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“You can’t just leave me here!” Carien narrowed her eyes at the man in the dark suit.

“Are you nuts? We are in the middle of nowhere, and Sarah is unconscious. You can’t. . .”

“Quiet.” He sneered as he peered down from the front seat of his truck. “My orders were to leave you here. Fredrick said nothing about anything else.” He looked up at Sarah. “And I find that giant lady better off sleeping any who. Who knows what she could do awake.”

“You. . . Sarah is one of the most gentle—” Her eyes widened as he drove off. “You slim. Come back here. Ughh!” Carien shook her head. “What in the world am I going to do now?” She kicked at the ground, sending dirt into the air. “Those jackasses. If I get my hands on them. Ughhhh!!!” She held out her hands like she was strangling someone. “Yes. He is lucky he drove away.” She turned around and looked at Sarah. “No telling what I might do to him if I got my hands on him.”

Carien ran her hand along Sarah’s thigh. “Oh, I wish you were awake. What did they do to you?” Carien turned around and rubbed her forehead. “Ok, think. Think. What in the world am I going to do. Sarah is out cold. How are you going to get help.” She looked up at the love of her life. “Why in the world haven’t you shrunk down? Hugh, it would have made things so much easier. Then I could have just dragged you to the nearest. . . well, town or something.” Carien looked around. “Where the hell are we even?” She narrowed her eyes at the tall oak trees. “Why do these damn trees look so familiar?”

She gulped. “Oh no. Please, no.” She noticed the familiar road sign and the etched carvings on the tree across the road. “Please, no.” Carien turned around and pressed against Sarah’s body. “Wake up, you giant sleeping douffus. We have to go. Now!”

Carien turned her head as she heard the sound of a car puttering down the road. “Ugh, please just drive by. Don’t stop.” The truck slowed down. “Don’t slow down, you idiot. Don’t slow down.” Carien winced. “Great.”

The blue truck came to a complete stop. The door opened, and a young man stepped out. “How hells. I can’t believe a giant lady is on the side of the road. I am so lucky that she isn’t blocking the roadway.” He laughed as he pulled out his phone. “I can’t wait to hear everyone’s reactions to this.” He looked down and noticed Carien. “Sis?”

Carien gulped. “Hi, Garry.”

He narrowed his green eyes. “What in the world are you doing out here?” He snapped his photo. “And next to a giant sleeping woman, no less.”

Sarah looked down at the ground and lowered her voice. “Those Fredricks Fancy fools would dump us right next to the house I grew up in. No wonder it is in the middle of nowhere.”

“What was that?”

Sarah smiled. “Oh, nothing. How are you doing, Garry?”

He smiled. “Oh, I am doing good. I am happy to see you but surprised to see you back home. I thought you said you would never come back to this cesspool.”

“Well, umm. . . there are some things that were outside my control.” She giggled.

He looked at the bruises all over her body. “Please don’t tell me you are in trouble like Maxell gets into.”

She waved her arms. “Oh no. I am fine. Trust me.” She looked at the ground as Garry narrowed his eyes. “Though I don’t have a way home right now. No car or anything like that.”

“What the hell is going on?”

She walked over to her brother as he crossed his arms. “Can you keep a secret?”

“You know I like you, sis, but I don’t want. . .”

“Please, Garry.” She widened her eyes to give her best puppy dog look.

“Ugh, fine. But if this is anything like the crap Maxell gets into, I am not going to withhold this from the rest of the family. I assume by the way you look; you are here on your own.”

She sighed and put her hands in her pocket. “I was getting to that. But I am stranded here.”

“Well, that is not really a secret.”

Carien turned around. “And so is my girlfriend here.” She tapped on Sarah’s body. “Sarah. I don’t know why she is still out cold.”

Garry took a few steps back and gasped. “That is Sarah.” He laughed. “But. . .”

“She isn’t always like this. Though she has been about fifty feet tall for the last few days, and I don’t know why. That and she has been unconscious for a while now.” She turned towards her brother. “Look, I don’t want you to tell anyone who is at the house that she is my girlfriend. For one thing, Vixen hates that I am a Lesbian. I don’t need her to freak that I brought my partner to the house.”

