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Girlfriend Shrinking

Nora scratched at the back of her head. “Since when are you people out of stock?”

Karen shrugged her shoulders. “My managers are doing something different.” She sighed. “We won’t get anything new until the end of the day.”

“This is absurd.” Nora threw her pale arms into the air. “I need something to bring home for Amber’s Birthday. She will kill me if I don’t.”

Karen rolled her eyes. “I wish I could. . .”

Nora grabbed Karen by her jacket. “Then help me! I am desperate. Do you know what it is like to forget someone’s birthday? My girlfriend is going to kill me.”

“Get your hands off of me.” Karen pushed Nora away. “I didn’t get demoted to this crappy job for people like you to lay their fingers on me and act like you can just push me around. Ugh.” She shook her head. “If you can’t wait, then tough. . .”

The door to the tiny store opened as two burly men walked in. “Delivery time Karen.”

She turned her head, and her eyes went wide. “What? You were not supposed to be here until tomorrow.”

One of the men snorted. “Well, we are here early. Get outside and help us.”

She shook her head. “That isn’t a part of my job description.”

“Fredrick said it is.” He looked at Nora as his partner walked outside. “And you can help as well. We will give you a free product for it.”

Nora sighed. “Fine. But it better be good.”

She followed them outside, where the other man was already unlocking the back of a massive Fredricks Fancy truck, his dark skin gleaming in the sun. “So, what is on the truck?” Karen asked.

“Your new stock.” He walked up to his partner and grabbed one of the sealed cardboard boxes. “Some new Fredricks Fancy potions.”

“Potions?” Karen grimaced. “When do you make potions, Fred?”

“Since we had a potions company to compete with.

Now get these boxes inside.” He tossed the box at Karen.

Karen snorted. “Fine.” She turned around. “I hate this new job.”

Nora sighed and walked up to Fred. “You said if I helped, I would get free merchandise? I have to get something for my girlfriend.”

He grabbed a box and shoved it into her arms. “Here. Take this inside and set it down on the counter.” He set a knife onto the box. “Open it and take one of the potions inside.” He then placed a piece of paper on the container. “Here is our number. Report how the potion works to us and have a nice day.”

“Hey, wait a minute.”

Fred pushed on her back. “I have things to do, lady. Now get moving.”

Nora shook her head and walked into the store. “This is not what I expected when I went to find something for Amber. Being roped into this nonsense.” She set the package down by the register. “Still, I guess it’s nice I don’t have to pay for anything.” Nora gently picked up the knife and sliced open the tape. “Let’s see what is so important to be in here.”

She peered inside to see small bottles filled with colored liquid. “It just looks like water with food coloring to me.” She sighed and picked up one of the glass bottles. “But a free gift is a free gift. And I don’t have any more time to find anything else. I just hope this tastes good.” She examined the label. “Fredricks Fancy Sparkling Wine Potion? Eh, good enough.”

She walked out of the store as Karen screamed at the top of her lungs at the two other men. “Besides, I shouldn’t stick around here.”


Later that day, Nora snuck up to the front porch of her house. “Hopefully, Amber isn’t home yet.”

The door swung open as she reached for the knob. “Nora. About time you got home.”

“Ah, Amber. I was just. . .”

She pulled Nora in and gave her a hug, Amber’s tender embrace sending a wave of relief through Nora. “I don’t care where you have been. I am just glad you are here.” She shut the door. “Today of all days we should be spending together.” She pulled away and smiled. “Now I have a surprise for you in the other room.”

“Oh really?” Nora smiled. “Because I have one for you as well.”

Amber whipped her long blue hair to the side.

“I think my surprise is better.” She walked to the fridge. “I know how much you like pastries, so I got you this.” She pulled out a cake with their names on it. “It is from this cute little bakery down the street that just popped up. Do you like it?”

Nora dipped her finger into the frosting and took a bite. “Mhhm.” Her eyes dipped back into her head. “Oh my god, I love it.” After Amber put the cake on the counter, Nora squeezed Amber tight. “Thank you so much. Where did you get this?”

“Oh, it’s from some store with a weird name. All I remember it was run by a lady named Vess or something weird like that.”

“Well, I will have to tell this Vess her cake is very good.”

Amber smiled, her green eyes glistening. “Well, eat up. It is all yours.” She blinked. “Oh right. What did you get for me?”

Nora smiled. “Oh, I almost forgot. It is still in the car.” She turned around. “Let me go and get it.”

