks Fancy. All she needed to do was copy the study onto her laptop and bring it back to her associates. Luna kept a neutral tone as the elevator doors opened, and she walked out into hallways, the lights flickering above her. She had made this trip dozens of times before to archive research data. No one would question her being here. In fact, many people waved to her as she walked by.

Luna took a left and then a right before entering a room filled with multiple massive computers. None one was here at the moment save the security cameras.  “Ok, the data files on the study should be here somewhere.”  She walked over and turned on the computer monitor.  “I just need to find them and download them. Then delete them from the server.”  She snorted.  “These bastards don’t get to play god with our size.”

It didn’t take her long to locate the files. As the company considered them failures, no one was really protecting them. Luna smiled as she downloaded them onto her laptop, then erasing not only the rest of the study but everything relating to the giantess program.  “There. I hope you have fun exploiting people, Fredrick.”  She stood up and walked out of the room like nothing had happened. By the time Fredrick figured out what she had done, she would be long gone, and by the time he would be able to try and track her down, it would be too late.


Two days later, Luna drove up to the outskirts of Martinsville. She knew better than to approach the town as the people she was looking to meet would not be welcome. Instead, she was to meet them at the nearby inactive volcano. It had once been the base of operations for a fanatic group of giantess hunters until the people she worked for took it over. She looked up at the sky; the sun was soon to set. “I better hurry if I am to meet with them.” She sighed. “If I don’t make it before sundown, the doors won’t open again until morning.”

Taking the backroads, Luna sped her way toward her destination. Her long black hair flowed in the wind as she rowed down the window, letting the evening air fill her vehicle. “It feels so good to be out here.” She took a deep breath as she blinked her green eyes. “So very good.”

As she neared her destination, gigantic figures appeared out of the tree line. She slowed down and straightened her jacket. She knew that these people were the giantesses that she had come out here to meet, but she still had to take things slow. They were weary of strangers, especially with Martinsville so close. The villagers had been harassed by the giantess hunters, either when giantesses escaped from the facility or when people grew from the super moon and the zealots attacked their town. The gigantic ladies don’t really take chances.

So, she calmly waited as one of them lifted her car into the air. “Who are you?”

She looked the giantess straight in the eye. “My name is Luna. I work for Karren. I have something she would like to see.” Luna tried to keep her calm. This woman was over one hundred feet tall, and if she was dropped now, there would be no coming back. She had never seen anyone of this height.

The giantess snorted, the hot air washing over Luna. “I will be the judge of that.” She slid the car under her armpit as she walked up the rocky terrain. Luna crossed her arms. She knew no one here had met her before, but this felt a little absurd. She had something vital in her hands.  “This isn’t the way I should be treated.”

The massive woman brought her to a broken-down steel door that she had to duck to enter. Inside, Luna could see a few more gigantic women and many, many more smaller ladies huddled about. “There aren’t as many giantesses around here as I thought there would be.”

The woman holding her car like a toy snorted. “I thought you worked for Karren. Shouldn’t you know this?”

Luna crossed her arms and sat in her seat as they moved through the mountainous facility. This was the first time she had even been here. A few months ago, she had been contacted by a young woman, asking if she wanted a chance to be tall beyond her imagination. Luna thought it was a scam at first, but when the pictures came in, Luna had done the research. She realized that it wasn’t just a fantasy but reality. That growing to those heights could be real. And she would fight to make it happen. Still, the voice on the other line made it seem like giantesses were much more common than they were. As she looked around, all she could really spot were one, maybe two people taller than twenty feet tall.

The massive hundred-foot woman gently set her vehicle down as they arrived at a gigantic closed door. “Wait here. I have to go talk to Karren.” She pulled the metal door open before walking through and closing it again.

Luna stepped out of her vehicle and sighed. “What now?”

“Luna? I would recognize that voice anywhere.”

Luna turned as Hazel walked up to her. “You. You are the person from the phone.” She scratched at her head. “What—”

Hazel smiled. “I know you have a lot of questions. I can’t answer all of them, but I can try. This way.” She directed Luna over to a nearby bench. “I and some others used to work for the giantess hunters. Not everyone here, though. But that was until Karren came and took control of the organization.”

“What do you mean took control of?” She crossed her arms, her laptop sitting gently in her lap.

“Well, she didn’t want giantesses being hunted like dogs anymore, so she took the group over from Ben, who was a bit of a nut job. And when I say took the group over, I mean she and a few other giantesses stormed the facility when they were elsewhere and just. . .” She laughed.

“Let the prisoners loose. I don’t know what happened to Ben, but Karren gave the rest of us a choice. Either help giantesses live the way they want or don’t get in her way.”


She nodded her head. “Ya. I even got to enjoy some time being one.” She held her hands back. “It was a magical experience. I will tell you that.”

Luna waved her arms about. “Wait. How did you go from being a giantess to where you are now?”

Hazel sighed. “Well, that is due to the super moon. It can cause people to grow, but it is only short-term. I do wish I could have stayed that way. But it is why the whole giantess hunter’s thing was started, you know. Because they wanted to keep the super moon growth stuff in check.”