“Done.” He looked up at Sarah. “Though Vixy might freak anyways at the sheer size of your girlfriend.”

“If Sarah wakes up, she can deal with our sister.” Carien sighed. “Two. I need you to get me a vehicle. If Sarah can’t wake up, something that can help me transport her.” I need to take us back to Gallensburg.”

Garry laughed. “You are kidding. How am I going to find something to transport a woman that big?”

“I don’t know how we were carried out here in the first place. Semi-trucks, I think. I was blindfolded for most of the way.” Carien scratched her head as she looked at the house. “But since I am here, I might as well stay for a bit while we figure out how to get Sarah out of here.”

“Ya. Before dad starts drinking and tries to get rid of her himself.”

Carien shuddered. “I forgot about that. I just hope if he starts drinking, he will think Sarah is a figment of his imagination.”

Garry shrugged. “Maybe. Well, let’s go inside. I can figure out how to transport your girlfriend while you relax in the house.” He put his hand on Carien’s back. “Just try and get along with the rest of the family in the meantime. I don’t need to come back to find everyone trying to kill each other. I will have you back home as soon as I can.”

She smiled. “Thank you, Garry. You are my favorite brother. Sometimes you feel like my only brother.”

He laughed. “Is it because I am the only sane one in the family.”

She punched him in the shoulder. “Are you calling me insane?”

“Well, I considered you sane until you hooked up with a giant lady. Now I think you have some screws loose.” He laughed. “I am joking, though.” He pushed the oak door open. “Just try and relax in the meantime.”

A shrill voice filled the air. “Well, as I live and breathe. Look what the cat dragged in.” Marget walked forward. “Ms. I am too good for us is back.”

Carien looked at the “you’re not welcome” rug. “Hello, mom.”

“So let me guess. Your fancy job as a glorified sales lady finally get to you, and you learned that you are not cut out for such a job.”

Carien crossed her arms. “No. I just lost my vehicle around here. That is all.”

“Oh, so you came to burden us because some sod stole from you. How nice.”

Garry narrowed his eyes. “Mother, please.”

She sneered; her dull green eyes boring into Garry. “Don’t you have dishes to do?”

“It’s Vixy’s turn.”

She raised her voice. “Vixy. Are you supposed to do the dishes tonight?”

“What the hell do you think?”

Marget looked at Garry. “So, you are trying to put your chores off on sweet ole Vixy?”

Carien stepped between them. “I can do it. Garry has to help me anyways.”

Marget sighed. “Fine. You are late on helping out around here anyways.” She turned around. “Maybe while you are at it, you can take over for Maxy’s chores as well.” She shook her head. “That poor boy just keeps breaking my poor heart, and I can’t take it.” She walked out of the room.

Garry shook his head and looked at Carien. “You didn’t have to get involved in this beyond sitting on the couch while I get you some transportation.”

Sarah smiled. “It’s fine. I do your work so you can get Sarah and me out of here faster.”

He scratched at his head. “Maybe we should focus on waking your girlfriend instead of. . .”

Carien pushed on his back. “Unless you have a bright idea on how to get up to her ears, focus on getting some trucks.”

“But what about. . .”

Carien slammed her foot down. “I don’t want the rest of the family to know about Sarah if they don’t have to. We are lucky they haven’t seen a giant unconscious lady at the front of the driveway.”

Garry sighed as he was forced to the front door. “You know they are going to see Sarah eventually.”

Carien narrowed her eyes. “Which is why I want you to hurry. Now go.” She shoved him out the door. “Before I have to explain to anyone why there is a giantess here or why I am dating said giantess.” She slammed the door in his face. “It is bad enough I have to spend some time with my family. I don’t want to have a heart attack.” She took a deep breath and slid down against the door. “Ugh, I need something to calm my nerves.”

“What nerves?” Her father walked into the room. “Are you nervous, Vixy?”

Carien rolled her eyes. “I am not Vixy. Are you drunk already, dad?” She looked at the clock on the wall. “It’s only two p.m.”

