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Expansion School.

Gloria walked into the classroom, her boobs bouncing against one another. “So, I see we have quite a few young and fresh faces in here today.” She looked out across the room. “I will be your teacher for this semester. My name is Gloria, and this is Expansion 101.” She turned around, her shorts barely containing her massive rear end. “Don’t let the name fool you as we cover all manner of size altering here. You will learn how to control altering the size of every part of your body when we are done here.”

She turned her head as she heard giggling. “Is something funny?”

One of the young ladies shook her head, her long blonde hair bouncing against her shoulders. “No. Not at all.” She put her hands behind her back.

Gloria sighed. “Now I know this isn’t a conventional class, but. . .” She arched an eyebrow. “Hey, where is my spell book?” She put her hands on her hips. “I could have sworn I put it somewhere.” She began to dig through her desk, showing off even more of her butt to the class. “Now, where is it?”

The blonde girl giggled. “I have no idea, teach.”

Gloria snorted as she stood up. “Well, we can’t start without that spell book. I know it’s funny to hide the book on the first day of school, but. . .” She moaned as her boobs began to swell. “Fuck.” She looked down at her chest as her blouse pressed tightly against her chest, her breasts bursting out from the seams of her outfit. “Ok, which one of you jokers has my book.” She looked around at the class. “Well?”

“I don’t know.”

Gloria attempted to button up her blouse, but it was too little too late with just how big her boobs had swelled. “Fuck.” She sighed, letting her breasts hang out. “Look, I am not the person to experiment on.” She began to walk through the classroom, trying to find which girl had stolen her spell book. “Now cough up the book so we can start with the class.” She looked at Megan. “I don’t want to ask you girls twice. Ohhhh myyyyy!” She moaned as her shorts traveled up her growing butt. She looked down, her face bright red. “My. . .” She twisted around, her enlarged booty pushing an empty table to the side. “Now stop that!”

“Why teach?” Gloria noticed the spell book in Jennifer’s hands. “I think you could use the extra curves.” She ran her fingers through her blonde hair.

Gloria snorted. “Jennifer. If you hand me the book now, I won’t use the spells in there to reprimand you. So. . .”

“Ah, ah, ah.” She held the book in front of her face. “This is our class now.” Waving her finger, she caused Gloria’s boobs to expand once more, her teacher moaning as her breasts swelled out of her blouse in a shower of buttons.

“Fuck.” Gloria fell onto her squishy breasts, bouncing up and down. “Stop that. Stop that now.” She moaned as she tried to stand upright, but her watermelon-sized breasts were a bit too big to bear. “I need some help here. Give me the book so I can shrink these.”

The girls giggled. “But we like you with the gigantic jugs.”

Martha nodded her head. “Ya. You do want us to learn about expanding one’s body, right?”

Gloria snorted as she rubbed her arms against her breasts. “Yes, but you are supposed to practice on your own bodies. Not mine.” She reached for Jennifer. “Now give me that spell book!”

Jennifer laughed. “I think we should make the teacher a bit more manageable.” She set the book on one of the desks. “Let’s see here. Is there something in here that can help?” The other girls crowded around.

“Hmm, what about that?”

Jennifer shook her head. “No, Alise. If you look closely, that would cause her entire body to grow. That wouldn’t help at all.”

Martha pointed at another spell. “We could turn her into a blueberry.”

Alise shook her head. “No. I want something I can hold in my hand. I want to rub my fingers along her boobs and butt.” She giggled. “That would be so fun.”

Martha crossed her arms. “Can’t you just do that now? I mean, go up to the teacher and rub yourself against her?”

“No. If she manages to stand up, we are screwed. I mean, it is unlikely with how big her boobs are, but I don’t want to take chances.” She looked at Jennifer, blinking her blue eyes. “Is there anything on shrinking? Preferably without altering one’s breasts and ass.”

Gloria gulped. “No! Put that book away right now! Otherwise, I will have you all expelled.”

Jennifer’s eyes widened. “Oh, here we are. This will be perfect.” Jennifer closed the book and walked over to Gloria, still struggling to stand up with her enlarged breasts. “It is time that our teacher shrank.” Jennifer giggled. “Thine time has started, Gloria. Shrink. Shrink!”

Gloria gulped. “What. Why would you. . .” She moaned as she felt her bones start to constrict. “Ughhh.” Her clothing began to feel loose as her surroundings began to grow. “You all are going to pay for this. You hear me!” She looked up at them as she slowly shrank, her blouse falling down around her. “You have no idea what I have in store for you girls.”

Jennifer put her hands on her hips. “In store for us? Oh, come now, teach. You are just going to be our cute little plaything.” She giggled as Gloria shrank down and down. “I think you should get used to your new role.”

Alise nodded her head. “Ya. We are the ones running the class now.” Martha nodded her head and giggled.

Gloria snorted as her clothing fell on top of her. “You girls assume too much. Hey!” Jennifer’s hand reached down and picked her up. “What are you doing?”

“Stop fussing.” She giggled as she poked Gloria’s right breast. “Wow, your boobs are nice and springy. The perfect size.”


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