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Giantess Ad Mayhem.

“Oh my god! I can’t believe it.” Sophine’s cheeks turned bright red as she gripped her skirt tightly. “I got the part?”

“Yes, miss Daniels. You. . .”

“I can’t believe it. I am really going to be on television. Me. I can’t wait to tell everyone. They are going to see me on the big screen.”

“Now, hold on a minute here.”

Sophine danced around, her hips bumping into her coffee table. “Oh, I need to call Ralph. He will be so happy to hear this. Oh, and Dave. I can’t wait to smear this into that fat, cheating asses—

“Will you listen to me!”

She took a deep breath as she slid to a halt. “Umm, sorry. Were you trying to say something?” Sophine giggled. “I am just so excited that I was selected.”

The man on the other side of the line screamed something undesirable, causing Sophine to wince. “Look, you do know this is going to be for a food brand commercial, right?

Ughh of all the. . . ughhhh!”

“Oh ya. I was just. . .” She tapped her fingers on the grey countertop. “I was just excited. It is my first step to a bigger world.” She blinked her blue eyes. “I do this commercial now, and next, I will be in a movie.”

“I am not sure that is how it works.”

“Oh, trust me, you will see. Sophine Daniles is about to rock Hollywood.” She pointed towards the window. “I am going to change the world. You hear me.”

The man on the other end of the line laughed. “You are kidding, right? This is just a small commercial that won’t even leave Michigan. Why don’t you come back down to reality.”

“Hey, don’t make fun of me. I can have dreams.”

“Look, just come to the address that we will text to you tomorrow at eight p.m. We will shoot the commercial then. Oh, and before I forget. Wear very, very, very loose clothing. You will want it as well. . . things will happen that I am not very liable to say over the phone. But trust me when I say you will want something that can fit a bigger you.” The line went dead.

Sophine sighed and set her phone down. “Well, that was odd.” She shrugged and pulled at her long red curly hair. “But hey, I am still going to be on television. And nothing that strange man said can change that.” She cheered. “So, I am still on my way.”


The next day Sophine arrived at the location she had been texted the day before. “Hmmm.” She looked up at a massive skyscraper. “Wow, they don’t have buildings like this at home. I am lucky enough to find a two-story building out in the country.” She walked up the stone steps and toward the glass doorway. “Well, time etch my name into history.”

A man in a suit stood in her path. “Sorry. Only employees are allowed into the Fredricks Fancy building.”

Sophine crossed her arms. “I have business here. I was told to come here for the commercial they are shooting.” She held out her phone. “See.”

The man groaned as he looked at her phone. “Ohh. I see you are the one they are looking for.” He stepped to the side as he tugged at his mustache. “Head inside and walk straight to the elevator. Do not look at anyone or anything. Go to the third floor. There will be someone there waiting to escort you from there.”

“Wait, why can’t I look at anything inside.”

The doorman pushed her inside. “We just have some stuff that we don’t want people to see, ok. Now get in there and go to work already. Time is money.” She walked through the glass door. “Now go in there and claim your money already. Stop bothering me.”

She rolled her eyes as she entered the lobby. “Ok, ok.” The door slammed behind her. “What a prick.” Sophine sighed as she walked down the red carpet. “Wow.” The room was filled with strange pictures of giant women. Men and women in lab coats scurried about the room. “Wow, things are really busy here.” She laughed as she looked at the pictures of giant people lining the wall. “And talk about odd pictures to put up in their building. I would have just gone with some fruit.”

As Sophine walked over to the elevator, the doors opened, and a young lady stepped off the car. “Ugh, I don’t want to have to deal with testing ever again.”

The gruff young man laughed. “What you don’t like changing in size, Lora?”

Sophine raised an eyebrow as she walked into the elevator. “Hey, it isn’t exactly what I remember signing up for when I came to work here. Now if you don’t mind, I am going to head home and binge-watch television. Get tonight’s experience out of my mind.”

Sophine hit the button for the third floor and sighed. “What kind of nonsense is going on around here?” She laid back against the elevator wall. “They can’t be serious right? Huh?”

Her eyes widened as she noticed a sign on the roof of the elevator. “All changes in size and shape are to be kept within the walls of the Fredricks Fancy building. Those who share what happens outside this building will be prosecuted or worse.

You have been warned.”

“What in the world is going on around here?” The door opened. “Am in in la, la land?”

“Are you Sophine?” A young man with a shaggy brown beard waited for her with arms wide outside of the elevator.

