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Giantess Future.

Sarah rubbed her eyes as the morning rays of the sunrise banished her hazy dream. “Ugh.” She yawned and sat up. “Moring Carien.”

Sarah’s eyes sprang open as she heard a scream. “Carien?” She looked down to notice she was still a good fifty-some foot tall. “Oh no, she had fallen asleep on my chest. I must have knocked her off. Carien. Where are you? Carien!”

She noticed a tiny figure on her right thigh. Sarah sighed in relief and picked up her tiny girlfriend. “Oh my god, I am so, so sorry.” She held Carien up in front of her face. “I could have really hurt you there.”

Carien shivered. “Ya, no kidding.” She looked up at Sarah. “How the hell are you still a giantess. It’s been almost two days. Sarah, I am starting to get a bit worried. You should of shrunk down by now.”

Sarah shook her head. “I don’t know.” She looked out and watched as the sun slowly rose in the distance. “I normally only change in size for only a few hours. Not entire days. This is absurd.” She shivered. “I am freezing here. I haven’t had any clothing since I grew at that stupid fake giantess festival.”

“Well, I don’t exactly think people are going to make clothing in your size.”

Sarah narrowed her eyes. “Well, I can’t just wait around. That hasn’t been working.”

Carien held up her hands. “Ok, don’t get angry. That never works out. You know that.”

Sarah took a deep breath. “I know. I am just. . . scared.” She put her left arm behind her back. “What if I never shrink down again.” She looked at the hardwood trees that surrounded her.

Carien gently rubbed her hand. “Don’t think that. You are going to return to your usual five-foot-seven self in no time. Just you wait.” She wrapped her arms around Sarah’s thumbs as Sarah stood up. “Hey, where are we going?” The surrounding trees began to shake.


“We can’t just stay here. Remember, we just escaped from a giantess hunters’ facility.” She ran her left hand over her body. “And well, look at me. I am still a giantess.”

“If they didn’t come looking for us in the night, I don’t think they will bother searching for us.” Carien smiled. “I think you taught them not to mess with us.”

Sarah shook her head. “I doubt that.” She began to walk through the trees, her footfalls causing the forest to shudder. “Though I feel like something had to happen if they are unwilling to chase after us.” She sighed. “I just don’t know what we should do next.”

“I thought we were going to find a nearby town and figure out where we are? So why not do that?”

Sarah threw her arms aside, causing Carien to hold on for dear life. “Look at me.

I am what fifty, sixty feet tall. We come close to any town; the people there are going to freak.” Sarah shook her head. “Or it will be just like home, and I will have people lining up to use me.”

“Sarah. . .”

“I don’t want this.” She kicked a tree out of the ground. “I hated having to constantly change in size to suit the whims of one person or another. Gregory. Callen. Everyone just wanted me to be on show for them.” She rubbed her forehead. “I can’t imagine being stuck like this and people just using me over and over again. Having those times to myself was pure bliss.”

“I thought you said you enjoyed being able to change in size and all those other adventures.” Carien smiled. “I remember you telling me you came to terms with this when we were. . .”

“I am happy that I can change in size and everything. But. . .” She kicked another tree out of the ground. “But other people just ruin it sometimes. And I can’t imagine a life being stuck like this. Gawh.”

Carien lowered her head. “I umm. . . didn’t know you felt that way. You have been talking about this in a positive light for the last few months.”

“It’s complicated, Carien.” Sarah sat down by a river and looked into the waterfall. “If there were no horrible people who felt the need to use me or be afraid of me, well, it would be an easy choice.” She ran her free hand through the falling water. “But since they are waiting for us at home, I just can’t be afraid. . . afraid feeling that if I am like this that my life might be worse off. Hugh.”

Carien narrowed her eyes and looked up at Sarah. “Well, that is a bunch of hogwash.”

Sarah looked down in surprise. “Huh?

Carien stood up and put her hands on her hips. “When we met, I was deathly afraid of changing in size and becoming giantess, especially in public. But you helped show me that it wasn’t a bad thing. You helped show me that being a giantess is a beautiful thing, and you can help people. You shouldn’t be afraid of what other people think of you whether you are three feet tall or two hundred.” She formed her hands into fists. “You can’t control the assholes in this world. They are going to do whatever they feel like to ruin your life no matter what you do. Don’t bend to their will and hurt yourself in the process. If you want to be a giantess, then so be it. Embrace it, my love. Don’t let those jerks control you.”

