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The Blueberry Sale.

Martha grabbed Paul by the arm. “Hey, will you look at this?” She pointed at the sign on Goodman’s Friendly Market window. “Big Blueberry Sale Bash. Come one come all for the best blueberries in the entire state. Sale lasts this night only from eight pm to ten. You won’t be disappointed.” She turned to look at Paul, her green eyes beaming. “Do you know what this means?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “What? That the store is having a flash sale?”

She stamped her foot onto the ground. “No. It means we can get more than enough blueberries for the upcoming fair. You know that one where Sandra is going to be making her so-called world-famous pie.” She rolled her eyes. “Such a big ass lie. But I am not going to let that bitch beat me this year. So, we are going to this sale tonight and getting as many blueberries as we can to win the contest at the fair.”

“But I thought we had bad movie night tonight.”

Martha groaned. “I think we can skip bad movie night. I mean, that is just suffering in movie edition.” She shook her head. “I think we can push it off for another night or something. Right?”

Paul sighed. “I mean. . . fine. Fine.” He waved his calloused hands about.

“We can wait a day or two.” He pointed his stubby finger at her. “But we are going to watch some bad movies and have a fun time. Ok!”

“Ok. Ok. Don’t worry.” She rubbed Paul’s shoulder. “We will have our special night soon. But this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

“You mean once in a month. The store down the street just did something like this.”

Martha crossed her arms. “Ok, so it happens quite often in this small shopping space.

But like I said. . .”

“And I have heard rumors about this store. Like people taking stuff from here and turning into blueberries.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Are you done trying to change the subject and scare me? We are going to this flash sale, and that is final.”

“Ok. But if anything, weird happens, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

She turned around, looking once more at the small store with its brick walls. “Oh, I think I can handle weird. But I mean, this night isn’t going to get too out of control. How could it? It is just going to be a simple late-night sale. At the worst, we just have to fight for some stilly ole blueberries.”


Later that night, Martha stretched her arms as she laid back in her SUV. “How much longer?”

“You asked me that five minutes ago. The store will open soon.”

“That isn’t what I asked Paul. How much longer until it opens.”

He sighed. “Ten minutes. You know this wouldn’t have been such a boring wait if we had gone out and done something. Why did we have to wait in the SUV for almost five hours?”

“Because I wanted to be one of the first people in the store.” She jumped out of the car. “Now come on. Come on already.”

He scratched at the back of his head. “Aren’t you going a little crazy over a blueberry sale?”

She turned her head, her eyes dark with rage. “I am going to win that competition at any cost. Now either you help me or go home. There is no place for losers here tonight. Do you hear me?”

He gulped. “Ok, ok.” He shut the SUV door and followed after her. “You are going a bit nuts over this blueberry stuff.”

“What was that?”


As they approached the door, a young man in a blueberry outfit stepped forward to greet them. “Hello and welcome to Goodman’s Friendly Market. Are you here for the Blueberry sale?”

Martha nodded her head. “Yes. I want to buy as many blueberries as possible for a competition in a few days.” She rubbed her hands together. “So let me in so I can get my goods, my friend.”

He stepped aside. “Just this way. Look around and shop to your heart’s desire.”

“Oh boy.” Martha rushed inside.

The young man put his hand on Paul’s shoulder. “Sorry, sir, you can’t enter.”

“Excuse me?” Paul narrowed his eyes. “Why not? You let my wife enter.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry. It is ladies only.”

“Ladies only? For a blueberry sale? What kind of nonsense is that?” Paul crossed his arms. “Let me in there at once!”

The man in the blueberry suit moved to block his path. “I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t let you. Don’t make me call the cops.”

“Ugh. You. . .” He sighed. “But you will tell me when she is done in there, right? I have been sitting in a hot SUV for the last five hours. I am not sticking around here to wait for her to come out of there.”

The young man winked at him. “Don’t worry, sir. We will tell you when your wife is ripe, I mean ready.”


He laughed. “Sorry. Some blueberry humor.” He smiled at Paul. “Now, don’t worry. Go enjoy yourself.”

