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The Berry Challenge.

“Hello, my loyal viewers.” Carol held her cell phone in front of her face. “I am here in. . .” She looked at Derik as she held her hand over the phone’s mouthpiece.

“What is the name of this town again?”

He shrugged. “I think it’s Pallenzoo or something weird like that.”

She laughed. “Odd.” Carol then removed her hand from her phone. “I am here in Pallenzoo, or better known as the Blueberry town. Rumors have spread far and wide about the people here turning into gigantic human-sized blueberries.” She shivered. “And for this week’s challenge, I am going to put that to the test. I will spend the weekend in this haunted town eating nothing but blueberries. We will see just how real these rumors are.” She pointed at Derik. “My faithful companion here will record everything. As he did when I took on the triple beer rip challenge.”

Derek waved. “Hey there.”

“So, what will happen? Will I become like the others? A giant blue fruit? Or will this be exposed as a giant hoax? Let’s find out, shall we.” She tossed the phone to Derek. “And speaking of finding out, I think we can start with a brisk walk around town, seeking out some vendors to sample our local cuisine.”

He shrugged. “Whatever you say, boss.”

Carol put her hands on her hips and narrowed her green eyes. “You can have some enthusiasm, you know.”

He sighed as he powered down the phone. “I mean, nothing is going to happen. This is just a boring stunt based off of that newsreel you saw. I told you it was faked but you didn’t believe me. But I’m not the one risking my lively hood on it. I have something else to fall back on.”

“I’m not risking my lively hood. This is a legitimate thing that happened. And you know that there are many, many rumors swirling around this town.” She walked to the door. “This is going to make me an internet sensation.”

As Carol opened the door, Derek rushed forward and grabbed her arm. “Look, I know you like to please your viewers by doing some questionable things with your health, but what if this is. . .” He pulled at the sleeve of this sweater. “What if you do inflate into one of these blueberries and stay that way? What if you become so full of juice that you pop?

You haven’t thought though of the negatives here. Only that you might look good on camera.”

Carol laughed. “Oh, come now. Nothing like that is going to happen.” She smiled.

“This is just going to be another fun challenge. Besides, I adore blueberries. So, getting the chance to be one for a few hours can’t be all that bad.” Derek sighed. “Now, let’s go out there and find us some blueberries, shall we?” She rubbed her hands together. “I need to get big and blue for my followers somehow.” She rushed out the door.

Derek shook his head. “I still don’t feel good about this.”


Carol hummed as she walked down the sidewalk. “This place is quaint. I wonder how a nice, small town like this could ever get a reputation as a cursed blueberry town.”

“Small towns have a dark side, Carol.”

She rolled her eyes. “I know that, Derek. Now get that phone of yours out. It is about time we went live again.” He shrugged his shoulders and pulled the phone out of his ripped jean pocket.

“Hello, everyone.” She waved at the camera. “I’m back, and we are going to look for some of these mysterious blueberries that could turn me into another giant blueberry. Let’s find out if this blueberry town is for real or not.” Carol turned around and noticed a vendor across the street, flowers lining the side of the street cart. “Ahh, a good place to start. Come, Derek.”

“Wait. You can’t just run into the middle of the. . .” He sighed as she rushed across the street. “Whatever.”

Once on the other side of the road, Carol tapped her hand on the yellow wooden counter. “Hello, my name is Carol Vanerson, internet sensation.”

The bald man on the other side of the counter raised an eyebrow. “Who?”

She laughed. “What, you really haven’t heard of me? Everyone and their grandfathers have. Right, Derek?” Derek grunted at her.

“Look, I don’t really like to get online that much. I see how my son gets so angry with people online I don’t see the point.” He sighed. “The real world is out there; I don’t see why people have to get on a fancy computer to talk to people.”

“Uhh huhhh.” She tapped her fingers on the counter. “Look, I was wondering if I could buy some blueberries.”


“You heard me.” She slowed her speech down. “Blueberries. You know, a small blue. . .”

