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Pam smirked. “You heard me. You are being let go, Heather.” She leaned forward, putting her hand on the desk. “I heard what you were doing with Mark after all. Such a naughty, naughty girl. You think we would let you work here?” A smirk slowly formed on her tan face. “You know dating people in the office is against the rules.”

Heather pulled at her dark curls. “I don’t know what you are talking about. I haven’t dated in months. Not after I was dumped.” She took deep breaths. “This is insane. I need this job.”

Pam shrugged. “What can I say. Life is hard.” She pushed herself off the desk. “You should really learn how to pull yourself up and deal with it. You do look a bit pathetic there, after all.” Pam waved her hand. “Now get out of my office. You have an hour to clean out your desk and leave the building, or you will be considered a trespasser.”

Heather snorted, narrowing her blue eyes. “You jerk.” She twisted around and rushed out of the office. “They can’t do this to me. I have been working my ass off for this company for years. And then they just turn around and fire me?” She flung the door open to her office. “This is insane. It is. . .”

Heather took a deep breath. “Ok. No need to get worked up.” She grabbed a box from under a table. “These jerks are not worth it. I will head home and start looking for a new job with. . .” She raised her voice. “With better people.” Heather sighed. “In the morning. Still, this is so fucked up.” She slammed her hand down, knocking over the portrait of her dog.

Once she was finished gathering her things, Heather exited her office. She then made the long trek toward the elevator. “The sooner I am out of here, the better.” As she passed her now ex-bosses office, she heard what sounded like giggling. The door was open just very slightly, and Heather was curious, so she put her ear against the door.

“Well, now no one is going to go looking into our little office romance, Mark. I found a scapegoat to get rid of. Soon the whole office will know her as the slut of floor twenty-five, so no one will be looking at us.”

Mark laughed. “Good. I never liked her anyways.”

Heather’s eyes widened. “Those assholes. They only fired me so they could get away with their little game. I. . . I . .” She shivered in rage. “I will get them back for this. They will see. They want to call me a slut; well, we will see about that.” Heather took a deep breath and calmly walked the rest of the way toward the elevator.


Two weeks later, Pam arrived early for work. Once on the twenty-fifth floor, she crept about, checking for any signs of life. “Mark? Mark, are you there?” She scratched her side. “Mark! This isn’t funny. Hello!”

When no answer came, she eventually sighed. “Where is he? He knows that we are supposed to get in early for some special us time.” She slammed her foot on the ground.

“Shesh. You can’t trust men sometimes.” As she rounded a corner, her eyes fell upon a blue box with a note attached to it. “Huh? What is this?” She walked up and ran her fingers across the red ribbon before pulling the note free. “It’s from Mark.”

Pam held the note to her face. “Dear Pam. I won’t be into work today. I have to go and take care of my little brother. He got into an accident. But I did want to get you this.” Pam unwrapped the box and looked inside. “These are some cookies I had a baker cook up a few days ago. I had wanted to give them to you in person, but. . . well, things got in the way. I hope you enjoy them.”

Pam smiled. “Aww.” She picked up one of the cookies. “Carmel. How did he know? I never even told him. Such a sweet man.” She sniffed the cookie in her hand, shivering in delight. “This smells sooo good. I will have to call him after this.” She licked her lips. “I hope it tastes half as good as it smells.”

Not waiting any longer, Pam dug in. Immediately, her taste buds were bombarded with heavenly delights. She sat back in a nearby chair, moaning from the mouthwatering treat she was enjoying. “Ohhh fuck. This is so good. Why it makes me feel so good. So light.

I feel like I could just do anything.”

By the time she had finished her wonderful treat, fifteen minutes had passed. She sat up, realizing her other co-workers would be here soon. “Crap.” She looked at the box. “I need to hide this. They can’t know about me and Mark.” She rushed into her office and stashed it under her desk. “There. That will do.” She smirked. “Now, to just go through the rest of the day.”

As she turned around, she felt a strange sensation building up inside of her. “Ughh.”

Pam rubbed her chest. “When I said I felt light earlier, this isn’t what I meant. Shesh.”

She blinked her eyes, waving her hands about. “It is as if I can’t even feel my hands right now.” Pam took a deep breath. “And I feel a strange tightening sensation as well.” She shook her head. “I think the stress of trying to keep my thing with Mark is getting to me. I just need to focus and greet my co-workers.”

