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Cartastic Date.

Tess rushed to grab the phone. “Hello?”


“Patrick? What are you doing calling me this early in the morning?” She held the towel over her dripping-wet body. “I just barely got out of the shower.” Tess shivered, her nipples hardening.

“Sorry. I didn’t think I would. . . umm. . .”

Tess crossed her arms, her towel falling to the ground. “Patrick, what is it that you want exactly? Spit it out!”

She could hear the gulp on the other side of the phone. “Well, you see, Tess, I have been wanting to umm. . . ask this for a while. You see, I just heard from Carien that she is going to get married and that—”

“Wait, Carien is getting married! Who told you?!”

“Umm, I just got a text today. Carien told me that she won’t be coming to our Dungeon Delvers group for a while as she is going to be figuring out some stuff as she is getting married to Sarah. Apparently, getting married to a giantess has some major complications.”

Tess paced back and forth. “I can’t believe they didn’t tell me. I mean, I am Sarah’s best friend. Well, now that she is dating Carien, that is. How dare they not tell me before you.”

“Umm, Tess?”

“I will have to have a serious talk with them next time I see them. Just because Sarah is a giantess now doesn’t mean she can forget—”



She heard a gulp from the other end of the line. “Will you. . . will you go out on a date with me?”

Tess stopped dead in her tracks, water droplets dripping off her nipples. “What did you just say?”

“That I would like to go out on a date? Is there a problem?”

Tess’s heart began to race. “I... Umm. . .” She didn’t even know Patrick thought of her in that way. Hell, she didn’t even think anyone thought of her in that way. Her last measly attempt at a relationship wound up with the jackass ghosting her after one date because a new hot lady moved into his office. A few months later, she had bumped into the jerk, and he had the gull to complain that she was avoiding him. Needless to say, dating has been at the back of her mind.

“Tess? Please, for the love of god, don’t leave me hanging here.”

“I umm. . .” She tugged at her dark curls. “Sure. We can go out on a date, I guess.” She gulped. “What time were you thinking?”

“Well, you know I am very busy running this store. I only really have tonight off.

Sorry, it’s last minute and all.”

“Oh no. Not at all. My boss is out for the week, and I got some vacation time. It works out. Tonight, works perfectly.”

“Really. Well, then, how does coming over for some steaks sound? It is the best I can do on my budget. No fancy restaurants for me, and well, I don’t feel like taking you out for something like TerryBerg’s for a first date. It has to be special.”

“That is fine, Patrick. Besides, you do make some good steak. What time do you want me to be over?”

“Six is good.”

She reached down and grabbed her towel. “Six it is. I hope those steaks will be piping hot by the time I get there.” Tess ended the call and set it on the edge of the sink. “Well, this is certainly an interesting start to the day.” She smiled. “I still can’t believe he is interested in me. It is sure going to be an interesting night, that is for sure.”


Later that evening, Tess sat on the back porch of Patrick’s house, a plate of steak in her lap. “This is really, really good, Patrick.” She took a deep breath. “You can just smell the juices coming off of it.”

He smiled. “Thank you.” He leaned back in his chair. “That means a lot coming from you.”

Tess rolled her shoulders as she ate a piece of steak. “So, how long have you been waiting to ask me out?”

“Two years.”

Tess coughed. “Two years? I. . .” She blushed. “I never knew.”

Patrick took a bite out of his food. “I am nervous as hell around people, especially concerning matters like this. I thought it I said something you would. . .”

Tess set her food down. “That I would what, Patrick?”

He sighed. “I don’t know. Laugh, I guess? When I was a kid, I used to go around asking everyone I could on dates. It didn’t take long for me to find out that because of my more portly size, they all would laugh at me. Called it absurd. Foolish. I just. . .”

“You just never thought you would meet someone?”