He waved his hands in her face. “I know what they are. Everyone in this damn town knows what blueberries are.” He took a deep breath. “We got rid of our blueberries the moment the first woman swelled into one. Why in tarnation would you want one of those things? They are cursed.”

“Look, umm. . .” She looked at his name tag. “Eran. I am doing a challenge to see if I can turn into a blueberry and get through it for my fans. So, get me some blueberries, stat.”

Eran’s blue eyes widened. “Are you nuts? You don’t want to turn into a blueberry. Do you want to be full and filled with juice? Unable to move?” He looked at the ground. “I knew young people were stupid, but I never. . .”

“So, you don’t have blueberries in stock?”

Eran formed his right hand into a fist. “No, of course, I don’t. Besides, we don’t know what causes people to turn into blueberries and what doesn’t. It seems to be completely random.”


“I suggest you get out of town before. . .”

Carol turned around and stared directly into the camera. “Do you hear that, loyal viewers? While we were unable to procure any blueberries, we learned something valuable.”

Eran slammed his hands onto the counter. “Are you listening to me!”

“Something in this town will cause me to turn into a blueberry. We just have to wait. Will it be the water? Will it be the food we order? Who knows, but I can’t wait to find out.”

Eran rubbed at the scar on his forehead. “Christ. It’s like talking to a brick wall.”

Derek laughed and nodded his head.

Carol hugged herself. “So, let’s head back to the apartment and plan our next course of, owwww!” She slapped her neck. “Something tried to bite me.”

“Did you get it?” Derek asked.

She rubbed her neck. “I think so.” Carol looked at her hand and the blue stain on it. “Ya, it looks like it. Strange little bug, that is for sure.” She shivered, feeling an unnatural warmth permeate her body. “Let’s just get back to the apartment. I want to make sure that little bugger didn’t make me sick.” Derek gulped as she walked across the street once more, a car having to come to a stop to avoid hitting her. “Last thing I need is to be sick during what could be my big break.”

Derek took a deep breath as he waved to the driver. “Sorry.” His eyes widened as he noticed the woman behind the wheel had blue skin and massive hips. “Holy crap.”

“What was that?”

“Umm nothing.” The car sped off. “I just. . .” Derek scratched at the back of his head, his short black hairs tickling his fingers. “I just didn’t believe this blueberry nonsense was real.”


Later that night, Carol paced back and forth in the apartment they were using as a base of operations. “Ok, Derek, think.”


“Think of ideas we can use to find this so-called blueberry curse.” She clapped her hands together. “I need some action for this challenge. Some suspense. I can’t just go bumbling around and hope that “Oh hey, I am swelling now, people.” She sighed. “I was hoping for an easy gig this time around.” She turned her head. “Didn’t you say you saw something on our way back?”

Derek’s cheeks turned bright red. “I umm. . .” His right hand went behind his head while his left slid into his pocket. “All I saw was a slightly inflated woman behind the wheel of a car. It was nothing special.”

Derek’s eyes widened as Carol spun around. “Well, it’s our best lead.” He gulped as he stared at the blue dot on her nose. “We should find that woman and ask her what she knows about this.”

“Umm, Carol.”

Carol crossed her arms as her entire nose turned blue. “I mean, come on. It has to be better than that street vendor who refused us service.” She rolled her eyes. “Some help he was. The least he could have done. . .” She raised an eyebrow as Derek turned on the phone and pointed it at her. “What are you doing? It didn’t tell you it’s time to start filming.”

“You said to film you if you started turning into a blueberry.”

“Oh, that’s absurd. I think I would know if I was turning into a blueberry or not.”

She turned around. “Like what proof. . .” She looked at herself in the mirror, noticing her blue nose and cheeks. “Oh my god!” Carol touched her blue cheeks. “I did it. I DID IT!”

She turned back towards Derek. “Oh, thank you for getting things started.” She smiled and took a deep breath.

