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Working on my 2k Deviant Art watcher story.  This one is special so the rough draft will be for all tiers.  Anyways hope you enjoy it.

Thank You.

Alice sighed as she looked at her laptop. “I don’t know if I can keep doing this.” She rubbed her forehead. “I don’t know why I keep doing this.” She stood up and sighed. “I have been trying for a few years now and I don’t feel like I am improving. I mean I don’t even know if people enjoy what I write.”

She walked into the living room and slumped down on the couch. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s time that I just. . . I just got a real job.”

Alice raised her head as the sound of the doorbell filled the air. “Huh? I don’t remember ordering any packages.” She narrowed her eyes and stood up. “Who the hell would be coming all the way out here.” She walked to the door. “If this is some kind of scam I am going to give them hell.”

Thowing the door open Alice found her porch vancent of life. “Ugh. Seriously.” She walked out onto the wooden deck. “That is right run you. . .” She looked down at the small package resting against one of the chairs. “Huh?” She narrowed her blue eyes. “It doesn’t look like some kind of prank. I mean there is a shipping number on this thing.” She sighed as she picked it up. “My guess is I got someone else’s package because the shipping company made a mistake.” She rolled her eyes. “I better head inside and take care of this. Great.”

Shutting the door behind her Alice made her way into the kitchen. “Hmm though it does say my name on it. I guess it can’t hurt to look.” She tore the small package open. “Hey there is a note inside here.” She arched an eyebrow. “What is this?”

“To Alice. This is Alice’s place right? My name is PaniK. You have never met me but I love your work.”

Alice snorted. “How the hell did you get my address?”

She read on. “Your works have brought much joy to me and well I can’t wait to see what happens in the years to come.”

“Wait someone. . .” She sat down. “Someone atctally likes what I write?”

“I mean who wouldn’t like someone who writes giantess work. Blueberry. Breast expantion. Oh the list goes on. You are such a smutty and witty writer.”

Alice giggled. “Well I umm. . .”

“So I wanted to do something to thank you. I mean I am pretty sure you have people thanking you all the time.” Alice sighed. “But I really wanted to thank you. So in this package is a true thank you for all the wonderful stories over the years. And hopefully inspiration for many more.”

Alice set the note aside. “Insperation? What does this Panik person mean.” She looked inside the box noticing a strange vial. “Huh. I looks like something I would write about in my story.” She picked it up. “Glowing swirling liquid and all.” She sighed as she set the bottle on the table. “Now if I was one of my foolish protaginists I would drink this down.” Alice sighed as she rubbed her chin. “But well such things are not real. I mean I know what I write is pure fiction. People can’t really shrink. They can’t really grow. And they most certainly can not turn into blueberries.” She laughed as she unscrewed the cap. “But I mean one of my fans did send me this so what is the harm that could happen?”

Alice raised the vial to her lips, letting the glowing liquid trickle down the back of her throat. Imidetily she coughed. “Ughh. That tastes horrible.” She blinked her eyes. “What did I expect would happen? Seriously?” She set the bottle on the table. “I should get back to work.” She turned around as her stomach rumbled. “Ugh what the hell?” She took a deep breath as she stumbled forward. “It feels like my body is. . .” Alice shivered. “Like my bones are. . . everything is getting so tight.”

Alice’s eyes widdend in astomisment as her surroundings began to grow. “What the hell?” She stumbled backward, knocking over the chair behind her. “No. This can’t be happing.” She gulped as she watched the ceiling drift futher and futher away from her. “I am supposed to be the one wirtting about this. This isn’t supposed to be happening to me.”

Her eyes widded as her pants fell to the floor, followed by her undergarments. “Hey.” Her face turned red as she reached down to pull her pants up. “Stay up.” Her panic stricken face looked back and forth. “I need to do something to stop this. I am loosing inches by the second.” She looked up at the table where she had left the bottle. “There. The note is up there.” She shuffled over to counter, tripping over her clothing. “I knew I should have read the rest of that note. I have a supid tendency to just skim over stuff. God!”

