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Shrunken Bonds.  (This story was done for Tomalert)

“I don’t even see why we had to come all the way out here.” Rose shook her head as she leaned over the railing.

Sarah walked up and rubbed Rose’s shoulder. “We came out here to spend some time together. That is why.”

Rose raised an eyebrow. “Why did we have to come all the way out here, though?” She slapped her arm, crushing a bug. “I mean, look at these things. We are lucky if they decide to suck our blood.”

Sarah laughed. “Come on, honey. It is all part of the experience here. A nice tropical island getaway.” She hugged her daughter. “Now let loose, will you?”

Rose rolled her eyes. “I will as soon as you let me know when we are getting off this rock.

I didn’t exactly ask to be dragged out here in the first place.” She sighed. “And I have friends, you know.

People to hang out with.”

“Rose. This is a great chance for us to spend time together. You are not a young lady anymore. I want to know what is going on in your life.” Sarah sat down and smiled. “I know my methods are a tad bit. . .” She laughed. “Extreme. But we had to do this somehow. You are moving out in the next few weeks, and I want to get this last chance to well know my wonderful young lady before she up and moves halfway across the country.” Sarah smiled as she looked out across the crashing waves. “We have so much to talk about and. . .” She narrowed her eyes. “What are you doing? Why are you on your phone?”

“I am asking Greg if he will be ready for brunch when I get back. We are getting back on the eighteenth, right? Hey!” Rose turned around as Sarah snatched the phone out of her hand. “Give that back.”

“What did the staff here tell you about bringing phones?”

“What did they tell you about being a nosy prick?”

“Is everything alright in here?”

Sarah smiled as she slid the phone behind her back. “Everything is fine.”

The young man in a black suit walked into the room and stared at her with an uneasy glance. “Hmm. Then what is behind your back?”

Sarah laughed. “My hands? What else would be back there?”

“Mayhap show me?” The young man held out his hand.

Rose laughed. “Ya. Show the man Sarah.”

Sarah looked at Rose. “It is still mom to you. I don’t care if you are eighteen!”

“Ehem.” The man waved his hand. “Your hands “Sarah.”

She rolled her eyes and revealed the phone behind her back. “Here.”

He snatched it and sneered at her. “You know that phones are forbidden on this retreat.”

Rose snickered. “I tried to tell her, but she still snuck one out here. She just had to work.”



“Look, I don’t care who’s it is.” He crossed his arms. “You two look to have some issues that will take more than just a gentle soak in the ocean to resolve.”

Rose laughed. “So, we are going to do some group therapy here before we head back?

I hope it doesn’t take too long. I have to pack and such. I have a big move coming.”

He narrowed his eyes. “You will take all the time you need to bond together.” He looked at Sarah. “Don’t worry, we have some alternative methods to bring people here closer together.”

“Oh good.” She put her hand on her chest. “I knew from the brochure you said you were the best in the world at helping people work things out.” She took a deep breath. “I do find this very weird, though. What is your name? You don’t even have a name tag.”

He sighed. “It’s best if you don’t know, miss. The company wants to keep it that way. That is all you need to know.”

Rose arched an eyebrow. “Really? That is odd.”

He crossed his arms. “Well, here is the deal. You want to leave this island so you can get to packing for your big trip, right?”

Rose’s eyes lit up. “Oh yes. More than anything!” She spun around. “I can’t wait to start my new life. It will be so fantastic.”

He turned towards Sarah. “And you want to be closer to your daughter?”

Sarah nodded her head. “Yes.” She pulled Rose in close, causing her daughter to squirm. “It is the whole reason why I paid a king’s ransom to come out to this sweltering nightmare.”

He turned around and pushed the door to their room open. “There is a boat on the far end of the island. Reach it, and you will both find what you seek.”

Rose laughed. “Wait, so if I leave right now, I can go home?” She shook her head. “You can’t be serious!”