Paul sighed. “Ok, ok. I will.” He turned around. “But you better have her call me when this is over.”

“Oh, trust us, we will.” He crossed his fingers. “We will.”

Inside the store, Martha ran around like a kid in a candy store. “Oh my god, there are so many blueberries. I will be able to make so many different kinds of pies with these.”

She squealed. “I can’t wait. I just can’t wait.”

A young lady in a suit walked up to her. “Enjoying what you see?”

Martha nodded her head. “Of course. So, I can take all of it?” She looked at the nametag on the woman’s right breast. “Fran.”

“Of course. As long as you can pay for it.” More women walked into the store by the second. “Now, if you excuse me, I have some stuff to take care of in the other room.

Enjoy yourself. There are even some free samples near the front of the store.”

“Thank you.”

Fran smiled before turning around. “No, thank you for deciding to shop here tonight.”

She began to walk away. “Trust me when I say you are doing this store a great service, and I can’t wait to see how you will ripen up for us.” She laughed. “Oh, how this will be a night to remember.”

Martha raised an eyebrow. “Ripen up? What is she talking about?” Martha shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe it is some weird joke. Now where is a shopping cart? I need something to carry all these blueberries.” She giggled. “I am going to need a lot of these babies.”

As Martha looked around for something to carry her berries, Fran’s voice came in over the loudspeaker. “Hello, lovely ladies, and welcome to our first annual blueberry fest here at Goodman’s Friendly Market. I hope you are all ready to enjoy some blueberries.” All the ladies in the store cheered. “Now I have some bad news or good news, depending on how you look at it. The blueberries here are not for sale.”


“What is she talking about?”

Martha raised an eyebrow. “Not for sale? But the poster said this was a flash blueberry night.”

“I am sure you all are wondering what will happen and why you are here. Well, for starters, our blueberry supply is running very low.”

Martha narrowed her eyes. “What does that have to do with us!”

And to replenish those supplies well, we need to make new blueberries.”

Martha’s eyes widened as blue mist began to fill the store. “What is going on?”

A red-haired woman next to her gasped. “They are trying to poison us. Let’s make a run for it!”

As they ran for the store entrance, the women gasped as a young black-haired beauty tried the glass double doors. “They are locked.”

“I am sorry, my dears, but you are not going anywhere tonight. Soon you will all be new blueberries just waiting to be juiced.”

The blue mist now enveloped the entire store, and Martha held her hand over her head. “Don’t try and breathe it in. Who knows what it could do.”

The young red-haired woman coughed. “It is everywhere. I can’t. . .” She moaned.

“Oh god, everything tastes like blueberries. Ohhh fuck.”

Another woman next to her giggled. “Ya. I feel so funny. Like there is some kind of liquid flowing just below my skin.”

Martha took her arm away from her mouth. “What are you all talking about.” She coughed as the blue mist snuck its way into her nose and mouth. “Don’t be going crazy on. . .” She fought back the urge to moan as a strange warmth permeated her body, and a tingling sensation filled her breasts. “Don’t let this. . . ohhh.” She blinked her eyes as her breasts began to feel a tad bit heavy, a strange liquid coursing through them. “What in the world is going on?”

As she looked down, Martha noticed blue splotches appearing on the back of her hands. “Maybe I am the one going crazy here.” Gurrgle. “I mean, I think I am turning blue.”

She gasped as her arms and legs slowly turned a bright blue. “No. I am not crazy. I am turning blue!” She looked around at all the other women in the store. “We all are.” She moaned as her body giggled, the strange liquid inside of her bubbling, causing her boobs to bounce around. “Ugh, what is happening?”

The woman with red hair stumbled towards Martha. “That lady on the loudspeakers said we were going to be blueberries.” Her hair slowly turned blue. “I came here to buy blueberries, not become one.”

Martha gulped. “Don’t worry. I think this is all some trick. That blue mist just spray-painted this stuff on our skin.” She looked at her own hair as it slowly turned blue. “And our hair.”

“But why wouldn’t it turn our clothes blue?”

