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Outgrowing the Competition Part 2

Gale crossed her arms. “How absurd. Why would anyone sign up for a competition like that?” She narrowed her eyes at the billboard. “Come and see how big you can get in our giantess competition. Winner will receive a trip to the Caribbean. What do they take us for? Fools? People can’t change in size.”

Kevin walked up to her with a stick of cotton candy in his hands. “I mean, considering what I just saw, they can.”

She crossed her arms as she turned around. “What are you talking about?”

“I just came from this weird competition on the other side of the fairgrounds. People were turning themselves into blueberries. It was crazy.” He took a bite out of the purple candy. “So, I wouldn’t throw this out as hogwash.”

Gale looked back at the billboard, rubbing her chin. “Hmm, I wonder how I can enter them if this is true. I would love a vacation.”

Kevin laughed. “You enter? Hah! You don’t know the first thing about changing in size. Hell, you even lost a few centimeters since you went to the doctor last.”

She snorted. “Hey, it can’t be rocket science. If others are doing it, I am sure I will be able to figure it out.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I doubt it.”

“Is it that hard for you to believe in me or give me some encouragement?”

“Hey, I am here to be realistic. Not give you false hope.” He turned his head. “Now, if you don’t mind, I just saw a pretzel stand. I will be right back.” He raised his right hand. “Hey, can you break a twenty?”

She rolled her green eyes. “If he wanted to keep things realistic, he would have just said this whole giantess thing was nonsense.” Gale crossed her arms. “Though the question of how to change in size is a good one. I have no idea where to start.”

“Pst.” Gale turned her head to see a young blonde woman standing in the shadows between two carts. “You want to grow into a giantess at the competition, right?”

“Umm. . .” Gale slowly walked over to the woman. “Yes? Why are you hiding?”

“Keep your voice down.” She snorted. “Look, I can help you on one condition.”

“Okay? What is it?”

The lady handed her a strange-looking bottle with reddish liquid. “This will cause you to grow. But you have to promise that you will help us.”

“Help. What are you—”

The lady gulped. “Crap. I have to go. We will talk later once you have become your new and glorious height.” She ducked into the shadows.

Gale scratched at her head. “That was strange.” She looked down at the bottle. “This thing is supposed to cause me to grow? What is it? I don’t see any labels on it.” She sighed.

“But I guess it’s my best bet if I want to win that trip to the Caribbean.” She slid it into her pocket. “Well, time to go and find the registration.” She tucked her hands into her pockets as she started to whistle. “I am sure Kevin will catch up. He always does.”

It didn’t take her long to find the registration booth. It was nothing more than a signup sheet. “Hmm, there seems to be only two other people signed up for this.” She wrote down her name. “I guess they realize how foolish this is.” Gale laughed. “Though it will be funny watching how they try and grow.” Gale looked for a place to sit backstage. “And hopefully fail as well. Someone has to win. That someone being me.” She giggled.

A middle-aged woman with long black hair sat next to her. “Are you one of the staff?”

Gale shook her head. “No. I am here for the competition.”

The lady sneered. “Great. So, someone else decided to show up. And here I thought I had this in the bag.”

Gale raised an eyebrow. “What? Why?”

The lady pointed at another young lady at the other end of the stage. “See her?”

Gale looked at the young lady as she combed her long red hair. “She thought this was a breast and ass growing competition.” The woman laughed. “I was going to win this so easy until you showed up. Now, why don’t you be a dear and just you know.”


“Quit? Is it really that hard?” The woman face palmed herself. “Look, I am not looking for competition here.” She narrowed her eyes at Gale. “And if I do have some, I will crush you before you even have a chance to grow. You got that.” The lady stood up. “But I doubt you can grow. I mean, what you think you can get past twenty feet? Hah!”

Gale raised an eyebrow. “Twenty feet? I. . .” She rubbed her hand against the bottle in her pocket. “Well, I hope that this little devil has some better growing power than that.”

Gale turned her head as a loud booming voice filled the air. “Hello, and welcome to round two of this year’s growing competition. This time, we will see who can become the biggest giantess around. We only have three ladies this time who will see how big they can get, so I hope you are all ready for the growing action. First up, we have Lana. So, get on out here, girl.”

The curtains opened up, and Gale could see a massive crowd. “Holy crap.

This many people turned out for this.” She pulled at her arm. “I hope my clothing grows with me. Otherwise, this is going to be very embarrassing.”

Lana walked up to the announcer. “So, my young friend, are you ready to show us how big you can get?”

Lana nodded her head as she pulled at her long red hair. “Yes, I am.

But did you say, giantess? I thought. . .”

The announcer stood back. “Then get growing, my dear!”

Lana shrugged. “Well, I guess it can’t hurt.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of candy. “Here goes nothing.” Gale watched as the woman clutched her chest, moaning on stage. “Ahhh. Fuck.” Slowly her ass began to swell, stretching out her jean’s. Then, her breasts slowly began to swell, causing her tank top to rip apart. “God. This is. . .”

The announcer stood in between Lana and the crowd. “I am sorry, folks. It appears this young lady is confused about what kind of competition this is. We will have her escorted off stage as quickly as possible.”

Angry shouts rose from the crowd as Lana’s breasts and ass continued to swell, ripping through her clothing. “Hey, let us watch.”

“Ya, I don’t care if she isn’t growing into a giantess. I want to see those tits!”

The announcer gulped. “Can I have some help here?”

Two strong men strode up onto the stage and up to Lana before gleefully grabbing her body. One of them grabbed her swelling boobs and the other her ass as they escorted her off stage. “Oh yes. Yes. Press harder!” She moaned as they dragged her way, a good portion of the crowd following her. “I love it!” She said as her ass tore through her jeans.”

The announcer sighed. “Well, that was something.” She ran her hand through her hair. “Anyways, let’s get back to the competition, shall we? We have two more contestants waiting to grow for you all.”


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