Sarah ran to the door. “Oh, no, no, no. I came here so I could bond with my daughter, not so you could tempt her with a way home. What kind of nightmare resort are you running?”

“Top of the line miss. Now, if you will excuse me, miss.” He pushed Sarah to the side. “I have work to do. There are other guests here that care a bit more about bonding and don’t have to resort to such extreme behavior. Ugh.” He shoved Sarah to the side. “Thank you.” He adjusted his suit. “Now, I hope you have a lovely day, and please enjoy the jungle. I am sure you will really, really love the walk through it on your way home Rose.” He laughed as he walked out of the room.

Sarah sighed and turned around. “Well, we will just have to find someone else who is better equipped to. . .” Her eyes widened as she watched Rose gather her things. “Hey, what are you doing?”

“Getting ready to go after that boat.”

“But we have so much we can try and bond over here.” She watched as Rose dashed around the room. “We haven’t even begun to try.”

“Sorry, but that was your idea. My idea is to get on that boat and move my life forward.

You just have to deal with it.”

“But. . .”

Rose threw her belongings into a bag. “Hey, I just have so much I want to do, ok. And I don’t have time for this.” Rose raised an eyebrow as Sarah tried to stand in front of the door. “What are you doing?”

“Keeping you here, so you slow down and listen to me.”

Rose shook her head. “I am sorry. We can talk about this when I get my new place in San Fran, ok.” She slipped under Sarah’s elbow. “No hard feelings, though, mom.”

Sarah tightened her hands into fists. “Ugh, come on.” She turned around. “Rose, I am not flushing all of the money it took to get us out here down the toilet. Don’t make me. . .” She blinked her eyes. “Where did she go?” Sarah rubbed at her forehead. “How the hell did she slip away so quickly?” She walked out of the room into the hallway. “Rose. Hey, where did you go?”

A young man walked out into the hallway with a robe around his waist. “What is going on? Why are you yelling?”

Sarah laughed. “Oh, hello there, Mr. Howard.” He narrowed his eyes. “How are you doing?”

“I was having some intimate time with the misses until you started calling and calling like some wounded bird.” He snorted. “Now keep down that racket you hear.” He slammed the wooden door.

Sarah ran her hand along her neck. “I don’t sound that bad, do I?” She gulped. “I can’t think about that right now. I need to find Rose before she gets on that boat, and I am out a few thousand dollars. And worse, I might lose one of the last chances I have to make a connection with her until she is in her forties.”

Sarah dashed through the complex until she came to the beachfront. There she saw a young couple soaking up the sun. “Hey, have you two seen a young woman run by here? Dark hair. Ye high?”

They pointed towards the jungle, and Sarah sighed. “Oh great. Well, that oh so very helpful man did say on the other side of the bloody island that Rose would find a way off the island.” Sarah rolled her eyes. “I have to go and make sure that she doesn’t abandon our chance to bond here.” She dashed off into the mess of green trees.

“Sheesh, if I knew I was coming in here, I would have sworn something different.” She pulled at her blouse. “Oh god.” Sweat dripped down her neck. “I hope I find her soon.”


Sarah’s eyes widened. “I didn’t think I would find her that soon.” She dashed through the trees and came into a sunlit clearing. “Rose, is everything alright?”

She turned her head. “What are you doing here? I am going to that boat, you hear me?” She pushed herself to her feet. “Now, if you will excuse me. Ugh!” Rose fell to her feet, tiny drops of blood dripping from her torn shirt sleeve.

“Oh my god. Are you ok?” Sarah rushed over and pulled Rose to her feet. “Let’s get you back to the hotel. Maybe someone there can bandage this up.”

“No, I. . .” She groaned. “I. . .”

“Look. You get yourself lost, and some animal comes out here and bites you. Now let’s get back so we can look at that arm before it becomes infected.” Rose pulled away. “Hey! This is no time to be stubborn.”

“I. . . can still make the boat. I don’t care if I feel a bit under the weather. I am not going to be stuck here.”