Martha threw her arms about as her belly bubbled. “I don’t know, ok. I don’t have all the answers.” She narrowed her eyes as the other woman pointed at her. “What?”

“You’re clothing. It is turning dark purple. And your hips are starting to swell.”

Martha shook her head. “I think I would know if my body was swelling. Now stop trying to. . .” She put her hands on her hips, feeling how squishy and wider they were.

“Huh?” She gulped and looked down at her juice-soaked body. “What is going on?!” Gurrgle. Blort. Her belly suddenly shot out a few inches, causing her jeans to tighten around her waistline. “Ughh.” Then her boobs expanded the strange liquid in them, causing them to bounce against one another.

The other woman moaned. “I can feel the juice filling me up.” She rubbed her belly as it began to expand. “Ohh fuck. I. . . I. . .” Her ass suddenly shot outward, causing her slacks to stretch and rip. “Ohh god!” She bent over, her hands gripping the nearby counter. “I am glad my husband isn’t here to see this. If he saw my big blue ass. He would. . .” She moaned as her butt swelled even bigger. “Ohh god, he would say, Marry, what did you do? Ohh fuck.” Her slacks turned dark purple around her groin. “Ohhh, god!”

Martha gulped as her waistline expanded again, her shirt traveling up her belly. “This is getting out of hand.” Gurrgle. “I need to. . .” Glrop.  Her ass pushed outward, creating a giant rip in her jeans. “Ohh fuck.” She widened her stance, her steps causing the floor to vibrate. “I feel so. . . full. . .” She moaned as her boobs pressed tightly against her bra. “Where is all of this juice coming from. . .” She shook her head. “I must really be turning into a blueberry.”

Marry nodded her head as her belly pressed against her shirt, becoming rounder by the moment. “Yes. We are becoming blueberries.” She moaned. “We will need to be juiced. Ohh, juicing will be a must.” She moaned as her breasts filled with berry juice. “Ohh, I can see it now.”

Martha raised an eyebrow. “Are you ok?”

Marry nodded as she began to swell at an alarming rate, her body turning a dark purple. “Yes, I am. All us blueberries are.” Her breasts tore her blouse open. “Berries to be juiced. Ohhhh.” She fell back onto her big squishy ass. “I... Ohhhh.”

Martha took a step back as juice continued to fill her body. “What happened to her?” She looked around the room. “Everyone is turning into giant blueberries.” She shook her head as her own blue breasts slowly tore through her shirt. “I. . . ughh.” She moaned as the sensations gradually overwhelmed her. “This is so intense.” Gurrgle.  She moaned as her massive thighs and hips shattered what was left of her jeans. “Maybe. . . maybe being a giant blueberry isn’t so bad. Having someone rub you down all day. Squeezing that excess juice out of you.”

She moaned at the thought. “Squeezing my big blueberry boobs. Ohhh ya.”

Martha began to wobble back and forth as her big round ass slowly enveloped her legs. “Whoh. Whoh.” She suddenly fell forward, landing on her chest and breasts, blue juice oozing out of them. “Fuck.” She tried to push herself back up, but her arms slowly slid into her round body. “Ohh, god.” More juice seeped from her boobs. “Ohhh.”

“Well, it looks like it was a success.” Fran walked into the room as she rubbed her hands together. “Seven big and lovely blueberries all waiting to be juiced.”

Martha turned her head as she continued to swell. “You. How could you do this.” She moaned. “Ohhh. I didn’t sign up to be a big blueberry. Ohhh.”

Fran walked over and rubbed Martha’s body. “Oh, trust me, baby, you will love it. And we talked with your husband. Paul. It seems you have to do something for a county fair or something like it soon. Am I right?”

“So what? Ohhh.”

Fran rubbed Martha’s right breast. “Well, I am sure we can help with that. I mean, you do want to win with some blueberry pies, right?” She smiled as Martha moaned. “I thought so. Trust me, my big blueberry. We will help you win. You will be the biggest blueberry at the fair.” Fran laughed before turning around. “Now we will have blueberries to last us for a year. Why didn’t I think of this sooner?”


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