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Hidden Carma Mayhem p2

Nora sighed as she laid down on the ridge of Flora’s right squishy breast. “This is really taking some time to adjust to Ester.”

He pitched the tent. “What are you talking about? Our new living arrangements are just wonderful.” He jumped up and down on the squishy ground. “I mean, we get to live on ginormous boobs. What is not to love?”

“I mean, how are we supposed to get up and down off of Flora Town?”

“Ehhh, they are working on that.” He walked over to her. “But come on, honey. We get to be in the most unique town in the entire country. What is not to love?”

She shivered as the wind blew past. “Well, considering how high we are up, it can be freezing at times.” The ground shook. “And Flora seems to have these pleasure throbs as well.” Nora fell to the ground. “I am worried when you get our makeshift house up that, Flora will just knock it down again.”

Ester laughed. “Oh, don’t worry too much. We will make it work.” He walked over and rubbed her shoulder. “We always have.” He moved her blonde hair from her face. “For now, let’s just enjoy the moment. I mean, who knows when the next time we will be on mountain-sized breasts again.”

She laughed. “I mean, I don’t even know if something like this will ever happen again.

But. . .” She kissed him. “I guess enjoying our time here isn’t such a bad idea. Since we are a bit stuck.”

“That is my girl.” He pulled her to her feet.

“Besides, it could be worse.”

“How so?”

She smirked. “We could be trying to make our house next to one of the nipples. I heard they get a little juicy.”

Ester shrugged. “What, you don’t want things to get hard and wet?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Hey, I want things to be as stable as possible, mister.” He poked his chest. “So, I would like to limit the giant lady having her fun messing with our home as much as possible.”

“Ok, ok. Look, can you look around for a bit?” He walked back over to the tent. “I think Don or someone else was going to set up a shop while the others work on putting up something to connect us with the ground. Maybe you can go and buy us something. Hmm?”

“Ok. But this house of ours better be standing when I get back. Because if it isn’t. . .” She snorted.

Ester waved his firm hands. “Ok, ok, I get it. I will have a working home for you in a bit.” He sighed. “If only Flora would allow us to build actual homes on her breasts and ass. I mean, putting wood and such into her boobs might be fun. We won’t poke too far, right?” He sighed.

Nora turned around and headed down the breast towards the nipple. “Well, time to see how this shop is coming along.” She shivered as another gust of wind hit her in the face. “If I knew jumping on a Flora’s swelling boobs would lead to this, I might have reconsidered.” She looked at the few standing homes. “At least they get to have their places. Lucky bastards.”

One of the homeowners stepped out onto their porch. “Oh hey, Nora. Nice day isn’t it in Flora Town?”

She snorted. “Yes. Enjoying your new neighborhood Gordan?”

He hugged himself as he nodded. “Yes. I wonder if I will be able to grow flowers here. Though my one complaint is, I am not sure if I should have my kid over now from the ex-wife.” He rubbed his chin. “Ahh, well, I can figure that out later.”

Nora raised an eyebrow. “Umm, ok. Well, nice seeing you, Gordan.” She hurried down the makeshift path.

He waved at her. “You too. Tell Ester I said hi.” He then slid his hands into his pockets and looked at his house. “Well, time to call my friends and tell them the situation. I can’t wait to see their faces.” He walked inside his house.

Nora scratched at her right arm. “Is it me, or are people a little odder after our state of living change?” She smiled as the family goods store came into view. “Well, here I am. Hopefully, Greg has something in stock.”

She had to pull the sliding door open as it wasn’t working correctly due to Flora’s growth spurt. “Hello? Greg, are you in?”

A small, portly man wobbled out from the back of the store. “Oh hey, Nora.” He set a package on the counter. “What are you doing here? I would think you would be helping the others in getting a working elevator down by the south ridge so we can get some people out into the world again.” He sighed. “And I can get some new goods in here without having to set up a bloody airport. Imagine that. A small town like ours with an airport.” He laughed. “I do think people would come from miles around, though, for such a feat.”

Nora shook her head. “I don’t want any part in that. I have a house to set up, considering mine crumbled when Miss Flora grew to her generous size.” She crossed her arms. “And well, we can’t just go poking in new wood and such. . .”

“Well, you know we can’t go angering our hostess.”

“I know. I know.” She sighed. “I came for any food supplies if you have any. I know it’s a bit of a long shot until they get that elevator working.”

“Well, in fact.” Greg turned around. “I still have this.” He grabbed a strange looking can. “I don’t know where it came from, though. It is the strangest thing. It rolled into my shop after the great breast inflation.” He laughed. “At first, I thought I had gotten a free product to sell. But when no one wanted to buy an unmarked bottle of juice, well. . .” He shrugged. “It has just sat here. Waiting for someone to come along.”

“Oh really? Where do you think it came from?”

“Who knows. My guess is it had something to do with those strange people doing a hidden camera television show. You know, the ones hanging around Flora when this whole thing started.” He scratched at his chin. “But if that is so, I would have a bad feeling about it.”


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