Sarah narrowed her eyes. “Rose, this is becoming absurd. Now come with me. . . Ahhh!” She winced as something wrapped around her legs and dug into her skin. “What the hell was that?”

Rose slammed her foot down onto a large blue flower with strange pedals. “That same bloody thing that bit me. I was going in to examine it, and it just snapped at me.” She shook her head. “Now, do you see why coming here was a mistake?” Rose wiped the sweat from her brow. “Now, if you don’t mind, I will continue heading out of here.” She put her hand to her head. “Ugh.”

Sarah reached out and tried to keep her daughter from falling over, but instead, Sarah saw an even greater horror. Before her eyes, she watched as Rose started to shrink; every second, inches shredded away. Rose shook her head and looked around as her clothing became large and heavy on her body. “What is going on?” She shivered as her pants fell to the ground. “Sarah. . . I mean, mom! Get help.” She turned around and tripped over her pants. “Ugh, tell someone, anyone.”

Sarah shook her head. “No way. I am not abandoning you.” She watched as Rose shrank down below three feet. “I am going to stay right here beside you.”

“But I. . .” Rose sighed. “Oh god, it just doesn’t stop. I. . .” Her head slipped under the collar of her shit, and Sarah lost sight of Rose.

“Rose.” Sarah ran her hands through her hair. “Rose!” She jumped back as she saw movement underneath the clothing. “Please tell me that is you.”

She watched as a tiny figure emerged out from under the clothing. “Yes, it’s me.” She sighed and tied her bra around her body. “Fuck I never thought I would have to look up at you again.”

Sarah laughed. “Well, you do look kind of cute. For a half a foot tall girl.”

Rose slammed her foot onto the ground. “It isn’t funny. How am I supposed to get off this island now? This is insane. Insane, I say.”

“We can walk back to the resort and figure things out from there.”

Rose shook her head. “No. You are marching me straight to the boat.” Rose walked up to Sarah and kicked her mother in the heel.


“Now move it. I am not letting this little matter keep me from moving to my new home.” She kicked Sarah again. “And pick me up. I am not walking everywhere.”

Sarah knelt over and winced. “Ugh.” She rubbed the temple of her forehead. “My insides are churning.”

Rose gulped. “Crap, that stupid flower munched on you too.” She looked back and forth. “Well, hurry up and pick me up already before you start to. . .” She watched as Sarah started to shrink. “Do that.” Rose crossed her arms while waiting for her mother to come down to her size. “Well, great. Just great.”

Sarah pushed her way out from under a heap of clothing. “Oh god. What a thrill ride.”

Rose ran her hand across her face. “Are you not going to cover yourself up with your bra?”

Sarah shrugged her shoulders. “In my rush to chase you down, I hadn’t put mine back on. Unless you have something else in my size right now, I will have to go in my birthday suit.” She spun around. “I look nice, though, don’t I?”

Rose shook her head. “Fine, fine. So, what are we going to do? We are both what seven inches tall and lost in the jungle on a tropical island. And I have to get on that boat.”

“What do you want to leave so badly?”

“Because I. . .” Rose sighed. “Because I want to. . .” She looked at the ground. “I am not trying to run away from you if that is what you think. I just am really excited to see someplace new. I am caught up in it all. And I guess being associated as a momma’s girl all my life is well dull?”

Sarah raised an eyebrow. “Look, I am not saying you must be friends with me night and day.” She walked up and put her hand on Rose’s shoulder. “But I do want to be in your life. I don’t want you to run out of it, so I will never see you again.” She lifted Rose’s chin. “You get that.” Rose nodded her head. “Ok, good. So, let’s head back to the resort.”

“What? I open up to you and. . .”

Sarah held up her hand. “We are getting you off this island, but tell me, at our height do you think we are really going to find our way through this blasted jungle? The resort is much closer than this boat that could be a few meters or miles away.” She smiled. “Once we are at the resort, we can buy passage to the boat. One way or the other.”