He snorted. “I am not drunk. I am not sober, but I am not drunk. Humph.” He took a flask out of his jacket and took a sip. “What is it to you, Vixy? Since when do you care?”

“I am not. . . oh, never mind.”

He walked over and put his free hand on her shoulder. “There is some nice cooling liquid in the fridge to help you calm down.”

“I. . .”

“Go and calm down, Vixy!” Carien gulped and rushed towards the door.

“Ok, ok.” She shivered.  I think my dad’s drinking has gotten worse since I left.  She walked into the kitchen.  But he is right about one thing. Having a little something to calm my nerves couldn’t hurt. Maybe get my mind off of Sarah and how I will get her home.” She gulped as she opened the fridge, the cold breeze causing her hair to stand on edge. I wish I knew why she wasn’t shrinking down. Seriously I like her being that size and all, but right now, it’s frustrating as hell. Carien pulled a cold water bottle with the label ripped off out of the refrigerator.  I just feel so tiny and helpless as she lies there unconscious.

Carien unscrewed the cap and took a few gulps of the cold liquid. “Being small right now just sucks. Hugh.”

“What?” Margret walked into the room. “What kind of odd thing is that to say? Are you trying to make our family name any weirder?”

Carien’s cheeks turned red. “I was just. . .” She laughed. “Umm. . .”

Margret walked over to the sink. “Never mind. Look. Can you do the job that Garry promised to do, or can’t you?” She sneered. “Maybe all that time in the big city, you forgot how to do some simple chores.”

Carien took another gulp of her water. “Don’t worry, I can.” She set the bottle down on the table.  Why does this taste so funny. Hugh, maybe my parents just can’t get good water?  Carien walked over to the sink. “I will handle it.”

Marget sighed. “Then I expect you to have this taken care of by the time my program is over.” She turned around. “Mr. Iraon is on tonight. Oh, how his hips thrust about as he. . .” She realized that she was blushing. “Umm, well. . . I am just going to go enjoy my program.”

Carien turned her attention back to the task at hand. “I just need to get this over with so I can go back to watching Sarah.” She started the water. “Should be too hard.” She winced as she felt a strange tightening sensation ripple throughout her body. “What the hell was that? Ugh.” She shivered. “Maybe the stress of my family is already getting to me.”

She picked grabbed the bar of soap and her first dish. “At least there isn’t too much to deal with.” She winced as the tightening feeling intensified. “Ughh. What is going on?” Carien wobbled back and forth as her clothing began to feel heavy. “I hope I am not sick.” She closed her eyes. “It is the last thing I need right now.”

When she opened them, she found her eyes level with the counter. “Oh fuck.” She watched as the counter rose above her. “This isn’t good.” Her pants fell to the floor. “Shit.”

Without thinking, she dropped the plate onto the ground, the antique shattering the moment it hit the ground.

“What the hell is going on in there?”

Carien’s face turned red. “Umm, nothing.” She turned around only to fall onto her face as her legs became tangled in a mess of overgrown pants and shoes. “Everything is perfectly fine.” She pulled at her growing shirt. “For fucks sake. Stop shrinking.”

“Vixy. Go and check on your sister and make sure she isn’t wrecking the kitchen.”

“What? Who let her in here?”

“Do what I say. Don’t make me get up during Personal Intent, young lady.”

“But. . .”


“God damnit. Fine. I will check on that brat sister of mine.” Carien heard a door slam from the floor above. “I have a life, too, you know.”

Carien shook her head. “I can’t let them see me like this.” Her head slipped under the collar of her shirt. “I have to hide. Fast.” She pulled herself through the hole for her head of her shirt and onto the cold tile floor. “God, this place is huge.” She looked around. “And filthy.

Don’t they clean.” She winced as she could see all of the dust and bits of food. “Gross. The things you see when you are tiny.”

Carien started to bounce up and down as the floor vibrated from someone’s footsteps. Carine gulped as she recognized her sister’s shrill voice. “Mother, I don’t see my sister in here. What kind of nonsense are you pulling.”