“So, you had me keep a check on Fredricks Fancy. . .”

“That was Karren’s plan. But she can explain that better than I can.” Hazel put her hand on Luna’s shoulder. “I am happy to see you here, though.”

The massive door suddenly opened again; this time, two massive giantesses stood towering in the passageway. One of them stepped forward, her voice loud and firm.

“There was a young woman who had come here looking for me. I would like them to step forward, please.”

Luna gulped, sweat suddenly beating down her neck. Her hands grasped her laptop as she jumped to her feet. “I am that lady.”

The giantess peered down at her, her eyes burning into Luna. “I will speak with you in private.” Without warning, she reached down and scooped Luna up before turning around and entering the room which she had come from. “Jane, see to it that we are not bothered.” The massive woman nodded her head, shutting them inside.

Once inside the room, the giantess set Luna down on a massive table. “Well, you wanted to meet with me. Here I am.” She crossed her arms. “Though I don’t know who you are.”

Luna gulped as she looked up at Karren. The woman’s blue eyes examined Luna as her dark hair bobbed against her shoulders. “I umm. . .”

“You can talk without starting at my naked breasts.” She tapped her fingers on the oversized desk. “What do you want?”

Luna took a deep breath. “My name is Luna. I was contacted by Heather to work for you. I have been monitoring Fredricks Fancy for months now. On this laptop contains their growth research.”

Luna blinked her eyes as Karren laughed. “You don’t think I don’t know about Fredrick and his research into making people grow?” She held her arms out wide. “Take a good long look at the results of his experiments. No really. Take a good long look, lady. I was one of his prized experiment subjects. Forced to grow and shrink at his whimsy.” She shrank down at the venom of her words. “You bring me useless facts.” She slammed her hand down, sending Luna flying into the air, only for Karren to grab her. “You know you are wasting my time, Luna? I could be spending this time finding more people who have been mistreated by Fredrick or other people who are looking to exploit people’s size. People who want to become giantesses. You are. . .”

Luna gasped as she felt Karren’s hand tighten around her. “But they found a way to make people permanently grow.” She cried out. “Please. I. . .”

Karren’s expression turned from anger to shock. “They what?” She set Luna down, her eyes darting back and forth. “How. . .”

Luna took deep breaths. “All of the information is on this laptop. I knew it would be important, so I came as soon as I could.” She scratched at her sides, pain wracking her body. “I am committed to making sure giantesses can have the life they chose to.”

Karren studied Luna for a moment. “I am sorry I was short with you before.” She crossed her arms. “Things have just been a bit rough lately. I really appreciate what you have brought me. Brought all of us.”

Luna looked up at the gigantic woman. “So, this will really help?”

“Yes. I think it will. But it won’t be as simple as that. Fredrick’s research will only take us so far. I already know without looking, we need samples of giantess blood to make this work. Sarah’s blood.” She sighed. “It is why I am the only one here who can keep my size stable. I was experimenting with the blood he took from her, and the sample was mixed with my own.

It caused me to grow, but I never shank back down. It is why he guards it so feverously. He knows if he lost it that his products would go back to pure chance if they cause any real change in size.”

“So, what we need is the blood samples.”

Karren scratched at her chin. “No. Fredrick is going to be on edge after you stole those files. But there is another way we can get the blood. Even though I swore, I would never hurt a giantess. This will be so we can all have a chance to live our lives free.”

“What do I have to do?”

Karren smiled. “Nothing. You did your part, hun. It is now someone else’s turn.”


“You want to have the wedding when?” Sarah narrowed her eyes as she held Carien in her hand. “You do know that is insanely soon.”

Carien adjusted her maid outfit. “I know trying to get married by the end of the year is a bit soon, but I just. . .” She looked into Sarah’s eyes. “I don’t want to wait. And well, I don’t want a fancy wedding. Just something with our close friends.”

“And family?”

Carien laughed. “Considering how family can be who needs them.” She rubbed her hand against Sarah’s face. “Just invite the people who matter to us. Make it our special day. Ok?”

Sarah’s expression softened. “Ok. But I am going to find a dress that can fit me.”

“You have been naked since you have grown to your new height.”

Sarah laughed. “Well, it will be my one exception. My first piece of clothing as a giantess will be my wedding dress.”

Carien smiled. “Of course it will.” She sighed.

“I didn’t exactly think when my boss got me a new maid outfit, it would be tighter than the last. My poor boobs.”

Sarah laughed. “You know you can get a new job. One where your boss isn’t trying to inflate your body.”

Carien shook her head. “No. The mistress is a bit odd, but she stood up for me when it counted. Besides, it pays well. I think enough to get you a giantess dress.” She turned her head. “Huh, that must be the mistress now.” She pulled out her phone. “Hello?” Carien blinked her eyes. “What? You have been trying to reach Sarah? No. Of course, she doesn’t have a working phone. She is a giantess. Why would she have a phone?”

Sarah narrowed her eyes. “Who is it? What do they want?”

Carien held her hand over the phone. “It is some woman named Hope. She says she is with the hospital, and they need a blood sample for your medical stuff. They have been trying to reach you for weeks.”

Sarah laughed. “Well, good luck with that.”