Sarah turned around. “Well, I mean, if people don’t want money, I think two tiny dancing ladies would be enough to get us off the island. An exotic trade deal, don’t you think?”

Rose gulped. “Wow, I don’t know what to say. And I hope that it just stays at we buy our way off the island.”

They walked for a bit, the impressions of their boot prints leaving enough of a trail for them to follow back to the resort. “Well, this is simple enough.” Sarah laughed. “Between the two of us, we both left a trail that won’t be too hard to follow back.”

“I never thought having heavy boots was a good thing.” She raised her head. “Oh crap!”

The two ladies crossed their arms as they came up to a giant fallen log. “I had just stepped over this when chasing you.” Sarah sighed. “We are going to need a more ingenious way to get over it this time.”

Rose laughed. “I’m all ears.”

Sarah looked at the ground and the broken husks of tree seeds on the ground. She smiled and picked one up, tossing it to Rose. “Here, take this.”


Sarah picked another one up and thrust it into the deadwood. “Perfect. This should do nicely.” She looked back at Rose. “Find some loose grass. We can use these as climbing tools.”

“Climb? Would you not rather go around?”

Sarah fashioned the makeshift tools on her hands and feet. “I am not risking losing the trail. At our size, we might not get it back.” She looked at her daughter. “You need any help with your climbing set?”

Rose shook her head. “I am good.” She looked up. “I said. . . oh you were not?”

Sarah smiled. “I can see you are doing fine from here.” She turned around and dug her heel into the side of the log. “Now come on. If I remember this fallen piece of timber wasn’t that far from the resort. We get there, find someone to take us to the boat, and you can head to your new home.” She turned her head and began to climb up and over the log. “I can see it now. Soon this will all be but a small hiccup in our journey.”

She looked down to see Rose climbing up after her. “I hope so. And can you not use size puns?” Sarah giggled. “Let’s go already!”

The two ladies made their way to the other side, dusted themselves off, and dashed once more into the jungle. Sarah kept a close eye on the trail while Rose eyed the surrounding forest. A hungry animal could jump out and use the pair as a meal at any moment. Thankfully though, none of the island creatures decided that they wanted doll-sized woman on the menu, and they reached the safety of the resort unharmed.

“Finally.” Sarah stretched her arms out in glee. “Let’s put an end to this nightmare, shall we?”

The pair rushed towards the rushing water and glittering straw huts. “How do you expect us to be noticed without being stepped on?”

Sarah shook her head. “I hadn’t really thought that far. Just making it out of the jungle is well further than I thought we would make it. Ahh!” She ducked out of the way as an elderly man almost crushed her. “Watch where you are going?”

He looked around in a daze. “Who said that? Please, sir. I don’t have any money on me. I mean it.”

Rose rushed up. “No. We are not trying to rob you. Down here.”

The elderly gent looked down and gasped. “Goodness, will you look at this.” He picked up Rose. “What amazing-looking toys.”

Sarah clenched her hands into fists. “Put my daughter down this instant.”

“Daughter?” He looked at Rose. “You are telling me you are not mechanical marvels?”

Rose nodded her head. “Yes, sir. We are living, breathing humans. If a bit small.”

He smacked himself in the head with his free hand. “Well, by golly. I have found a tribe of gnomes. And they said this place would be magical.”

Sarah rubbed her forehead. “We are not gnomes.”

Rose looked down at her mother. “Well, at least he is not trying to hurt us.”

The elderly gentleman laughed. “I daresay why would I hurt gnomes? You bring good luck.”

Rose shook her head. “We are not—

Sarah raised her voice. “Oh, you got us.  Yes, yes, we are gnomes. As plain as day.”

He jumped into the air, causing Sarah to dash out of the way in fear of being crushed by giant feet. “I knew it. I knew it. My prayers are going to be answered.” He looked at Rose. “So, my dear, can you help me?”

“Um. . .” Her eyes lit up. “Yes, but first, you must take us both to the other side of the island. Do something for us, and the magic will happen for you.”

