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Inside the Juicing Station p2

Rachel moaned as the blueberry juice bubbled inside her body. “But how can the juicing process be more wonderful than this?” Juice squirted from her nipples. “Ohhh.”

Samuel slowly slid his uniform back on. “Don’t worry. It will be one of the best experiences of your berry life.”

A berry tear dripped down her face. “But you are putting those silly clothes back on. How can this be better?”

He rubbed her sensitive blue skin. “Oh, don’t you worry. Let’s get you down to the juicing room so you can see.” He turned around and clapped his hands. “We have a blueberry that needs juicing!”

Three ladies in tight latex outfits entered the room. “Oh, does she?” They ran their gloved hands along Rachel’s big blue body.

The second lady giggled. “She does look ripe, Jane. What do you think, Penny?”

Penny smiled. “Well, Heather, I think our blueberry here is ready for the big finale.”

Samuel laughed. “Well, we are going to give Rachel the lovely experience she has been waiting for.” He tapped Rachel on the part of her body that used to be her ass. “As you can see, some of our employees are blueberries as well.” He pointed at Jane and Penny. “As there isn’t a reliable cure, they work here in between juicing’s.”

Jane smiled, her big blueberry boobs bouncing around. “It is one of the best jobs in the world, honey.” She rubbed her breasts against Rachel’s body. “You might even consider working here yourself, you big blue beauty.”

Rachel moaned, juice dripping from her nipples. “Ohhh, god.”

Heather smiled. “Well, what are we all standing around here for. We need to get this blueberry down to the juicing room.” She slapped the side of Rachel’s body. “We need to pump her up and juice her. So come on, people. Let’s get rolling.”

Samuel and the three ladies walked behind Rachel. He looked at his lovely assistants.

“Ok. One, two. Three.” They then pressed hard on Rachel’s massive blue body, rolling her towards the open doorway.

Rachel giggled at the moment before outright crying out as her big blueberry breasts pressed against the ground. “Ohhh fucccckkk!” Blueberry juice squirted all over the ground as her boobs squished against the hard cold floor. “Ohh, yes.” She moaned as her head was brought upright once more. “That felt soo good.” Juice filled her breasts in anticipation of being squeezed against the floor once more. “Ohh, yes, baby. How long until. . .” She moaned as she rolled against the floor once more, juice oozing onto the floor. “Ohh. . .” Rachel took a deep breath. “Until we get to the juicing room?”

Samuel laughed. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Mhmm mhmmm.”

He patted her on her taught blue body. “Well, it isn’t that far. But if you are worried about not having fun, well, this is just a warm-up.” He pulled out a small device out of his pocket. “Now, let’s get these silly doors open so we can roll you deeper into the facility.”

Big metal doors at the end of the hall slid open as they rolled Rachel down the corridor. Turning her head, she could see other blueberry ladies in their rooms waving at her. “Good luck.”

“Enjoy the juicing. You will love it, honey.”

Rachel smiled. “I will.” She blushed as her swollen blue breasts pressed against the ground once more. “This place is soo. . . ohhhh. . . amazing.”

They made their way into a very dark corridor, so dark that Rachel couldn’t see. The only sound came from her moaning and the squirting of her juices. Slowly a light appeared in the distance, accompanied by the sound of churning liquid. “We are almost there.” Samuel rubbed Rachel’s body. “Just a few more moments.”

Suddenly light flooded Rachel’s eyes. She had to blink hard to adjust to her surroundings. Rachel gasped as she could finally take the room in. Massive vats swirling with blueberry juice filled the room as pulsating blue and purple lights gave the place an exotic feel.

Jane walked in front of Rachel and held her hands out wide, her blueberry boobs bouncing back and forth. “Welcoming to the juicing room. To your left is the empty vat where we will be extracting your juices into. And to your right is the pump, where we will infuse you with a unique blueberry concoction.”

Rachel raised an eyebrow. “Concoction?”

Jane nodded her head. “Yup. You see, we want as much blueberry juice as possible. So that means swelling you to your limits.” Jane winked. “You do want to be the biggest blueberry you can be, right? To feel those boobs, swell up with juice? Feel that ass of yours swell even more? Don’t you want to become one with the blueberry inside?”

Rachel moaned at the thought. “Ohh, yes.” She shook her head and looked down. “But then what? This is the juicing room, right?”

Jane clapped her hands together. “Of course. You see, after you swell and expand, your pussy will be just the right size to fit into our extraction unit. It is then we will attach it to you and start the process.”


Jane nodded her head. “Oh, you will love it.” She winked. “But for now, it will be my little surprise, my big blueberry. I can’t ruin everything now, can I?” Jane rubbed her hands together. “Ok, ladies, let’s get to work.” Jane and the others rushed about, grabbing stuff just outside of Rachel’s eyesight. Then suddenly, she felt them squeeze her body. “Ok, let’s get up to her head.”