She pushed the door open and forced a smile on her face. “Hi, Pam.” Doug extended out his right hand as he sipped coffee with his left. “Always nice to see you in the morning.” His green eyes scanned back and forth. “I don’t see Mark. I usually see him around, too.”

“Oh?” Pam giggled. “Well, he had something to do and won’t be in today. Thank you for getting the coffee machine going, though.”

He smiled. “I always do.” Doug looked at her chest. “Did you get a new blouse or something?”

“No. This is the outfit I always wear to work.”

“Hmmm. Strange. I guess. . .”

Pam arched an eyebrow. “Why are you looking at my chest like that?”

He blinked his eyes. “Oh? Nothing.” His dark cheeks turned bright red.

“Nothing. Nothing at all.” He turned around. “I will be at my desk.”

She crossed her arms. “That was strange. I never thought Doug would want to stare like that. Ugh.” She moved her arms down. “Is it just me, or is my blouse getting tight. I feel light, and it is chafing right around my breasts.” She scratched at her head as she walked towards the break room to get coffee. “Also, is it me, or did my boobs feel slightly bigger? No, of course not. I must be imagining things. This light feeling is just going to my head.” Pam pulled at her pants as she felt them tighten. “That has to be it. Oh, please let it be it.”

As she entered the break room, all eyes fell on her. Pam took a deep breath as she stood in the doorway, feeling her co-workers’ eyes staring at her. “What are they all looking at. Do they think there is something wrong with me?” She adjusted her slacks. “Fuck everything is becoming so fucking tight. I just need to get my coffee.” She walked across the room. “And ignore all of these weirdos. If they keep acting this way, I will just reduce their pay. Yes, that is what I will do. I will teach them to leer at me.”

As Pam poured herself a cup of coffee, Hilliary called out, “Hey, Pam. Nice ass.”

“Ya. Looking really good today, Pam.” Eathen laughed.

Pam rolled her eyes as she pulled her cup away and turned around. “It is the same fucking ass you all have seen before. I don’t know what has gotten into you all, but. . .” She raised her mug to her lips before suddenly hitting it on her boobs. “Ahhhh!” The cup fell to the ground, hot coffee spilling all over the place. “My boobs aren’t this big! What the hell happened!” She pressed her hands against her breasts. “It’s as if I went up two, no three cup sizes.” Pam squeezed her breasts. “Why do they feel so light, though? How can they feel so tight and light?”

Pam suddenly realized the entire break room was staring at her. “Umm. . .”

Her cheeks turned bright red. “I mean. I got you!” She pointed at everyone. “Surprise.”

They all looked at each other. “Of course, I know my breasts are bigger.” She laughed.

“I was just trying to play up the surprise. Ahahahh.”

Hilliary blinked her amber eyes. “Kind of a strange surprise if you ask me.”

Eathen tapped his fingers on the table. “Umm ya. Well. . .” He stood up.

“I have work to do. I will see you later.” He hurried away.

Hillary sighed. “We don’t officially start for another fifteen minutes. Where exactly is he going?”

Pam gulped. “By the look on his face, I have one guess. Oh god.”

Hillary looked back at Pam. “So where is Mark? He is usually here by now.”

Pam walked over and sat down, her butt squishing against the sides of the chair. “Ugnhhh. They don’t make these things like they used to, do they?” She squirmed, forcing herself into the seat. “Fuck.” She sighed. “Anyways, he had a family issue, so he won’t be around today.”

“Ahhh.” Hillary stood up. “Also, I think you overdid it with the implants. I mean. . .” She sighed. “I mean, for god’s sake, Pam. You can barely sit in that chair.” She pointed at her ass. “Parts of your butt are pouring out the sides of the chair. Have some self-control.” She picked up her cup and walked out of the room.

Pam sneered. “Self-control?” Pam slammed her hand onto the table. “Do you think I am trying to make my body inflate like this you. . .” Her eyes widened as she realized she couldn’t get out of the chair; her butt was now too big. “Holy crap.” As she looked down, she felt her feet rise off the ground. “Come on, let me out of here. Huh?” She looked down and realized she was slowly rising off the ground, ass first.

Pam grabbed onto the table as she realized she was slowly floating into the air. “Hey.” She moaned as the chair tightened around her butt. “Ughhh. God damnit. I think I really am swelling up. Fuck. I need to get out of this.”


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