Alice stepped out of her pants as her t-shirt slowly grew down past her knee’s. “Damn thing is only serving to trip me up anyways.” She looked up. “Now I need to get up at that fucking note before I am too small. Otherwise I don’t know what I am going to do.” Running as fast as she could, Alice made her way to the table and then jumped up, her hands just grazing the note. “Crap.” She landed on her ass, her shirt slowly enveloping her. “I don’t know if I can climb that. Oww!” She scratched her head as something hit her. “What the hell was that?”

She looked up to see the parchment had fallen onto the floor. “Yes.” Dropping her shit onto the floor in favor of her bra Alice walked over to the note. “This should tell me if there is a way out of this mess.” She adjusted her bra to act as a makeshift outfit. “I never thought I would have to be so small as to wear my bra as a full article of clothing.” She looked around. “I am happy I don’t have a kitty yet. That kitty would be all over me. At least the shrinking as stopped though. I may look like a doll now but damn.” She slapped her ass. “I am cute.”

Alice sighed as she walked over to the note. “Now let’s see about this.” She scratched at her chin.

“The effects of this bottle are a bit wonderful. But if they are to much for the transformation expert to handle you can always take another sip to cancel the effects.” Alice sighed in relief. “Though you just may spin the wheel to see what happens next. Who knows.”

Alice narrowed her eyes. “What did this person read my Wheel of Change story and think that it would be funny to do that to the author?” She crossed her arms. “Ugh what am I going to do? If I drink from that vial again it might do something much worse. What if it turns me into a doll or something? I am going to see my family tomorrow.” She sighed. “But I can’t stay down here. I am too small to get into the refigratior.” She shivered. “That and I am freezing my nipples off.”

Alice rubbed her breasts. “God I wish I had remembered to turn the heater on before I drank a shrinking potion.” She squeezed her boobs. “My babies are so cold my nipples are hard. Ughh.” She looked upward. “But I can’t just stay down here. I am not going to live the rest of my life out being the size of a doll. I mean I am sure my sister would find it funny but. . .” She sighed. “No.” Alice snorted. “I struggle enough as it is. I am going to return to my original height.”

She walked up to the table. “Though how the hell am I supposed to get up there?” She gulped as she looked at the metal poll. “I feel like I am about to pay for not being the best in gym class.”

Alice bear hugged the leg of the table. Her boobs squished against the cold metal, causing her to moan. “God.” Sweat beat down the back of her neck. “This feels umm. . .” She gulped. “This feels oddly. . .” She reached up and pulled herself up the metal pole. “Oh god.” Alice moaned as her boobs rubbed against the pole. “I umm. . .” She took deep breaths as she climbed, tiny drops of sweat driping off her hard nipples. “Keep it together Alice. Focus.” She moaned as she reached for the edge of the table. “All you have to do is pull yourself up onto the table.” She licked her lips. “Don’t focus on how rubbing your breasts is making your body. . . ohhh. . .”

Alice shook her head. “Ok. I can do this.” Her fingers wrapped around the side of the table. “Three, two, one.” She cried out as she swung about, her feet now danging in the air. “Ugh. I need to. . .” She slowly pulled herself up. “Ughh.” Alice moaned as her breasts rubbed against the side of the table. “Fuck!”

She shook her head and looked around. “Ok where the hell did I leave that vial?” Her eyes widded and a smile formed on her face as she spotted the bottle. “There it is.” She rushed over and hugged the glass jar. “Oh how do I love you right now.” She rubbed her body against the glass, her hard nipples rubbing up and down against the bottle. “You are going to help me. Aren’t you.” Alice giggled as she realized she was talking to the vial of liquid. “Oh my god. What am I doing?”

She sighed. “Well it is going to be quite a bit more difficult this time around. The bottle is almost as big as I am.” She crossed her arms. “If this does anything crazy to me I could easily over do it.”


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