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Controlling the Fruit Industry.

Larry marched through the halls of Red’s Juicing Station with a smirk on his face.  “This bastard’s face will turn as red as his name when he figures out what I have been up to. Fuck his blueberry business. I will ensure he can’t make a dime off of it, as if he tries to, the world will be filled with an assortment of fruits. Then my research into cures will have to go through as this asshole won’t be able to get in my way.”

A blueberry lady with a big round ass stood in front of Red’s office. “Hello, Larry.

Red is expecting you.”

“Umm. . .” He scratched at his head. “Shouldn’t you be in one of the specially designed rooms that Red has around here waiting to be juiced?”

The lady laughed. “Oh, don’t be silly. I work here. I am Red’s assistant.”

Larry gasped. “What are you talking about? How can a blueberry be Red’s assistant? The whole purpose of this place is to—”

“Is to juice blueberries and make money at the same time.” She moaned.

“Oh god, and what a wonderful experience the juicing process is. I don’t even care if I have to do it multiple times. It just feels soooooo. . . .”

He waved his hands about. “I get it. Ugh, so Red doesn’t even use my cure at all, does he?”

She giggled. “Oh, he does, darling.” She winked at him. “But well. . .” The lady laughed. “We just juice the ladies up again. So they get nice and ripe. We have to sell blueberry juice somehow.”

Larry’s face turned bright red. “Ok, that is enough. I didn’t make that cure just so you could—”

The blueberry lady touched her earpiece. “Yes, sir? Oh, Larry is right here. Yes, sir, I will send him in. He is rather annoying anyways.” She looked at Larry. “Red will see you now.”

Larry rolled his eyes. “Thank you, I guess.” He sighed as she pushed the door open with her ass. “And I am not annoying.” He snorted. “I just don’t think the world should be filled with blueberry women. It isn’t. . . never mind.” He shut the door behind him, hitting the lady on the ass.

“Larry. Long time no see.” Red clapped his hands together. “I trust you have been working hard on what we discussed about?”

Larry sat down, setting his suitcase on his lap. “You mean altering my cure, so it would reinfect people as blueberries? Fat chance.”

Red’s disposition darkened. “Remember, if you don’t give me what I want, I will expose you.”

Larry stood up. “I am sick and tired of taking your crap. I came here today to tell you I am going to ruin you. I mean, you are just using the people who come here for help to use them as what? Juicing products? You do know people can turn into blueberries by consuming that juice, right?”

Red crossed his arms. “I don’t really care. All that means is we will make more money as time goes on.”

“You are sick.” Larry opened his suitcase. “In here, I have vials that will cause more fruity mutations. So, instead of just blueberries, people could swell into a cherry, a grape, and so much more. Your blueberry business would be done with a snap of my finger.” Larry laughed. “And after your business is in the tubes, I can work on making vaccines and cure this mess.

As people shouldn’t have to live like this. Being a blueberry is a curse.”

Red laughed. “Do you really think that would stop me? In fact, I would love the expansion of my business.”


“Larry, you are always short-sighted. Didn’t your wife leave you because you thought this whole thing as something you needed to fix?” He stood up. “Yes, I know you had a blueberry lady for a wife. I know a lot of things. Like how the ladies who swell up really, really enjoy it.” He crossed his arms and turned around. “It affects their minds, Larry. Can’t you see that? It is quite wonderful as if they are so willing to stay as blueberries well. . .” He laughed. “Then what is the point of a true cure? They will give me the juice willingly. The money will keep flowing in.”

He turned around. “So honestly, it doesn’t matter what you do. I don’t even think if you made your cure, they would take it.” He walked towards Larry and laughed. “There is nothing you can do.” Red took the suitcase out of his hands. “Now get out of my office and work on something else that I might like. Otherwise, I might let slip our little secret.” Red snorted.


Larry looked at the ground, utterly defeated. “Understood.”


Gloria narrowed her eyes. “Try our new wonderful fruity beverages. Made with real fresh squeezed juice guaranteed to give you juicy sensations that last for weeks to come. New from Red’s Juicing Emporium.”

Linda giggled. “I have never heard of this place, but I would like to try some flavored water.” She grabbed a bottle off the shelf. “I mean, look, they come in multiple different flavors. Isn’t that cool?”

Gloria crossed her arms. “You think everything is cool, Linda. Look, we are trying to find something quick and easy. Remember we are taking a trip across the state for the music festival?” She snorted. “We must hurry as that bus will be here any moment.”

Linda nodded her head. “Yes, that is precisely why we need to get one of these. They are cheap and come in many flavors. Besides, I am sure they will have mountains of food to choose from at the festival. Where are we going to get fruit-flavored water? Huh?” She thrust a cherry-flavored drink at Gloria. “This seems to be a new company. Let’s take a chance.”