“Find out what is going on.”

Vixen groaned. “Ughh.” Carien ducked underneath the dining table. “I hate this. Go and check on my stupid sister, who probably isn’t here. Some idiotic—” There was silence as Vixen spotted Carien’s clothing and the shattered plate. “What the hell?” She knelt down, and Carien could see Vixen’s hands. “Someone was here alright.” She pulled out Carien’s wallet. “Let’s see here. Well, I will be dammed. It is my sister. But. . .” Vixen raised her voice. “Mother. Carien broke one of your plates and is running around the house naked.”

“Well, deal with it. You know I am not getting up unless absolutely necessary. And if I do, you are going to regret it.”

Vixen slammed her foot onto the ground, causing Carien to bounce into the wooden archway above her. “Good damnit. I don’t want to have to look for my crazy ass sister.” She slammed her hand against the dining table, causing Carien to fall to the dust-ridden floor. “Ughh.” Vixen took a deep breath. “But the sooner I find her, the soon I can work on getting that asshole out of here. Let’s think. Where did Carien like to hide as a kid?”

Suddenly Vixen fell to the ground, and she stared into Carien’s eyes. “You can’t hide from. . .” Her hazel eyes widened. “What the hell?” She watched as Carien stood up and dusted herself off. “Carien? How the blazes are you so fucking small?”

“Vixen. I can explain.”

Vixen laughed. “Never mind, explaining.” She reached under the table and wrapped her hand around Carien, grabbing her sister. “This is too funny.”

“Hey. Put me down.”

“No, thank you.” She stood up as Carien slammed her tiny fists against Vixen’s hands. “Aww. You almost look cute as you struggle.”


Vixen used her free hand to push her long blonde hair behind her back. “Well, that explains why your clothing is on the ground.” She pushed Carien’s head down and then let go, Carien’s head bouncing around like a bobblehead. “Though what happened to the plate? You do realize that breaking such things is low even for someone like you.”

Carien sneered as she forced her head to a halt. “It is hard to hold on to such things as I am rapidly shrinking.”

“Excuses, excuses.” She leaned against the counter. “So, tell me. Are you still under the delusion that you can date other women? Or did you finally realize that you should be dating men?”

Carien sighed. “Why does that bother you so much?”

“Why can’t you be normal?” Vixen laughed. “Well, I guess you can’t because you are smaller than our dolls growing up. Your normal ship passed long ago.”


“Hey, I am just—

Their father walked into the room. “Hey, Vixy. You are not going to believe this.” He looked at Carien. “Oh my god. When did your sister get here?”

Carien crossed her arms. “You just now noticed that I am here. We were talking a few minutes ago, dad. Why does it take me shrinking for you to realize that I am me?

How drunk are you.”

He raised his voice. “Don’t talk back to me. Unless you want me to lock you inside a doll house, missy. You have a lot of growing up to do, and you should listen to your big sister Vixy.”

Carien blinked her eyes.  I am a year older than Vixen. Arthur is well past wasted.

Their father turned his attention to Vixen. “Come on. I need to show you this.” He laughed. “It is the most amazing thing I have ever seen.”

Vixen laughed. “More amazing than what I have here in my hand?” She flicked Carien in the face. “Doubtful.”

“Does a woman the size of our house sound more amazing.” Arthur wobbled back and forth. “Oh, I think I need a bit of a pick me up. Ugh.”

Vixen’s eyes lit up. “Did you say a woman the size of a house?”

“I did?” He scratched at his head. “Oh ya. I think I saw something at the front of our driveway. Now, if you excuse me, I am going to lie down.” He took a step forward before promptly falling backward.

Carien looked up at her sister. “You can’t really believe dad in the state he is in.”

Vixen laughed. “Well, considering how tiny you are, I think finding a gigantic woman isn’t out of the realm of possibility.” She walked to the door. “Prehap, this mysterious stranger is the one who helped to shrink you. I will have to thank them. They did me a great service.”

