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The Real Wonderland Service.

Vess slammed a sign into the ground in front of a small hole. “People keep pestering me about my giantess potions. About my shrinking potions.” She took a step back. “About how I just can’t get enough for them. Well, I will give them more than they can handle. The bastards.” She sighed. “I can’t take another pestering person wanting me to get them one of these size-changing potions lickety-split. Do they think they grow on trees?” She shook her head. “Wait, scratch that. These things very well might grow on trees. That strange Wonderland down there, anything can happen.”

She sighed. “But I was going about this all wrong. Instead of trying to steal the potions and cookies, I should instead try and turn this place into a theme park of sorts. Yes. You go down, have some fun, and pay out a bunch of money. What could ever go wrong?”


Velma held Terry’s hand tightly. “Isn’t it a wonderful day to be out in the park? The wind blowing through our hair.” She smiled as her long dark hair bounced against the back of her jacket. “And the sweet aroma that you just can’t get anywhere else. Especially when we are locked up in that house of ours.”

Terry sighed. “I told you I like to write. What is wrong with that? It doesn’t mean I like to be locked up in our house.”

Velma narrowed her amber eyes. “Don’t deny it. You spend an awfully good amount of time in our home. I practically had to beg you to come out here today.” She turned her head. “Now look at this. There is a wonderful world to enjoy out here. You can’t get that sitting in front of that computer of yours now, can you?”

Terry shrugged. “I can’t get my work done either now, can I? Maybe if you would have let me finish first. . .”

“Work, work, work, is that all you think about? Live a little! Now let’s do the first thing we see. No thinking, just do.” Velma closed her eyes. “Ok. . . okkkkkkkk.” She opened them. “Now!” She blinked her eyes as she looked down at a strange little sign in front of a hole. “Welcome to Wonderland. Yes, the real Wonderland? To enter, please put twenty dollars into the bucket and jump into the hole. Your size-bending adventure awaits?”

Terry laughed. “This has to be a scam. Right? Right?”

Velma shrugged and looked at her girlfriend. “I don’t know. I mean, I heard there is a strange shop around here that sells size-changing and other weird stuff. Who knows if this is connected to that.”

“You can’t believe this is real.” Terry slammed her boot onto the ground. “Wonderland is a children’s story. A CHILDREN’S STORY! You can’t really believe a place like that actually exists.”

A woman in a flamboyant outfit approached them. “Oh, but it does. I have been there myself.” She extended her hand out. “My name is Vess. Perhaps you have heard of me?”

Terry shook her head. “Nope. Not one word.”

Vess shrugged her shoulders. “What a shame. What a darn shame.” She put her hand on Terry and Velma’s shoulders. “And here I thought my name would have been spread to the heavens by now.”

“I guess not,” Velma said. “But it isn’t all bad. You will get there one day.”

“I know. I know. Anyhoo.” Vess pointed at the strange-looking hole. “Don’t you two want to take a relaxing trip into Wonderland? I am sure you would just adore it.”

Terry narrowed her eyes. “How? By just jumping into this hole that is barely wide enough for us? What do you take us for?”

Velma laughed. “I mean, what if she is telling us the truth? I always wanted to go to Wonderland.”

Terry threw her arms into the air. “But it isn’t real. I am telling you.”

Velma narrowed her eyes. “Well, I want to see it for myself.” She took a twenty out of her purse. “Here is the money, Vess.”

Vess smiled. “Well, enjoy your trip down the rabbit hole.”

Terry held out her hand as Velma jumped down the hole. “No, wait.”

She gasped. “Wait. She really fucking vanished?” She paced back and forth as she tried to get her breath. “She just vanished down a hole. What am I supposed to do?”

Vess laughed. “You could join her in Wonderland.”

“I. . .” Terry gulped. “You mean go down that . . . that!” She took a deep breath. “Ok.

Ok. This is simple. I just head down there and get Velma back. Simple as that. Yes.”

She took a twenty out of her pocket. “It won’t be any trouble at all.” She pointed a finger at Vess. “Then afterward, I am coming back here with the cops for this sham. You trick people into a hole. If this is. . .” She shook her head. “No, no. Not the time to lose my cool. I need to get my Vel, Vel back.” She closed her eyes. “I am coming, Velma!” Terry jumped into the hole.

Despite its small size, Terry managed to slip right through it. “Ahhhhh!”

She closed her eyes as she waited to fall into some kind of trap. But she continued to fall, her descent slowing down until she gently floated downward. “Huh?” She looked around at the massive hole filled with strange objects, from clocks to books. “What is this?” She spun around. “I... This can’t be real?” Terry reached out and grabbed a teacup filled to the brim with piping hot tea. “It has to be some kind of trick. Right?”