“I know how that feels.” She reached out and touched his hand. “I wouldn’t laugh at you, ok. I will tell you that this has been an amazing first date so far.” She smiled. “And I would like to see where. . .” She looked up at the sky as the moon slowly rose into the air. “Kind of odd for the moon to be coming out this early.” She shivered, feeling her body tremble.

“Oh ya. It does that sometimes. I have seen the moon out even in the middle of the day. It is odd.” Patrick looked at Tess. “Are you ok? You look a bit pale.”

Tess shook her head. “I don’t know. I feel a bit odd all of a sudden. Maybe I ate too much?”

“Want to come inside? Maybe we can find something.”

Tess scratched at her ass as she stood up. “Ok. That sounds good.” She took a deep breath. “Is it just me, or do my breasts feel like they are becoming heavier. Ughhh.”

Setting her food down, she followed Patrick into the house. “Ok, so have Tylenol upstairs. Do you want me to go and get it?”

Tess nodded her head as she sat down in a nearby chair. “Yes, that sounds good.” She took a deep breath. “I don’t know what is going on. I just feel very. . . heavy and full in certain parts of my body.”

Patrick scratched at the back of his head. “Umm, can you be a bit more specific? I want to help, but I can’t if I don’t know what is going on.”

Tess blushed as her boobs pressed against her bra. “I. . .” She took a deep breath. “I can’t tell him that my ass feels so fucking hard and hot. And my boobs. . . oh god, I am doing everything I can to keep a straight face as they rub against my bra.” Tess closed her eyes. “I swear someone hit me with a horny stick, as everything is just so fucking sensitive.”


“I think that Tylenol would do me some good.” She moaned. “So, hurry on upstairs, please.” She crossed her legs. “Ohhhh.”


She looked up at him. “What?!”

He shakily pointed at her chest. “I hate that I umm. . . ummm have to say this, but your. . .” Patrick gulped. “Your boobs are swelling. I can see your nipples.”

Tess laughed. “That is absurd. I think I would know if my boobs were. . .” She looked down at her chest and gasped. “Oh my god!” She moaned as her breasts pressed against her t-shirt. “Ughhh. Ohhhh.”

“I don’t think Tylenol is going to help with this.”

Tess put her hands on her knees, sweat dripping down the side of her face. “I feel very warm, Patrick. Very, very warm.” Her body started to vibrate, slowly making a revving sound. “Ohhhhh.”

Patrick took a step back. “I think I am going to call for help.”

Tess jumped to her feet, her hand grasping Patrick’s wrist. “No.”

She breathed against his neck. “I don’t want you to go anywhere.” He gulped, sweat beating down his neck. “I. . . ohhh. . .” She moaned as her slowly expanding ass pressed against her jeans. Shrripppp. “I want you to stay here with me. Please. Ohhhhh.”

“But you need. . .”

“I want you here with me.” Rips and tears began to form in her pants as her thighs and ass became too big to handle. “Please?”

Patrick took a deep breath. “Of course, I will stay here with you. We may have only gone out on one date, but. . .” He cried out as Tess suddenly kissed him, her massive boobs pressing against his body. “Ohhhh fuck!”

“Mhhhm. Ohh Patrick.” A honking sound escaped her body. “You really. . .” She honked again. “You are such a wonderful man.”

“What is happening to you?”

“I. . .” Her ass ripped through her jeans. “I just feel so hot.” The shredded remains of her pants fell to the ground as her thighs continued to swell. “I don’t know what is going on.”

Her nipples pierced her shirt and bra. “Ohhh.”

Patrick’s eyes widened. “Your hands! They are starting to swell as well!”

Tess looked at her hands as they slowly expanded, turning black and rubbery. “Ohhh my.” A revving sound roared from within her body once again. “I think what happened to my boss is happening to me. That must be why my boobs and ass are getting so big.” Her breasts tore through her t-shirt. “Ohhhh. Ohh, god!” Sweat dripped down her forehead. “And it’s why they feel so heavy and hard.”