“Umm, yes, I am.” She walked out and took his open calloused hand. “And you are?”

“Ray. It is going to be so nice to be working with you. Are you excited to be in the first Fredricks Fancy commercial of the new year?”

“Umm, yes. It will be my first time on television, period.”

“Well, then, it will be a magical time all around. I am sure you will fit into the role nicely.” He winked at her with his right amber eye. “Now, follow me. The studio isn’t far, and I am sure you are more than ready to get started.”

She nodded her head. “Oh, I sure am. I have been dying for this day.”

He laughed as they walked down the checkered carpeted hallway. “Oh, I am sure you have been. It is quite the honor to work on such a project. You know you will be one of a kind here. The first woman to be in such a picture.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ohh, trust me, I don’t want to ruin the surprise. I will be such a big and grand one.”

He laughed. “Ohh, you will just be rolling on the floor laughing when you see it.”

They came to a wooden door with an eighteen on it. “Ohh, here we are. The in-house studio.” Ray turned around. “Ok, now you wait here, and I will go in to ensure everything is set up for you. Sound good?”

“Umm, I guess so.”

He clapped his hands together. “Perfect. Ohh perfect. Be right back, my darling.” He vanished through the door, leaving Sophine alone.

With Ray gone, Sophine pulled out her phone. “I need to tell Ralph where I am right now.” She pulled up her contacts list. “He is going to be so jelly. Huh? No reception? What kind of crap place is this?”

A young woman in a lab coat walked by. “No personal calls, lady. How many times do we have to beat that over your head.”

“I. . .” Sophine sighed. “Well, that sucks. How am I going to tell my boyfriend that I am about to go on set if I can’t even contact him? Come on.”

The door opened, and Ray threw his arms out to the side. “Come on in, my dear. It is time.”

She walked into the most enormous room she had seen in her life. “Wow.”

She looked around at the set, rising up into the air almost as if she were still out on the street. “What is this place?”

“Why it is the set, silly.” Ralph bopped her on the nose.

“But it looks like someone designed it for someone ten times my size.” She looked at the cereal box big enough to flatten her.” How am I supposed to do anything here except to look like a fly?”

He laughed. “Oh well, you will see.” He slid his arm around Sophine’s back. “It will all become clear soon. For now, just come this way, and we can get filming underway.”

“Will this take long?”

“Oh no. Why it will only take one shot. Easy peasy.”

She smiled. “And not only that, but you will be paid a king’s ransom.”


He nodded his head. “Yup. Now come this way.” He pulled her into the center of the gigantic set. “Are you ready to get things started?”

Sophine smiled. “Umm, I guess so. Are you sure there isn’t anything like special clothing or lines I should go over? This process just seems to be going by very quickly. I just want to make sure my first real break into stardom goes off on the right foot.”

She smiled. “I see a nice big career ahead of me, so this has to be perfect, ok?”

Ray smiled. “Oh, trust me, you have no idea how perfect things will be. The clothing you are wearing now will suit things just fine, and as for your lines, just look at the teleprompter and try our new cereal brand when it tells you to. Simple as that.”

“But what if I mess up? This is being done in one take, after all.” She pulled at her hair as sweat beat down her neck. “Oh god, I don’t know about this. It is so much pressure. How can you all work like this?”

Ray walked to the edge of the set. “Just let things flow and enjoy yourself. Trust me, it will be fine.” He winked at her. “Now, we will be just outside the room while the filming takes place. It is standard procedure.”


He opened the set door. “Don’t worry.” Ray waved at her. “Enjoy your moment in the spotlight, darling.” He shut the door.

As she stood in the dark room surrounded by towering cardboard cutouts, Sophine tugged at her arm. “This isn’t exactly how I expected my movie career to start off.

But you have to start somewhere, right?” She held her hand over her eyes as the room was flooded with light. “Ughhhhh!”

“Sophine? Can you hear me? It’s Ray!”

“Yes!” She covered her ears. “Loud and fucking clear!”

“Good. Now we start in ten seconds. Just do as you read on the screen, and we are golden.”

She sighed and looked at the small teleprompter across the room. “Well, here goes nothing.” Sophine forced a smile through the blinding light. “Hello. Have you been looking for something to give you an extra spring in your step? Or something to go beyond such a cliché phrase and give you energy beyond your wildest dreams? Then try the new Fredricks Fancy Growth Dreams cereal.” She picked up the bowl with bland-looking cereal inside. “It will revitalize you and help you grow up right, no matter your age.”