Gloria looked down at the bottle. “I don’t want cherry. Make mine the blueberry, and we have a deal.”

Linda rolled her green eyes. “Fine, fine.” She set the cherry back. “But I am getting the raspberry.” She giggled. “I just can’t get enough of raspberries and can’t believe someone made raspberry-flavored water. I will have to hug them for this.”

Gloria nodded her head. “Ya, ya. Let’s get going.” Her eyes widened. “Oh, crap.

There is the bus. Quick, put the stuff back, as we will never check out in time.”

Linda shook her head. “Nonsense.” She slid the drink under her blouse. “We are getting on that bus with these drinks no matter what.” She took Gloria’s hand before her friend could react. “Now, let’s go!”

“What?” Gloria gasped as she was dragged towards the door. “I am not shoplifting! What is wrong with you. Linda, stop this at once.”

“Too late.” She giggled as she dragged Gloria outside. “The deed is done! Now, let’s get on that bus.”

Gloria sighed. “You. . . you do realize that karma is going to get you for this.”

Linda put her hands on her hips. “Karma? You actually think something like karma exists?” She laughed. “Well, if there is such a force, bring it on. I accept it with open arms.” She thrust her arms to the side. “You hear that world? Give me your best shot!”

Gloria rolled her eyes as she walked past her friend. “Being a bit over dramatic, are we?” She stepped onto the bus. “Now, let’s go.”

Linda laughed. “Hey, what is life if you don’t make it fun?”

They made their way to the back of the bus. “Not too many people onboard, is there?” Gloria looked out the window. “I would think this thing would be more crowded.”

Linda smirked. “I guess it’s our lucky day.” She popped the lid off of her raspberry can. “Well, cheers.”

Gloria sighed and opened her blueberry water. “I still don’t feel good about having stolen these things.” She raised the bottle to her lips, taking a few sips. “I mean, something is going to happen to us. I am sure that store owner caught us on camera.”

Linda giggled. “Oh, come now. Stop worrying. Nothing is going to happen to us. Now, just enjoy the ride.” She put her hands behind her head. “We have about two hours on this thing anyway. So, you might as well find something to occupy your time.”

Gloria rolled her eyes. “Right.” She turned her head. “Occupy my time.” She tapped her fingers on the seat. “I should have brought a book.”  Gurrgle. “Ughh.” She looked down. “Really?” Gloria tapped her belly. “I just get on, and now my stomach wants to become upset?”


“Oh, nothing.”  Gurrgle.  Gloria moaned, heat starting to well up inside of her.  Ughhh fuck. I am feeling a bit odd.  She closed her eyes.  I think I might be getting bloated or something. That is the last thing I need right now.

“Hey, Gloria.”


Linda crossed her arms. “I wasn’t going to say something, but this is kind of weird.”

She giggled. “Or I should say outright hilarious.” She laughed as she pulled out her phone. “Your entire face is blue.”

Gloria’s eyes widened as Linda took a photo. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t believe me? Look?” Gloria gasped as she looked at the picture. “You look like a Smurf. Maybe we should stop and get you a wig so you can—”

Gloria waved her hands about, cutting Linda off. “Wait, wait, wait. How do I know this isn’t some joke filter. My face can’t possibly be blue.”  Gurgle.  “Ughh. My belt is starting to get tight.” She scratched at her stomach. “How long is this bus ride again?”

“At least two hours.” Linda took another sip from her raspberry-flavored water. Gloria gasped as she noticed Linda’s nose turn bright red. “So, I hope you are not getting sick as you are stuck here.” She giggled. “Which might be the case. Look at your arms, honey.”

“My arms? Look at your face. You are turning bright red, Linda.”

Linda put her hands on her hips. “Stop changing the subject. I am not changing in color. You are!”

Gloria snorted. “Right. You are not turning as bright as Rudolf’s nose.” She laughed.

“You laughing at me? At least I am not the one who is getting a big belly and ass.”

Linda clutched her chest as she laughed. “Man, you must really be bloating up for it to go to your butt.”

Gloria looked down and cried out, “What the hell?” As she jumped up, the others on the bus looked at her. “No wonder my pants feel so fucking tight. My butt has been expanding as if I were in some kind of kids cartoon.”  Gurrgle.  “Ughh. . .” She grabbed her right butt cheek as her tan slacks began to give way, tears forming on her hips and near her ass. “This needs to stop now.” She gulped as another tear in her pants appeared. “Seriously, I don’t need all of these people staring at me.”  Blort. “Ughh, and why do my hips feel so squishy?”

Linda leaned forward, grabbing Gloria’s right hip. “Ya, you sure are squishy.” She waved her red hand about as a blue liquid dripped from her fingers. “Squishy and dripping wet.”