“Ok, everyone. Hello. As you can see, I did it.” She waved her hand in front of her face. “I found a way to turn myself blue, and it is going to happen live. So, tune in and have a good time. Things are going to get juicy.” She bent over and laughed. “I can’t believe I just said that. Juicy.” Carol stood up; her face completely blue. “Oh, boy, today is going to be crazy.” Gurrglgge.

“Was that you?”

She blinked her eyes. “I think so.” Gurgglgle. Carol looked down as her belly vibrated. “I didn’t know my stomach could do that.” She looked up at Derek. “Well, maybe I should get this belt off while I still can. What do you all say?”

Derek looked at his phone as Carol’s arms slowly turned blue. “Umm, they say keep the belt on. I can’t believe she is really turning blue. I can’t wait to see her swell up. Is this fake?”

Carol nodded her head. “Ok, we are keeping the belt on then. Sounds great.” She put her hands on her hips. Sounds fun and adventurous.  Gurrglge. “Ok, I get it. My berry body likes to. . .” Carol moaned. “Ohh, that’s a new feeling.” She rubbed her stomach as her blouse turned dark blue. “I feel bloated, Derek. So very bloated.” As she rubbed her belly, it slowly expanded outward.

“Well, you asked for this.” He looked at the phone. “And your channel is lighting up. So it’s working.”

She took a deep breath. “I am so juicy, though. I think I am going to sit down for a moment.” Slosh, sloosh.  With every step, Carol could hear and feel something liquidly flowing around inside of her. “Wow, this blueberry juice is something else.” She sat down in one of the wooden apartment chairs, the wood creaking under her weight. “I can feel it filling up every crevice of my body.” She rubbed her pillow-sized belly. “What is everyone saying now?”

Derek shook his head. “There is just too much.” He laughed. “So many people are demanding you become bigger.”

Carol laughed. “Then we will give the people what they want.” The chair slowly turned blue from the juice leaking out of her body. “I promise I will swell as big as I can, people. I will be the first blueberry sensation on the internet. Then you can come and do this challenge yourself.” Gurrglge.  Her belt struggled to hold back her growing mass. “Ughhh. This thing is really getting. . .” Her skin turned purple around the edges of the belt. “Oww. My juices feel like they are getting squeezed.” She moaned. “This thing has to come off soon.”

Derek propped the phone against a chair. “Here. Let me help you.”

“I can. . .” Juice flooded into her chest, causing her breasts to swell. “I can get it, Derek. Just catch all of this big blue action.” Blort.  Her butt rippled as her ass widened, causing her jeans to rip. “Fuck, baby. I feel so full.” Juice dripped down her chest.

“Maybe we should think about getting you some help. Just in case. . .”

Carol narrowed her now blue eyes. “Do you hear what my viewers want, Derek?” She stood up. “They want me to be big.” She took another step, the floor creaking under her weight. “They want me to be blue. They want me to be massive.” Her round belly smacked him in the chest. “So, I am going to keep swelling and swelling until I can’t swell no more for them. My adoring fans. Even if it hurts.” She moaned. “Besides, I think I like the way it feels.” Carol put her juice-filled hand on his shoulder. “All of this juice flowing through me, making me bigger. It is so much. . . Ohhhh.”

“Are you alright?”

“Ohhhhhhhh!” Juice seeped from her nipples.  Gurrglgle. Blort.  Suddenly the belt burst off her body, smacking Derek dead center in the gut and knocking him to the ground. Carol’s cheeks turned bright blue. “Oh, my god. Derek, are you alright?”

He rubbed his head as he looked upward. “I think so. Wait, where did your head go?”

“What do you mean?”

He slapped her massive belly. “I can’t see past your stomach. That is what I mean.” He gulped as the floorboards creaked under Carol’s weight. “Umm. . .” Derek scooted backward. “Maybe we should. . .”

She put her hands on her hips. “Oh, I’m fine.” Gurrgle. “See, my body is swelling with love.” She smiled as her hair turned blue.

“Carol, that juice is overtaking all of your being. Every part of you is blue.”

“Oh, hush. I like being a blueberry. I think we are better off this way.” She crossed her round arms. “Now tell me what my viewers are saying.”