“She says if you don’t have the blood sample, they are going to fine you ten thousand dollars.”

Sarah’s eyes widened. “I don’t have that kind of money. Why the hell would they do this?”

Carien shrugged. “I guess they really want you to be healthy. You know how things are. Have you ever taken an ambulance?”

Sarah snorted. “Ugh fuck. Did you explain to them how big I am?”

Carien sighed and relayed Sarah’s message. Carien’s eyes then widened before she looked up at Sarah. “The woman says it doesn’t matter. They still want to make sure there is nothing wrong with you. The fact that you are a giantess just means they will get a better test sample and faster results.”

Sarah snorted. “Well, whatever. It won’t be the first time I have had to deal with crappy doctors. Where is this place?”

“They said to head to 247 South Benson Street.” Carien scratched at her head. “I didn’t know there were any medical buildings out that way.”

Sarah lowered Carien down. “Well, I guess I am about to find out. Sorry, I can’t take you to work today to meet this mistress lady. But I don’t want to be fined for this stupid bloodwork.”

“I understand. You two will meet someday.” She smiled. “I love you, though.”

“I love you too.” Sarah blew Carien a kiss. “And when you are out of work, we are going to discuss more about the wedding date. And my dress. You better talk to your mistress, as I hear she is someone who might be able to make it happen.”

Carien laughed. “Don’t worry. We will make it work.” Carien waved as she slipped into her vehicle. “Bye.”

Sarah sighed as she stood up. “I didn’t think I would have to get bloodwork ever again.

But I guess somethings you just can’t avoid.” She scratched at her long, dark hair. “Maybe after I am done with this, I can try and have someone cut my hair. It is starting to bug me. I never let it get this long.”

Even though 247 South Benson Street was on the other side of town, it only took Sarah five minutes to reach her destination. Being over fifty feet tall had its advantages. Still, when Sarah arrived, she couldn’t help but notice there was an utter lack of buildings. “Huh? What is this?” She crossed her arms and looked around. “Carien did get the right place? I don’t want to be fined for this.”

Sarah looked around, the buzzing sound of helicopter blades filling her ears. “What in the world?” She looked up to see half a dozen helicopters flying towards her. “That is strange.” She held her hand up as the small vehicles slowly made their way in her direction, the sun at their back. “Is there an air show going on somewhere?” She narrowed her blue eyes as they closed in on her. “Hey. I know you all want to see the giant lady, but you are getting a bit close.”

Suddenly, a chill ran down her spine. She recognized the logo on the sides of the helicopters. It had been printed all over the cells of the compound when she had been kidnapped by the giantess hunting fanatics. “No! Not them again!” She turned around, but it was too late. Metal cables shot out of the helicopters, wrapping around her limbs and slowly pulling Sarah to the ground. As she thrashed about, a young lady slid down one of the cables and down towards Sarah’s head.

“I am sorry about this. It will take but a moment.”

Sarah snorted. “I am not going to your prison. You hear me.”

The woman laughed. “We are not here to lock you up. The giantess hunters were disbanded months ago.”

Sarah narrowed her eyes. “Your actions speak louder than your words, you little bitch.”

The woman shrugged her shoulders as she pulled out a bag containing multiple needles. “Well, believe what you want. Truth be told, we are doing this to make sure giantesses like yourself can live the lives they want. Think of this as doing your part. A sacrifice for the greater good.”

Sarah snorted. “You are crazy.”

The woman laughed. “I just want my chance to be your size again. Permanently. I want what is mine. MINE! You think it’s fair that you get to be your size all the damn time.” She plunged the needle into Sarah’s neck, withdrawing blood. “NO! What you have should belong to the rest of us.”

“I don’t know who you are, but I swore no one would ever steal my blood again.”

The young woman laughed as she filled another vial with blood. “Stealing?

Think of it as paving the way for the future. A future where people like you don’t have to constantly worry about people who are smaller telling you how you should live. Haven’t you ever wanted more people like yourself? Haven’t you wanted someone your size to spend your life with?”

Sarah’s eyes flashed with rage. “I have someone I want to spend my life with. Just because they are much smaller than I am doesn’t mean a thing.”

The lady laughed as she filled the last vial. “It means they are not worthy of you. You are foolish and living in denial.” She stood up. “But maybe one day soon you will see things the way they could be. The way they should be.” She walked over and grabbed one of the cables. “Instead of bending your life to those who are much smaller than you, make them bow to you.” She was risen into the air as the cables loosened, retracting up towards the helicopters above. Once Sarah could move, she jumped to her feet and tried to swat the gnats out of the air, but it was too late. They hovered out of her reach and flew away.

Sarah snorted as she watched them fly away. “I don’t know who you are. But what you speak of is madness and will never happen.”


Late that night, Hope walked into Karren’s chamber. “It is done.” She set the vials onto the desk and looked up at the massive giantess. “So, when do we start?”

Karren looked down at Hope. “Next week. The supermoon is upon us. And we will make it one to remember.”


The sniping spy

Uh oh, things are going to be messy


Ya. I guess Karren wasn't just happy with taking the giantess hunters away from Ben.