Carien gulped.  If Vixen and the rest of my family find out the truth, there will be absolute chaos. Garry, where are you? I need you to get back before Sarah wakes up.  Carien shivered as they walked outside, and she could see Sarah lying on the side of the road.

“Wow.” Vixen laughed. “That is one big lady.” She looked down at Carien. “Do you know anything about this, Carien?” Carien crossed her arms and turned away. “Oh, so you do know something.” Vixen pressed her fingers against Carien’s head. “I want you to tell me what you know, ok.”

“Vixen. What is going on?” The two sisters turned their heads as Garry slammed his truck door closed, and he looked at Carien. “What the hell did you do to your sister?”

Vixen laughed. “I didn’t do this. I found her this way.” She shrugged her shoulders. “But far be it if I am not going to enjoy myself while Care, Care is like this.”

“I hate that name,” Carien said.

Vixen ignored her. “What the hell were you doing anyways, Garry?”

“Just driving around town looking for something. I. . .” They all turned their heads as Sarah groaned. “Umm, did you hear that?”

Vixen pulled her hand away from Carien’s head. “Ohh, it looks like the giantess might be waking up. I am so excited.”

Carien gulped.  Oh no.

Sarah groaned as she slowly sat up, rubbing her forehead. “Ugh, what happened. The last thing I remember was. . .” She blinked her eyes. “Fredrick. That asshole. Where is. . .” She looked around. “Where the hell am I?”

“You are in Rentin county, darling.” Vixen laughed. “And I have no idea who this Fredrick person is, but I do have to say, if he is too much for someone like you to handle, I would hate to meet him.”

“Vixy.” Garry sneered at her. “Out of all of the things you could say when she wakes up, that is what you utter out of your mouth?”

Vixen laughed. “What can I say. I just speak the truth.”

Sarah looked down at them. “Who the hell are you, people.” She rubbed her head. “Where is Carien. Ugh.”

Vixen held up her hand. “Carien is right here in my hand. What do you want with my sister?”

“Sister?” Sarah took a deep breath. “Carien never mentioned having a sister.” Sarah narrowed her eyes. “Carien, why couldn’t you tell me that you have a sister? We are dating, for crying out loud.”

Vixen’s eyes twitched. “Dat. . . dating?” She tightened her grip around Carien.

Garry gulped. “Vixy?”

Vixen raised her voice. “I can’t let my sister date some giantess. . . broad. It isn’t right!”

Sarah’s eyes widened. “What?”

Vixen pointed at Sarah. “Look here. I don’t care how big you are. I am not. . .”

Garry ran over and covered Vixen’s mouth. “I am sorry that this is how you meet the rest of the family, Sarah.” He wrestled to pull Carien out of her grasp. “Now calm down, Vixy.” He yanked Carien out of her hand before Vixen twisted away.

“I... I don’t approve of this one bit. Carien, I could barely stand you being a Lesbian.

But this is just too far. I just. . . ugh.” Finally, she turned around and stormed off.

Garry sighed. “That went better than I thought.” He looked down at Carien. “Are you alright?”

She sighed. “Yes. I knew she disapproved of who I am. It is why I didn’t want to bring Sarah before my family. Well, besides you, Garry.”

Sarah knelt down so her head was level with Garry’s. “Carien. It is so good to see you. Even if you are so very, very small.”

Carien laughed. “Yes. I have so much to tell you.”

Sarah nodded her head. “As do I.” She watched as Vixen vanished into the farmhouse. “I see not all of your family is. . . I don’t even know what to say.”

Carien groaned. “Ya. The rest of the family isn’t much better. My mother is a judging jerk, and my father is an abusive drunk. So, there was a reason why I didn’t want you to meet my family.”

Sarah smiled. “It’s ok. After seeing how your sister reacted to me blurting out that I am your girlfriend, I understand. Hughh.” Sarah took a deep breath. “I am still exhausted. But, once I regain my strength, I think we can head home.”

Carien smiled. “That is music to my ears.” She scratched at her rear end, feeling something trying to push its way out.  Ugh, I hope that isn’t anything serious.  She winced as her ears started to itch.  I can’t take more shenanigans.


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