Eventually, she reached the bottom of the strange tunnel, landing in a comfy chair filled to the brim with leaves of all colors. “Hey.” Terry blinked her eyes as she slowly sank into the chair. “Let me out!” Fighting her way to the top, she hopped out onto a black and white checked floor. “Huh?” She stood in a long hallway filled with doors. “Well, the decorator sure went crazy here. I feel like I landed in a hotel room.” She scratched at her head. “Now, where did Velma go? She couldn’t have gone very far now, could she?”

Terry jumped out of her skin as a familiar voice filled the air. “Hello and welcome to Wonderland.” She held her hand over her heart. “I am so happy you decided to take the plunge down the rabbit hole. Now please walk around and enjoy yourself. Trust me, it will be a wild ride. Worth every penny. Enjoy your time here.”

Terry narrowed her eyes as she noticed the voice recorder sitting beside the chair. “Well, this Vess lady sure goes all out on trying to get our money now, doesn’t she?” She sighed.

“Well, I better find Velma before anything weird happens.” She held her hand to her lips as she walked down the corridor. “Velma! Hey, where are you? Hello?” Terry scratched at her jeans. “Hey, how long is this hallway? I swear this is starting to get a little weird.” She looked at the repeating doorways. “Like seriously, this can’t really just be a long section of just checkered flooring and doors, can it?”

She gulped, looking back the way she came. “Hey, where did the chair and tunnel go?”

Terry hugged herself. “This place is starting to become a little spooky. Velma!” She walked up to the nearest door. “Who the hell made this thing half my height? And why is it locked.” Terry walked over to the next one, this door being double her size. “This place is bonkers, that is for sure. Maybe that Vess lady was right and...” She shook her head. “No. Wonderland isn’t real. It can’t be. It just can’t be.”

Terry reached up and tried the giant door. “Thank god. This one is unlocked.” The door slowly creaked open, giving way to a circular room with more doors. “What?” She walked inside. “I am starting to think this is some kind of practical joke. I am going to try another. . .” When she turned around, the way she had come in had already shut. “Wait, how is this thing my size now?” She scratched at her head. “I think I am losing my mind.”

Terry turned her head and noticed a table in the center of the room. “Oh no.

Oh no, no, no.” She waved her hands. “I know what this looks like, and I want no part in it.” She crossed her arms. “Where is that Vess woman? I want a refund.” Terry shook her fist in the air. “You hear me! I want a refund from this overly realistic Wonderland.”

When there was no response, Terry sighed. “Well, I guess I should try and play along.”

She walked up to the crystal table. “Huh?” Her blue eyes narrowed on the sheet of paper sitting on the table. “What is this?” She picked it up. “It’s from Velma!” Terry cleared her throat. “Terry. I don’t know if you decided to follow me down the rabbit hole, but if you did well, this place is amazing. A real-life Wonderland. I didn’t imagine things would be so kinky, though.” Terry raised an eyebrow. “I mean trying to figure my way out of this room. . . oh, I wish you were here as oh boy. It was so. . . let’s say I would have been all over you. If you did come, please find me. This experience is so lovely, and I am thinking about you. And well, with these size-changing potions, I can’t wait to jump onto my lovely lady with my new lovely babies.”

Terry raised an eyebrow. “What in the world?” She set the piece of paper on the table. “Kinky? That isn’t a word I would ever think to hear in Wonderland.” She turned her head. “But I guess if I expect to find Velma, I am going to have to find my way through this room, aren’t I?” Terry looked at the tiny door. “I mean, that has to be my way out, right? The absurd route is usually the correct route. But where is the shrinking bottle?”

She turned back towards the table to see a box with a cake in it marked “Eat Me.” Terry scratched at her chin as she approached. “That isn’t the bottle.” She picked the little cake out of the glass box. “Umm, is any of this right? I did wake up this morning, correct?” She shrugged her shoulders. “Ah, well. I might as well try it. So, I can meet up with Velma, right?” She nibbled on one of the tiny white cake corners. “Mhm. At least it tastes good.” Terry began to scratch at her right breast. “Why do I feel warm all of a sudden, though?” She moaned as her blouse tightened. “Ughh, what is going on?” Her nipples hardened as her boobs swelled, expanding her chest. Terry dropped the cake onto the floor as she grabbed her breasts. “This isn’t what happened in the story at all.” A button popped off of her blouse. “Ohh fuck. . .”

Terry moaned as her blouse gripped her sensitive boobs, becoming tighter and tighter by the second. “I just. . .” She took a deep breath, another button snapping off her blouse. “I need a moment. Fuck!” Her eyes widened as her pants started to tighten. “Oh god.

It’s spreading.” She looked down as the floor slowly drifted away from her. “And I am growing to boot. Ohh fuck.” She rubbed her swollen ass. “What was in that little cake?” Shrrripppp.