“Right,” said Penny.

Heather giggled as she climbed up Rachel’s juice-stained body. “Oh, she is going to love this.”

Jane sat just in front of Rachel’s face with Penny and Heather beside her. “Ok, Rachel.

Are you ready?” They each with a tiny pill in their hand. “Time to give our lovely lady her medicine.” One by one, they slid the pills into Rachel’s mouth, and each time Rachel felt her body explode with joy as it entered her body. After she had swallowed all three, the lovely ladies smiled at her. “Look at that. She loves it.” Jane rubbed her body against Rachel. “Well, don’t be shy, ladies. Let’s help our blueberry grow.”

As Rachel took long deep breaths, the heat in her body growing as the juices inside her churned, pressing against her skin, the three women on her body stripped their clothing. “Ohhhh. . .” Juice dripped from her swelling breasts. “Fuuuccck!”

Penny rubbed her blue ass against Rachel’s sensitive blueberry boobs. “Who’s a good blueberry? Huh?”

Rachel shuddered as the juices inside of her churned. “I. . .”

Heather giggled as she rubbed her nipples against Rachel. “We can’t hear you.”

“I... I. . .”

Heather looked at the others. “I think she wants us to go harder.” She pressed her hard nipples against Rachel’s sensitive expanding skin. “What else could our lovely blueberry be saying?”

Rachel moaned louder and louder as they rubbed their soft sensitive bodies against her own swollen blueberry skin. Every moment the pressure inside of her increased, causing her to shake. Finally, pure joy overtook her as blueberry juice seeped from her very skin. Her pussy dripped with fluid, and her hard sensitive nipples squirted out blueberry juice. Rachel’s eyes rolled into her sockets, unsure if things could get any better.

But then they did. Penny and Jane moved to her nipples and began to rub them. Rachel, unable to take it, cried out as juice seeped from her pussy. But moments later, a new source of pleasure flooded her body as she felt a hot, warm cock slide into her blueberry body. Rachel closed her eyes as the ecstasy overwhelmed her. She felt like she was going to burst into a shower of blueberry-filled joy.

Heather run her hands over Rachel’s body. “I think she is just about ready.” She looked at her collages as they began to suck away at Rachel’s nipples. “I will move on to the next stage of the juicing.” She slid off of Rachels’s body and moved elsewhere in the room.

But Rachel didn’t care. Her body was on fire as Penny and Jane sucked away at her nipples, almost swelling up themselves. And she could feel Samuel’s burning hot cock swim inside her pussy. She tried to open her mouth to express how she felt, but the words didn’t come; only a primal moan escaped her lips.

Then suddenly, the pleasuring stopped. With a moan, Rachel looked around, confused, the blueberry juice inside of her pressing against her skin. But her bewilderment didn’t last long as she felt something hot and round slide into her pussy, putting Samuel’s dick to shame. “Ohhh. . . ohhhh. . .” Then, as she rapidly blinked her eyes, juice shooting out of her nipples, she felt similar devices attach to her boobs. Rachel took deep breaths, trying to figure out what was going on before it happened.

She felt a sharp prick in her side, followed by the most intense feeling she had felt all day. Her skin turned bright purple as the juices inside of her churned. “Ohhh. . . ohhhh. . . Fuuuuccckckkkk!” Rachel began to bubble like a hot tub, the juices inside of her rushing to her boobs and pussy. “I. . . ohhh. . .” She closed her eyes as the pressure inside of her swelled to a breaking point.

Then it happened. In the most intense orgasm Rachel had ever experienced, juice shot out of her nipples and pussy into the vats. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Her body vibrated, shaking the entire room. “Yyyyyyeeeeeeeeessssss!” Her nipples bounced against the sides of the tubes, only adding to her pleasure and causing her eyes to roll into her head. Slowly she sank downward as the juice shot out of her body. Down and down, she went, the entire process taking almost seven minutes.

When it was finally done, Rachel took deep, long breaths, the equipment falling to the floor in a juicy pile. She looked up at the others with big juicy breasts hanging from her chest. “I feel sooo good.” Her boobs bounced around as she stood upright. “But I am still blue? Did it work?”

Samuel laughed. “You are juiced, that is for sure. As for did it work? Well, my dear blueberry, you will need multiple juicing’s over the course of your life.”

Rachel blushed. “Well, I can live with that.” She brushed her blue hair back. “I can go about my life now?”

“If you want. You can always stay here. It is the perfect place for a blueberry.”

She smirked. “Well, that does sound fun. Maybe I could be another blueberry worker.” Rachel rubbed her hands together. “So, where do I sign up?”