Sarah’s eyes began to water. “Carien. . .”

“Sarah, you are one of the most wonderful people I know. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t of. . .” She took a deep breath and looked at Sarah’s palm. “I wouldn’t been able to handle a bit of an issue where I turned into a giantess and stopped another giantess from trying to destroy an entire city. I know you feel a bit down and scared, but you have done good. If you weren’t who you are, a crazed woman would have leveled an entire city because of those Fredrick’s Fancy freaks. So please, I ask you not to be afraid of this. If you are to be a giantess for the rest of your life. . .” Tears came to her eyes. “Embrace it as you bring a light to this world like no other. I don’t want you to squander it because of horrible people.”

Sarah smiled. “Thank you. If I could hug you, I would.”

Carien wrapped her arms around Sarah’s index finger. “Well, I will do it for the both of us.”

“Thank you.” She stood up. “I am still scared for what lies ahead, but at least I know I have you to stand beside me.”

Carien smiled. “I guess that is a start. So can we start to find a way home?”

Sarah nodded her head. “I would say so.” She gently closed her hand. “Besides, I can’t take this damn cold. It makes my nipples hard and stiff, and I don’t need people to see that. I am already nude as it is.”

Carien giggled. “Well, I mean, I like it.” Sarah sighed. “But I can see how that would be an issue.”

They walked together through the forest, seeking civilization. The forest of red and yellow leaves seemed to go on forever. Occasionally, they spotted the lone deer or bear, but the animal immediately ran off upon seeing Sarah towering over it. “I am starting to wonder if we are ever going to find our way out of here.”

Carien laughed. “Well, I thought it was going to be easy with a giantess on our side.”

Sarah rolled her blue eyes. “Just because I am massive doesn’t mean I am a miracle worker.”

“Give yourself time. You will surprise yourself.” Carien ran to the edge of Sarah’s palm. “Hey, what is that?” She pointed towards the south. “Look at that. Buildings are rising out of the trees. We found something.”

“You mean I found something.”

“Hey, we are no longer lost in a giantess hunter’s hell hole. Chin up. Soon we will know where we are. Then we can work our way home.”

Carien lowered her voice. “Then I can work on a bit of a surprise.”

“What surprise.”

Carien’s cheeks turned bright red. “Shesh, your hearing has improved. Look, just forget I said anything.” She looked up at Sarah. “It isn’t important, ok. It isn’t like I well care or anything.” She groaned. “I didn’t mean that. Of course, I love you. Ugh.” She dragged her hand across her face. “Can we just forget I said anything?”

Sarah raised an eyebrow.  She is sure acting strange.  She looked out over the tiny town. “I just hope this goes well.” Sarah looked around as she walked down the rugged road. “That is strange. Where is everyone?”

Carien took a deep breath. “Maybe they are all still asleep.”

“Even with my steps causing their homes to rock back and forth.” She raised an eyebrow as the tiny houses shuddered with each step, the dainty paint falling onto the ground. “This place looks like a dump. Hell, the trailer park back home was kept in better shape.”

Carien clutched Sarah’s index finger tightly. “I don’t like it. Maybe we should keep going.”

“We have to find out where we are, Carien. I am not leaving until I make sure this place is deserted. Someone is going to tell us where the hell we are.” She spotted movement between the shabby houses at the other end of the street. “There!” She took a step forward. “You there, stop.” The tiny figure dropped something and dashed into a back alley behind a convenience store with a hole in the roof. “I said stop.”

A shrill feminine voice filled the air. “Get out of here.”

Sarah took a deep breath. “I am not going to hurt you.” She quickly positioned herself in front of the young lady.


The young lady looked up at Sarah with utter terror as she fell to the ground. “Please, leave.” She turned around and scrambled to her feet.

“Wait.” Sarah held out her hand. “I. . .” She watched as the young woman ran off, picked up a small bag, and dashed inside one of the nearby homes.

Sarah took a deep breath and stood up. “She was terrified to see me, Carien.”

“I know. I have never seen anyone react to you that way. Or well to a giantess for that matter.”

Sarah turned around and looked over the town. “Are they all afraid of me?” She sighed and looked at the ground. “This is what I was afraid of. People who are scared at the mere sight of me.”