“A car? What do you mean by a car? Tess people can’t turn into cars?”

Tess suddenly wobbled back and forth. “Whoh.” She fell onto Patrick, her squishy boobs pressing against his body. “Well, mister, I am.” Shrriripp.  Her feet burst out of her sneakers as they swelled into two massive wheels to match her hands. “Oh fuck.” She giggled. “I didn’t expect you would be rubbing against my breasts so soon. Ohhhh.”

Patrick blushed. “I umm. . . I didn’t think this would happen so soon either.” He gulped as his dick slowly hardened. “Umm, maybe I should side out from under you. I mean, you are starting to get very heavy.” Her breasts continued to press against him as they swelled, pressing against Patrick and one another. “I mean, soon, your boobs will take up your entire chest.” He reached down to hide his hardened cock. “Not that having massive boobs is a problem, Tess. Far from it.” He laughed.

“Ohhh, maybe you are right. I could crush you.” She pushed herself up, balancing on her wheels. “I don’t want my growing frame to smush you. Even if it does feel nice.” Patrick scrambled out from under her, brushing against her hardened nipples. “Ohhh, god. Ohhhh.”

Tess honked as he slid out from under her, a tailpipe sliding out of her ass. “I... I. . .” She revered her engines, her body starting to turn metallic. “I need to drive. Hit the road.

Ohhhh. . .”


She moaned as dramatic changes started to affect her body. Her ass expanded at an alarming rate, her legs growing to accommodate. It slowly morphed and hardened into a shiny red trunk. Tess continued to honk as more changes affected her body, sweat beating down her body as she continued to change. “I. . . ohhh. . .” Her body formed the frame of the car while her boobs filled in the interior. Tess licked her lips as everything slowly hardened, puffs of smoke coming from her tailpipe as her boobs hardened into the chairs and steering wheel. “Ohh my.”

Patrick gulped. “I umm. . . I would love to sit in your seats.”

“Would you now? Because I would. . .” She honked. “I. . .” Tess honked again, her eyes flicking. Soon all that escaped her lips were the sounds of her engine purring.

Patrick gulped. “Don’t worry.” He flung her driver’s door open. “I know just what to do.” He sat down in her driver’s chair, causing Tess to honk. “Oh god. I forgot I am sitting on what used to be your breasts. Umm. . .” His dick pressed against his pants. “What do I do?” He watched as her head slowly morphed into the front of her new sleek car form. “Think. Think.

I can’t just leave her in my house.”

Tess’s head transformed into its new form, her front lights turning on. Slowly her engine purred to life, and she began to roll forward.

Patrick looked back and forth as the seatbelt latched onto his body. “Hey, what is going on?” He gulped. “Tess. Let me go. Tess!”

The radio suddenly turned on. “We are going for a drive, Patrick. I hope you are ready. Now if you would be a dear and rub my steering wheel. Otherwise, I might have to tighten my belt.”

Patrick laughed. “I don’t think that will be a problem.” He gripped her steering wheel as she pulled out onto the street. “I will try my best to please my car lady.” Her engine purred. “As long as you don’t do anything dangerous.”

“I can’t promise that.”

Patrick’s eyes widened as she sped off into the night.


Tess blinked her eyes, the morning sun greeting her. “Ughh. What happened?” She tried to sit up, but there was a weight on her chest. “Ughh. Huh?” She looked up to see Patrick lying on top of her, butt naked. “What?” She shook her head. “What is going on? Patrick?” Her eyes widened as she realized she was also naked and covered in oil. “Huh? What in the world happened? Patrick? Patrick!”


Jym Roberts

Is there a follow up story to this. I love this werecar series


There will be sometime soon. There are quite a few people who enjoy the were car stories, so I won't stop writing them. But I am also working on a story thread that will take me well into next year, so I am focused on making that happen. I might be writing the next one for early or mid Oct as my mind is now working on one.