Sophine took a bite, doing her best to hide her disgust. “Mhmm.

Try it now and let it grow on you.” Gurggglle.  As she clutched her stomach, she dropped the spoon onto the ground. “Ughh.” Sophine looked up at the teleprompter as her body became extremely hot. “So find it in your local supermarket today. Fredrick’s Fancy. . .” She moaned.

“Ughh, why do I feel so warm.” Her clothing tightened onto her body. “Ohhh god!”

She stumbled back and forth, her hips knocking the table over. “What is happening to me?” She pulled at the collar of her shirt. “My clothes. They feel so. . .” She winced as her toes started to rip through her sneakers. “Ughh!”

Sophine looked up at the giant cereal boxes around her as she pulled at her skirt, which was riding closer and closer to her waistline. “Weren’t those taller a few moments ago?” Her eyes widened as she noticed they were shrinking by the moment. “Hey, those things are getting smaller. But how?” She took a step back, her enlarged foot crushing part of the table beside her. “Huh?” She looked down and gasped. “How?”

She looked at the shrinking teleprompter, hoping to find some answers, only to gasp. “Look upon the effects of the new Fredrick’s Fancy cereal line?” Her skirt snapped off of her body, the pieces floating to the ground. “Look how it makes me grow and grow.” Her feet burst through her sneakers and caused rips to appear in her jeans. “We here at Fredricks Fancy guarantee a giant and fun time for anyone and everyone who buys our new cereal line, so hurry on down.”

Sophine formed her hands into fists as her shirt became skin tight and her ass bumped against the gigantic cereal box behind her. “What the hell did you people do to me?”

Ray’s voice came over the loudspeaker. “That is perfect. You did great, darling.”

She slammed her fist against the giant cardboard cutout, knocking it over. “Perfect.

I am growing out of control here.” She winced as her enlarging ass caused a gigantic tear in her jeans. “Ugh, this isn’t happening.”

“Do you have a forwarding address to which we can send the money?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Are you kidding me?” She walked across the room, her rear end bumping into the giant cereal box and knocking it over. “You trick me into drinking a product that causes me to grow out of control, and you act like nothing happened?”

“Ok, we will figure that out later.”

“Ughhh.” She slammed her fists on the side of the wall. “This is unacceptable.” Her breasts ripped apart her shirt. “You can’t just do this to people.”

Alarms went off throughout the building. “Now, Sophine, you really should calm down. You don’t want to do something you might regret.”

“Regret?” She winced as her head brushed against the ceiling. “You are the ones who are going to regret making me grow this big.” She rammed against the wall. “How am I going to go out like this.” Shrrippppp.  Her pants ripped apart, leaving her in her underwear. “Look at me; I am almost naked here.” She rammed against the wall again, causing the room to shake. “You have to answer for this, Ray. Just wait until I get my hands on you.”

The room suddenly went dark. “Hey!” Sophine looked around. “You can’t stop me by turning out the lights, Ray. You are going to pay for this.” Sophine started to feel woozy as she looked around. “Ughh, what is going on?” She blinked her eyes. “It seems like candy canes in here.” She shook her head. “Noo, I have to. .. Ughhh.” She slid down against the back wall, fading into the darkness.


Ray sighed as he watched the giantess sink off into dreamland. “Phew.

That could have gone much better.”

Arvi rolled her eyes. “Maybe you wouldn’t of had to worry about a rampaging giantess if you just told the young lady what was going to happen to her.”

Ray laughed. “And why would I do that? We have a new product that makes you grow over five times your size. Yes, you are going to enjoy doing this for the commercial.

Sure. . . .” Ray rolled his eyes. “Besides, we needed a genuine reaction. If she knew what was going to happen, then it would have been ruined.”

Arvi shook her head. “I don’t know. But at least I am not the one that has to report this mess to Fredrick. You know how he is about giantesses these days.”

“I am sure it will be fine. Besides, we have the footage he requested.” He sighed as he looked at the slumbering giantess in the other room.

“As long as Fredrick likes the footage you have, though.” She laughed as she walked out of the room. “Imagine having to go through all of this nonsense again because Fredrick shoots down your commercial.”

Ray grimaced. “Of course, that won’t happen. It can’t.” He looked at Sophine. “You did your job, and it will count. No matter what, it will count.” He sighed. “I am not going to go through giantess after giantess to get this thing right for that cranky old fool.”



All I will say is let's hope Fredrick green lights the ad. We don't need another take right?