“Oh.” He rubbed his chin. “I knew you gnomes were tricky, but ugh.” He sighed. “Well, I guess it can’t hurt.” He raised his voice. “Hey, Margret. I am taking some gnomes to the other side of the island. I will be back later tonight!”

Sarah heard a shrill voice fill the air. “Maybe don’t come back at all, you fool.”

He looked down at Rose and Sarah. “Well, maybe you can use that magic to help me with her.” He raised his voice. “You hear that, you old crone. I am going to ask the gnomes to aid our marriage since you are so against it.” He knelt over and picked Sarah up. “Hmm, do all of your elderly kind oppose to wearing clothing?”

Sarah’s cheeks turned red. “Ahem. Let’s just get to the other side of the island, shall we?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Sure. Whatever.”

Sarah clung to his hand as they delved once more into the jungle. This time though, the journey was much faster. Despite his old age, he moved quite quickly through the forest. “So, do your kind have names?”

“You can call me Sarah.”


“My name is Loral. I came here to repair my marriage, but I think my wife is more interested in drinking away the rest of her years. Well, when she isn’t yelling at me.” He looked at his tiny companions. “Well, I do hope you can help change that.”

Sarah gulped. “We can well. . .”

“Don’t’ worry. When I said your magic at work, all will be better.” The beachside came into view. “I just have to play my part first. Hmm, that is strange. There is a man standing beside a boat.”

Sarah stood on her feet. “That is the man we saw before you dashed out into the jungle before Rose.”

“Ya. Hey Loral. Take us over to him.”

“Umm ok. . .” He walked over to the strange man in a suit. “Hello there.”

He nodded his head. “Hello.” He looked down at Sarah and Rose. “And hello to you, my young friends.”

Loral twisted away. “Hey, hands off. These are my gnomes.”

The man laughed. “Gnomes? Is that what these fine young ladies told you. Loral, are you really that gullible? Why they are nothing more than shrunken women.”

“Huh?” He blinked his dull blue eyes.

“Sorry, burst your bubble.”

Loral shook his head. “I was lied to.” He looked at Sarah and Rose. “You tricksters. If you weren’t women, I would call you gremlins.” He dropped them onto the ground. “I need to get back to my wife. What have I done?”

“Oh, one more thing Loral.”


The man in the suit smiled. “We need to discuss how to fix your marriage after I am done here.”

“Oh, pish posh. I am doing a fine job of that on my own.” He ran off into the trees.”

The man shrugged. “He will come to realize that the methods done here can’t be fought.” He knelt down and let the young ladies walk onto his hands. “So I see you two have learned to work things out.”

Rose nodded her head. “Yes. This shrinking incident has well taught me that spending time with my mother isn’t a bad thing.”

Sarah smiled. “And I understand that I have to let her go.” Ran her hand along Rose. “No matter how hard it is. But I will always be with you.” Rose smiled back.”

“That is good to hear. From both of you.” He set them down on the ground and then sprinkled strange dust over them. Moments later, Sarah felt strange warmth well up inside of her. She blinked her eyes and watched as her surroundings began to grow. Moments later, she was amazed to find herself at her standard height once more.

“I... I mean, we are back to normal.”

Rose covered herself. “Yes, now can we have some clothing? I don’t feel as good about being naked in public as my mom.”

He laughed. “You will be given clothing.” He looked at Rose. “After you have dressed, the boat will be waiting for you. For both of you. Your time here has ended.” He walked past him. “Now, if you excuse me. I have some other trouble guests to deal with. One of which you already met.” He walked away.

Sarah smiled. “Well, it seems this place was worth the money after all.” She laughed. “Though very taxing on the sanity.”

Rose giggled. “Maybe so. But promise me one thing.”

“What is that?”

“Never bring us here again. I don’t want to be a few inches high like that ever again.”

Sarah put her hand on Rose’s shoulder as they walked towards a nearby building. “On that, we can agree.”


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