Amber shook her head. “No, please. Continue. I insist.”

“But.” She stared at her girlfriend’s glistening pale face. “I can get it.”

Amber backed towards the doorway. “I mean it. Enjoy your cake.” She giggled.

“I will be right back.” She dashed out of the room.

Nora shrugged her shoulders and turned around to grab a fork. “Wonder what is up with her.” She sliced off a piece of cake and sat down at the table. “I don’t remember seeing her this glittery in ages. That is when she asked me out on a date for the first time.” She took another bite of the cake. “Oh my god chocolate. Ohhhhh.”

“I am back.” Amber smiled as she walked into the room. “And you went out to get me some wine. I love it, Nora.”

Nora just nodded her head as she took another bite. “I love it too.” She blinked her eyes, and her cheeks turned red. “I mean, I love you too.”

Amber laughed as she popped the cork off of the bottle. “I know what you mean, Nora.” Amber began to chug the wine like there was no tomorrow.

Nora looked up as she took another bite out of her cake. “Hey, are you sure that is a good idea?”

Amber set the bottle down after she had consumed the entire thing, traces of green liquid dripping down her face. “It is my birthday. I want to have as wild of a day as I possibly can.” She shook her head. “Wow, that has a wicked aftertaste.” She put her hand on her chest. “I feel very light.”

“I told you not to drink it all that fast. Ughh.” Nora set her fork down and pushed her chair back. She felt pressure building inside her chest and steadily growing. “I think I ate a bit too quickly.”

Amber giggled. “Oh, trust me, my love, you are alright. In fact, you will be even more lovely in just a few moments.”

Nora stood up. “What did you do?” She put her hand on her chest. “I feel like I have a weight on my breasts.” Nora sat against the counter. “My body feels very weird. Ohhhh.”

Her nipples hardened and pressed against her bra. “I think I am having a bit of a reaction. Ughhh.”

“It is all perfectly normal. I. . .” Amber groaned. “I umm. . .” She took a step forward before she began to shrink. “Nora? What is going on?”

Nora shook her head as she rubbed her breasts tenderly. “I have no idea. I will just be with you in a moment. Ohhh, my boobs feel so good. Ahhhhh.” As she rubbed her breasts, they slowly expanded outward.

Amber fell down onto her butt as she fumbled with her clothes. “What was in that drink?” She held out her arm as it shrank into her t-shirt. “And I thought my surprise was crazy enough.” She tried to pull her shirt off before falling into the depths of her clothing.

Nora took a deep breath and stood up as her breasts pushed against her blouse. “I will see what I can do. Huh?” She looked down at the ground and the heap of clothing. “Where did you go?”

“I am down here.” Nora noticed some movement in the bundle of clothes on the ground.

“Oh my.” She bent over and started to dig through the mess. “How did you get down there?”

Amber’s tiny head smiled after Nora threw the shirt into the corner of the room. “I shrank from that wine you gave me.”

“I didn’t give you shrinking juice.” Nora giggled. “I was just some wine potion thing. But this is a nice little bonus.”

Amber crossed her arms. “Bonus? Hey, I am smaller than the barbie dolls I had when I was a kid. What kind of bonus could this be?”

Nora gently grabbed Amber with her fingers and lifted her into the air. “Well, for starters, you are just so cute.” Nora smiled as the buttons on her shirt burst apart, exposing her bra and giant breasts to the world. “And I can now do this.” She dropped Amber onto her right boob. “There, a perfect seat for you.”

“I. . .” Amber slid her legs under Nora’s bra. “I actually kind of like this. I wasn’t expecting when I gave you that breast growth cake that I would get this close to your new enlarged figure.” Amber giggled. “But I can say it really works out, doesn’t it?”

“Wait, so you meant to make my boobs swell up like melons?” Nora took a deep breath as her breasts squished against each other, and her bra began to rip. “I don’t know if I should be angry or just. . .” She moaned as her bra snapped in two. “Be so happy that I feel this way. Ohhh.”

“Well, let me help you feel even better.” Amber started to rub the sides of Nora’s boobs.

“Wow, your body feels so nice and tender.”

Nora fell onto the ground. “Ohh fuck.” She took a deep breath. “Amber, you are. . . oh god, just keep doing it. Don’t stop.” Amber rubbed Nora’s growing breasts, slowly working towards her enlarged nipples. “Oh god.” She shivered. “Sooo good.”

“Hey, stand still. I. . .” Amber stumbled back before tumbling into Nora’s cleavage. “Help.”


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