Gloria turned to face her friend, her ass sloshing about as she did so. “How can I be dripping wet? Wait, is that blueberry juice?” Linda nodded her head. “No. I. . .” She gulped as the realization hit her. “I am swelling like a blueberry.”

“Oh my god.” Linda laughed as a massive tear appeared on Gloria’s ass, revealing her blue butt crack. “It sucks to be you right now. I am glad I chose the strawberry drink.” She giggled for a moment before leaning forward. “Huh?”

Gloria crossed her arms. “What is it? Are you finally realizing your drink was spiked?”

Linda rubbed her boobs. “Of course not. Sure, I am bright red, but that doesn’t mean anything.”

Gloria laughed. “Your boobs are swelling by the second.”

Linda slammed her hand on the bus seat. “They are not. They are perfectly normal-sized. Unlike your blueberry ass.” She smirked. “And that belly sure is getting big. I wonder how long your belt is going to last.” Her eyes widened.

Gloria crossed her arms against her squishy, swelling body. “Everything ok?”

“I just. . .” Linda moaned as another breast began to swell in between her boobs. “Look, I am just feeling very weird and juicy right now.” She tried to cover herself as more raspberry breasts swelled on her body. “I umm. . .”

Gloria giggled. “And you were trying to make fun of me. Oh, and I also remember you poking fun at karma as well.” She put her hand on the seat as she leaned forward, laughing, her pants ripping apart and falling to the floor. “But no. Nothing would happen to you.”

Linda stood up, her red raspberry boobs bouncing about. “Ok, I get it. I tempted fate. Now, how do we stop this.” She turned her head. “Crist, how many breasts am I going to get?”

“I mean, you are turning into a raspberry.” She shrugged as her swelling belly ripped through her shirt. “What do you expect?”

Linda snorted as her own swelling body ripped through her blouse, exposing all of her red boobs. “Excuse me. I don’t see you with all of these breasts. Whoh.” She fell forward, unstable on her juicy feet. “Help.” Linda bounced on her countless swollen boobs. “Ughhh. Fuck.” Raspberry juice oozed onto the floor of the bus. “I feel so full.”

Gloria giggled. “Well, I feel. . .” Her eyes widened as she began to wobble. “Crap.”

She turned her head to the others on the bus. “Can I have some help?” Her bra snapped off as her expanding body continued its growth. “Hello?” She moaned as she fell backward, her body wedged between two seats. “Stop staring and help us out already.”

One of the men just shook his head. “Nah. I don’t think any of us want to catch what you have.”

Linda turned herself so she was facing the ceiling, her limbs shrinking into her juicy red balls. “You idiots can’t catch what we have unless you drink what we did. Now, get in here. I mean, I would think some of you perves would jump at a chance like this. Look at me.”

She tapped one of her raspberry breasts as her hands slowly sunk into her body. “You idiots really don’t want to squeeze this?”

Gloria narrowed her eyes as her own limbs slowly shrank into her round blueberry body. “Linda, what is wrong with you?”

“What? If you want help, don’t be afraid to use that big round blueberry ass of yours. Shesh.”

“What? I am not going to seduce people just to. . .” She moaned. “Just so I can have these wonderful people juice me. Oh god.”

Linda giggled. “Yes, that would be wonderful.”

The bus came to a sudden halt. “That is, it.” He turned and looked at Gloria and Linda. “I am not transporting to giant fruits. You two are off the bus. Now!”

“What?” Gloria shook her head. “How are we supposed to get off the bus? We can’t move.”

The driver stood up and made his way back towards them. “I said off.”

He slammed his hand against Gloria, causing her to moan and blueberry juice to ooze out of her breasts. “I am sure you two can find a way to just roll out of here. If not.” He wrapped his hands around Gloria. “Then I will. . . ughh, why do you weigh like a truck.”

She giggled. “It’s all the juice.”

The driver took a few steps back. “What the hell am I supposed to do?”

One of the young men walked up to the driver. “Umm, you could bring them here.”

“What?” He looked at the young man’s phone. “Red’s Blueberry Emporium? Do you have a giant fruity lady on your hands, or are you a giant fruity lady looking to be juiced? Then come on down to Red’s Blueberry Emporium. We serve all your juicing needs.”

Linda licked her lips. “That sounds wonderful.”

The driver snorted. “Well, it is on the way. And we could unload these giant swollen women.” He sighed. “Fine.” He slid his hands into his pockets. “I just don’t see how this could get any weirder.” He turned his head to see one of the other passengers, half-naked, sitting on Linda’s body. “Christ. Finding this blueberry place can’t come soon enough.”


The sniping spy

One way Larry can stop Red is to have demand out pace supply