Her swollen ass and hips created a big tear right down the ass crack of her jeans. “Ugghh.” She tried turning around to see it, only to cause another button to pop off her blouse. “Everything is so damn tight.” She moaned. “And fucking sensitive.” She took a deep breath. “Is this what Velma meant when the experience was kinky?” Her blouse burst open in a shower of buttons. “Because I don’t know what to say. I. . .” She moaned as her nipples rubbed against her bra. “Oh god.”

Terry stumbled across the room, knocking over the glass table, and rubbed her ass against one of the giant pillars. “Ohh, that feels so much better.” She moaned. “Ahh, yes, right there.” Her jeans ripped more and more as she rubbed. “That is helping some of this growing tension.” She looked at the ceiling. “Ohh, but I am slowly running out of room.” Her boobs throbbed as her bra tightened around her body. “Stop growing already. Ohhh.”

As her pants burst off her body, Terry’s head brushed against the ceiling. “I am running out of room fast.” She walked into the center of the room, putting her hands on the walls. “Ok, think. Think.” She moaned as her bra tightened even more onto her gigantic boobs. “Ohh fuck, but it is so hard to think when this thing is pressing against my. . . my. . .” She licked her lips. “Babies.” She took a deep breath, sweat dripping down her back. “This is much more intense than I was expecting.” Her eyes shot open as she felt her panties press against her groin, rubbing against her pussy. “Fuck!”

With that, her growth came to an end, and Terry stood there as sweat dripped off her body. “Holy crap. That was. . . amazing.” She looked around the now tiny room. “What was it I was doing.” She moaned as she wracked her brain, trying to think. “I was. . . I was. . .” She took a deep breath. “Oh yes. I was trying to find Velma. Ohhh.” She rubbed her big juicy ass. “But how am I ever going to find her like this? Look at me?” She slapped her butt, crying out in joy. “I am not going anywhere anytime soon.” She smiled. “It is a bit wonderful.”

Terry shook her head. “No! I have to get out of here. I have to shrink.” She groaned.

“Even though I just got that amazing figure.” She took a moment to press her boobs against the wall, squeezing one of the columns between her breasts. “A quick. . . ohhhh yesss babbyyyyyy. . . moment to enjoy myself while I can.  Ahhh, that hits the spot.” Her nipples pierced her bra. “Ohh god, yes.”

After she had collected herself, she looked down at her feet. “Ok, now let me see if I can’t find a way to shrink myself. Hmmm. . .” Below her, Terry could see the tattered remains of her clothing, the overturned chair, and what looked like a strange-looking container that she hadn’t seen before. “Hmm, that looks odd. I wonder.”

Terry bent down, her boobs and ass rubbing against the walls as she did so. “Ohh fuck.

Ohh. . . god!” Eventually, her hands wrapped around the container. “Ok, let me see what this is.” She narrowed her eyes. “Ugh, I can’t see. I need to stand up.” She smiled. “Yay!” She slowly stood up, making sure to rub her boobs against the nearby column as she did so. “Oh ya.

That is the spot.” She licked her lips. “Ohhhh baby.”

Once she was fully upright again, her breasts bouncing against one another, Terry held the strange object in front of her face. “Now let’s see here. It looks like a small potion. This must be how I shrink down.” She sighed. “But do I really want to?” She looked at her breasts. “That would mean giving up my new figure.”

“No! I have to find Velma. And if that means going through the kinkiest Wonderland ever, that means I will shrink down.” She gulped down the potion. “So here I go!” Her body trembled as the drink took effect. “Ohhh fucckkk!” Terry quickly shrank downward, falling out of her bra and panties as she became mere inches in only a few seconds. “Ahhhh!”

She grabbed onto her bra, using it as a parachute. “Fuck!” She watched her undergarments fall to the ground. “That was fast!” She watched as she slowly floated to the ground. “That potion had some kick.” She smiled as she noticed she still had her big boobs and ass. “Hey, I still have my babies. I win.”

Once she was on the ground, Terry was caught off guard by just how massive the room had become. “Holy crap!” She spun around. “This is. . .” She gulped. “Where is the key supposed to be?” She twisted about. “There is a key, right?”

Terry slammed her foot onto the ground. “Ugh, screw this. I don’t have time for any more of this nonsense.” She rushed across the room towards the nearest doorway. “I am going to find Velma, and I am going to find her now.” She fell onto her chest, moaning as her big squishy boobs rubbed against the hard floor. “Ohhh myyyy.” She then squeezed her way under the door. “Who needs a key when you are this small?” She giggled. “Besides. . .” She moaned as her ass rubbed against the bottom of the door. “I love pressing my body against these. . . tight spaces.”


The sniping spy

I wonder if Terry will ever find velma


Well all I know is there is still quite a few kinky size bending adventures to come.