Derek sighed as she stood up. “Fine.” He looked at the phone. “Someone is saying for you to remove your clothing.”

Carol giggled. “Done.” She ripped apart her blouse. “Blueberries don’t need clothing anyway. Ughhhh. . .” Blort.  Her pants suddenly ripped apart, revealing her enlarged blue ass.

“Phew. I guess that took care of itself.” She slapped herself on her round behind, sending ripples throughout her body. “Whoh.” Carol stepped to the side, the ground heaving under her weight. “I really felt that. I almost fell over.”

Derek rubbed his forehead. “You really are living it up for your fans, aren’t you?”

Carol nodded her head. “Anything for them. Now read me another comment.”

He sighed. “Lester wants you to eat the blueberries that he had delivered to your room.” Derek rolled his eyes. “Wait, how did they know where we are?”

Carol widened her stance as her legs began to sink into her body. “My platinum viewers get to find out such things.” There was a knock at the door. “That should be the blueberries now.” She rubbed her juice-filled hands together. “Go get them if you please. It would take me ages to lift my legs.”

Derek walked towards the door. “I think this is a bad idea.” He flung it open and grabbed the crate of blueberries on the other side. “You are swelling into a human berry. Who knows what more blueberries could do to you?”

Carol laughed. “Less talk Derek.” She waved at him to come over to her. “Now toss them into my mouth. Let me feel their juices mix with my own.” Gurrgle. “Ohh, I can feel my body tense up already just thinking about it.”

He shook his head. “This is a bad idea.” He placed the blueberries into her mouth.

Carol swallowed the blueberries whole. “See, it’s fine.” Her entire body vibrated.  Gurrgle. Blomp. Sloosh.  Her eyes rolled into her sockets. “Ohhhhh.”

Juice seeped from her nipples, staining her bra blue. “I... I. . .” Suddenly her bra snapped off as her boobs swelled, juice dripping from her body. “I feel so fruity and full.”


She giggled as she fell down onto her blimp-like body, her feet no longer able to sustain her weight. “Ohh Derek, I feel so wonderful.” She threw her arms to the side as she swelled, her body looking more and more like a giant round blueberry by the second. “Oh, my wonderful viewers, you must try this challenge.” Her arms sank into her body, and her feet pressed against her skin. “To feel what it is like to be a big lovely fruit.” She laughed as her hands pressed tightly against her skin. “Ohh, yes.” Gurrggle. “Ohh, I am just the luckiest blueberry around.”

Derek sighed. “You mean human turned into a blueberry?”

She looked down at him. “No. I AM a blueberry.” Juice squirted from her nipples as her body neared the ceiling. “My loyal viewers, I dare, no command you to take this challenge.

For we must. . .”

Derek stood in front of the phone. “Ok, that is enough. Catch us next week for Carol’s next exciting challenge. Bye.” He shut the phone off.

Carol’s face turned a dark purple. “How dare you?” She wobbled back and forth. “I wanted everyone to know what it was like to be a glorious blueberry, and you cut me off. Ohhhh.” Her body pressed against the ceiling. “Ohh my.” Blurble. “Ohhh, I like.”

Derek tapped her on the sides. “Oh, miss blueberry. I think your hands and feet have vanished into your body.”

Carol giggled. “Well, a blueberry doesn’t need them. I just need to be big, blue, and perfect.”

He sighed and slid down against her body. “What are we going to do now?” He looked up at her. “You can’t even leave the apartment.”

“You will roll me out of here so I can be watered. That is what.”


“You heard me. You shall roll me so I can drink. And then I shall tell the world to do the blueberry challenge.” She moaned as her engorged blueberry breasts pressed against the ceiling. “So chop, chop, my faithful assistant. We have to spread the berry goodness around the world.”

Derek sighed and stood up. “I’m only doing this, so you don’t dry out.” He put his hands on her body. “And maybe some sense comes back into your berry head.” Then, using all of his might, he slowly rolled Carol towards the door. “Ugh, this is going to be a long night.”


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