“Sarah, it isn’t your fault.”

“Hey, you! Get out of here now!” Sarah looked down at the ground to see a middle-aged man in a white doctor’s outfit looking up at Sarah. “We don’t want your kind around here.”

Sarah knelt down and looked at him. “What are you talking about?”

He narrowed his green eyes. “Giantesses. You have brought nothing but pain to this town. Now leave.”

Sarah snorted. “I have never been here before. And I am not going to try and wreck your town like some of the others might have. If I was going to, I would have already.”

He turned around and crossed his arms. “It doesn’t matter. You just being here will bring them back.”

Carien walked to the edge of Sarah’s palm and looked down at the doctor. “Bring who back?”

He looked up at Carien. “The giantess hunters, that is who.” He put his hands in his pockets. “They constantly watch over our town like hawks, waiting for every bloody super moon. Then when the women who are unlucky to look at it grow, they trash the town and cart them off. Some come back. Some don’t.” He pointed up at Sarah. “We don’t need another bloody giantess here to bring those devils back to bring further destruction to our home!”

Carien formed her hands into fists. “That isn’t fair. You can’t just. . .”

Sarah held up her hand. “It’s ok, Carien.” She looked down at the doctor. “What is your name?”


“Hector, I don’t mean to put you or anyone else in danger.

I just. . . I just want to know one thing, and I will leave you in peace. Where am I?”

He ran his hands through his long red hair. “Martinsville.”

“And where is that exactly?”

He laughed. “Wow, you are really lost. We are all the way in the UP of Michigan.”

“What? But that volcano.”

“That mountain? There has been so much smoke coming out of the facility set up there that outsiders have assumed that for months.” He raised an eyebrow. “You came from that giantess hunter’s facility, didn’t you. You didn’t lead those monsters here, did you?”

“I umm. . .”

He threw up his arms and turned around. “Great. Just great.” He looked back at Sarah. “You are just as. . .”

“Simmer down, my good fellow.” Sarah turned her gaze to see Callen limping towards them. “You have naught to fear.”

“But. . .”

He put his hand on the doctor’s shoulder. “It is true that she has escaped from the giantess hunters’ facility, but I assure you that they will be busy with other matters for quite some time.” Callen smiled. “They have a bit of a, how do you say, jailbreak on their hands. Sarah, here is the least of their concern.”

Sarah raised an eyebrow. “What happened? How did you. . .”

Callen held up his hand. “After I helped you escape, I needed a way out. I mean, I had gotten myself stuck in a hole in the facility. So, I did the only thing I could think of. I let all of the inmates out.” He laughed. “The so-called hunters were not happy, and it gave me time to escape from the facility.”

Hector spat. “You let the giantesses lose across the countryside?”

“Well, I had to do something. But even that came at a price.” He gestured at his leg. “The giant ladies that I released were not as happy as I would have thought. One of them kicked me against a wall as I tried to escape. I have been healing up here ever since, hoping to see you again.”

Hector sighed. “If I knew what you have done, I am not sure I would have treated you.”

He crossed his pale arms. “You just put a lot of people in danger.”

“Trust me, I had to do it.” He looked up at Sarah. “Also, I can see you are still gigantic.

If I remember right, don’t you usually shrink back down by now?” Sarah looked to the side. “What, are you still not talking to me?”

Carien looked at Sarah and then back at Callen. “I am not sure who you are, but I can tell you she is royally upset that she has been this big for a few days now, and we don’t know why.”

“I see.” Callen turned towards Hector. “May we ask for your assistance.”

Hector snorted. “Like hell am I helping a giantess. The sooner she gets out of Martinsville, the better.”

Sarah rolled her eyes. “I don’t really want help from you, Callen.”

Callen laughed. “But I saved your life back there.”

She turned her head and sneered. “You got me in that situation, to begin with.”

He held up his arms. “And I told you why. Now I know trust is hard. I have done a lot. But I really want to help.”

Carien rubbed Sarah lovingly. “Sarah, what is there to lose. If they double cross us well, you are large enough to toss them across the horizon.” She laughed.

Sarah sighed. “I just. . .Hugh. Fine.” She narrowed her eyes at Callen. “What exactly do you have in mind?”

