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“And reports indicate that the woman they found at the scene swelled into a giant blueberry. People are currently doing their best to care for her and treat her while they figure out just what is going on.”

Noel shut the television off. “Man, people are just desperate for ratings when they put that on the news.” She stretched her arms. “Ah, well. It is about time I shut that garbage off anyway. I don’t want to be late.” She rushed to the door. “It is going to be another long day in the hospital.” She grabbed her jacket. “Time to do my part to help people.”


About fifteen minutes later, Noel arrived at her place of work. “Man. There are a lot more people rushing about than normal.” She gulped as she walked through the door. “I hope nothing has happened.”

One of the nurses rushed up to her. “Doctor Livingston. We need you.”

He grabbed her arm. “Now!”

She gulped. “What? I just got in. Hey!” She blinked her green eyes as she stared at the young man. “I take two steps through the front door, and you try and kidnap me? Tell me what is going on Beck!”

“No time. You are needed in the emergency room now!”

“I am sure there are others who can. . .” Her eyes widened as she saw just what was going on. “Oh my god!”

He nodded his head. “We brought her in this morning.” He pointed at the swollen blue lady on the other side of the glass. “Someone was complaining of severe bloating, and by the time ambulances arrived well. . .” He laughed. “She had turned blue and started swelling. And I mean—”

“I get it.” Noel crossed her arms. “So, you want me to figure out what is going on?”

“I mean, considering we are short-staffed staffed, ya. We need someone to help the poor lady.” He gulped. “And I am sure as hell not going in there.”

Noel narrowed her eyes. “And why not?”

He gulped. “I mean, come on. The lady is swelling into a giant blue blob. What if that happens to me?”

Noel rolled her eyes. “Coward. Why did you get into medicine again.” She walked towards the door.

“I am not a coward.”

“Then why do you want to stay out here?”

He crossed his arms. “I just want to stay a healthy distance until I know what the young lady has isn’t contagious.”

“Right.” She shook her head and walked inside. As she turned her attention to the giant blue lady on the gurney, Noel said, “Ok, miss, what seems to be the problem today?”

“Problem? Oh, no problem at all. Ohh.” Blue liquid gushed out of the lady’s nipples. “I am just a happy blueberry, swelling away. Did you really have to drag me to the hospital?”

“Blueberry?” Noel put her hands into her lab coat. “Miss, are you suffering hallucinations? I know you are very. . .” She grabbed the lady’s swollen right leg. “Squishy?” She raised her hand, her eyes bulging as she watched the blue liquid dripping from her fingers.

“What is this liquid coming off your skin?”

“What that?” The lady giggled. “I can hardly keep my juice inside of me. Want a taste doc?”

“What! No. Look here.” Noel walked around her body and up towards the woman’s head. “I am here to try and help you. I don’t want to hear any more of this blueberry nonsense.” She ran her hand along the woman’s bloated stomach. “You are severely overweight, and this shade of blue can’t be healthy. And somehow, you seem to be getting bigger by the moment.

We need to run some tests. I will send someone for that.” She lowered her voice. “If I can find someone who isn’t scared of coming down with what you have.” Noel face palmed herself. “My colleges are nuts if they think they are going to catch this.”

The lady giggled. “Oh, they should be.”


“Do you want to know how I got this way, doc?”

Noel blinked her eyes. “Well, of course. This is some unknown medical phenomenon. If you have any idea how it happened, then please let me know. It will go a long way to treating you.”

“Lean down then so I can more easily tell you.” Noel did as she was told. “There. That is, it.” The blue lady slowly reached for her breasts and squeezed one of her nipples, squirting the blue juice into Noel’s mouth.

“Eehhhhh.” Noel shot up in surprise. “What the hell?” She wiped the blue gunk off her face. “Do you think that was funny?” Noel snorted. “Just for that, I am going to have some aids come in here and restrain you.”

The blueberry lady giggled. “Oh my.”

Noel scoffed. “You know we are trying to help you. Ughh.” She walked to the door. “I am going to go get those tests ordered.” She straightened her juice-soaked lab coat. “And in the meantime, try not to cover your room in your fluids. I don’t know yet if it’s safe or not.”

“Oh, don’t worry, hun. It is perfectly harmless and fun. You will definitely find it enjoyable.”

Noel rolled her eyes and opened the door. “Can I have someone in here to sedate this patient? She is delirious.”

As Noel left the room, she felt everything slowly heat up. As she made her way through the hospital halls, trying to put that nonsense behind her, she could feel deep down something was off.  Gurrgle. “Ughh.” She took a deep breath as she turned the corner. “I think the stress of dealing with that strange woman is starting to get to me. I just need to focus. Getting a blood sample for her will be an excellent place to start.” Noel rubbed her belly. “Though maybe I should take a moment. I did get pulled into this nonsense without any hesitation. And I am starting to feel the effects.”

She noticed a small, unoccupied bench and made her way to it. “Phew.”

She wiped the sweat from her face, the blue droplets falling to the ground. “Is it me, or is it hot in here.” She looked up at the light. “They should really work on the temperature in here.” Gurrgle.  Noel grabbed her belly. “Ugh, maybe going to work on an empty stomach was a bad idea. I. . .” She blinked, noticing blue dots on the back of her hand. “Am I going crazy?”

A moan escaped her lips as her nipples rubbed against her bra. “Ohh.”

Without realizing it, she rubbed her breasts. “They feel so sensitive all of a sudden.” She giggled as her hands turned blue. “They have never felt this good.” Noel quickly looked to make sure no one was looking before she gave her breasts a good squeeze. “Ahhh.” She rubbed them up and down. “I know I shouldn’t, but I just. . . I just can’t contain myself.” She moaned as she used her finger to rub her nipple. “Ohh fuck ya. Oh, baby.”

“Doctor Livingston?”


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