Callen turned to look at Hector. “Well, I would ask that you take a blood sample of my giantess friend here. . .” Sarah slammed the ground with her foot, and Callen laughed. “Ok, of my giantess acquaintance here.” He raised an eyebrow and looked up at Sarah. “To be frankly honest, I am a tad worried on a few things on why she hasn’t shrunk back down.”

“I don’t know if I can’t give you that answer.”

“Then send the blood sample to my associate in Pettersvile. I know she can figure this out.” He looked at the ground. “Trust me. There is a young boy who needs this as well. Would your feelings on giantesses let a young child suffer? Possibly for the rest of his life?” He raised his hand. “She could potentially help him, and you could start this by taking a blood sample.

Please, I beg of you.”

“I umm. . .”

Callen grabbed Hector by the shirt. “Please!”

“Ok, ok. Anything to get you freaks out of this town.” He looked up at Sarah. “Meet me at the hospital in fifteen minutes. You got that?”

Sarah shook her head. “I never agreed to this.”

Hector clenched his fists. “Hey, look. I am taking your blood, and you will take the sample and like it. Then you are going to get out of my damn town.” He turned around. “I can’t believe I am doing this.” He shambled off.

Sarah looked down at Callen. “I don’t feel comfortable with this. Why do your people get to examine my blood?”

He crossed his arms and looked up at her. “You can be there to watch over them if you wish. But this is to save Fredricks, kid, remember. Unless you what that boy to suffer.”

Carien shook her head. “What, boy? Fredrick has a son?”

“I will tell you later, Carien.” Sarah looked down at Callen. “You can bet I will be watching this every step of the way to make sure this isn’t another trap like your job offer when you tried to drug me and kidnap me.”

Carien’s eyes widened. “What!”

“It was a different time.” He shrugged his shoulders. “But I guess this is a start. I will be waiting on the edge of town until you have your blood sample.” He bowed. “Glad to be working together again, my dear.”

“The feeling isn’t mutual.” Sarah stood up and sneered. She then began to walk toward the hospital. “The sooner this is over, the better.”

Carien looked up at Sarah. “Can we talk about Callen?”

“He tried to offer me pay for being a giantess working for Fredricks Fancy. But soon after, he tried to kidnap me, taking me to his boss Fredrick.” Sarah sighed. “It is why I hated Fredrick. Hated Callen.” They hounded me for over a year, starting with that incident.

“I am sorry. If I had known. . .”

“It’s ok. There is a young, innocent kid involved.” She sighed. “We have to think of him. He is stuck in a perpetual state of changing in size over and over again. If I have a chance of ending that nightmare for him, I have to do it. Even if it means making a deal with the devil.”

Sarah approached the hospital and waited for Hector to emerge. Once he did, she knelt down. “Ok. This shouldn’t take too long. Once I extract your blood, I will hand the tube over to your friend here.” He pointed at Carien. “Then you need to rush over to Martinsville. The blood sample won’t last that long without preservation.”

“Can’t you give me something to keep it in?”

“We don’t exactly have much funding for such things here with all of the giantess hunter attacks. Now pick me up so I can get at those veins in your arm.” Sarah did as she was told, lifting Hector onto her arm. “Ahh, this is so much easier when I can see rivers of blood waiting for extraction.”

Sarah reeled back. “Gross.”

“Now you will just feel a prick.” Sarah winced as the needle went in. “And. . . . . . done. Hugh. You are a bit too large for me to put a bandage on, but luckily, you are not bleeding.”

He put a top on the container. “Ok, put me over with your friend.” Sarah did as she was told. “Ok, here you are.”

Carien smiled. “Thank you.”

“Now I want out of your slimy hands.”

Sarah rolled her eyes. “Ok.” She set Hector onto the broken pavement. “And don’t worry, I will take Callen with me.”

“You do that.” He turned around and walked into the hospital.

Carien smiled. “So shall we be off?”

Sarah nodded her head. “I guess so.” She stood up. “I just hope that I will one day be able to shrink back down to my normal self.”

“Me too. I can’t have my girlfriend always five times my height. Imagine being in the bedroom together. Man, you won’t fit into the house. Oh my god.”

“Carien. . .”

“Oh, and you will eat into our food bill.” She put her hand on her forehead as they walked down the street. “Oh goodness me, I don’t know if I can handle it.”

“Carien, I don’t know if I can handle your teasing if I am going to be a giantess for the rest of my life.”


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