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Samantha walked over to the ringing phone. “This better be good.” She picked up the phone and brushed back her long dark bangs.

“Hello? Make it quick I have a plane to catch.”

“Ms. Renniton?”

“Yes, who is this?”

“Were you at the Terrerson Hotel at nine p.m. last night?”

She twisted her long curls. “Maybe? Why does it matter?”

“We have an outstanding charge here. If you would please come down and. . .”

She slammed her hand down on the table. “Look, I just stepped inside your little establishment because I had to take a quick piss. I don’t get why no one can bother to have any kind of running facility for miles out in that area. I don’t care what you were doing in that hotel; I just needed to use the restroom. I don’t know how that equates to me having to pay.”

“Ma’am, it is policy that if you use the hotel’s services, you pay for them.”

“Even for a little old bathroom?” She crossed her arms. “Seriously, I shouldn’t have to be on the hook to relive myself. And even if I am, shouldn’t I just have to pay you a bottle of water or something like that?” She rolled her green eyes. “Ugh, fine, what is the payment cost here? How much do I owe you?”

“Come down to our office, and we can discuss this.”

Samantha shook her head. “No way. I have a plane to catch. I am going to the beach to go surfing. Nothing like this is going to get in my way.” She hung up.

“I can pay this bullshit when I get back. Humph.”

She hurried towards the door and grabbed her suitcases. “If I miss the opening night beach festival, I am going to sue that hotel.” Samantha rushed out the door. “See who is laughing then.”


Samantha pulled into the airport parking lot and jumped out of her vehicle, and in the process, she almost knocked a young man to the floor. As he shook his head, she snorted. “Watch where you are going.” She ran to her trunk and flung it open. “I don’t need you to slow me down.”

He spat at the ground. “You were the one who ran into me.” He pointed at his truck.” And look at what you did to my baby.”

Samantha rolled her eyes. “Oh, get over it. That piece of crap had that before I came along.”

“Why you little. . .”

“Why, sir, that is no way to talk to a lady.”

Samantha turned her head to see a man in a well-dressed suit approach. “Now I am sure what she did was an accident. Isn’t that right, miss?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Ya, I guess so.”

The other man narrowed his eyes. “But what about my truck.”

The man in the suit gently put his hands on his shoulders. “My good sir, consider it a war wound to tell your friends.”

“Umm, sure.” He turned towards Samantha. “But I don’t want to have to see you again. Ok.” He turned around and walked off.

Samantha sighed. “I didn’t need your help with him. I was fine on my own.”

The man in the suit laughed. “I am sure you were.” He extended out his hand. “The name is Arnold.”

She left him hanging. “Well, Arnold, I have a plane to catch. So if you don’t mind.” She turned around and pulled her bags out of the back of her vehicle.

“Are you sure I can’t help you?”

“I have had enough delays as it is.”

“Please, I want to do something to help.”

She rolled her eyes. “What?”

He held out his hand. “Here, take this.”

She looked at the strange object in his hand.

“What is it?”

“A good luck charm.” He smiled. “I was going to give it to someone else, but they didn’t show up. You look like a nice enough fellow. Go on, take it.”

“I don’t know.”

“Hey, it brings good luck. You like good luck, don’t you?”

She sighed. “Fine. But only because I need to get on the plane, and I want to end this conversation.” She grabbed the item out of his hand. “Hmm, it is a necklace. A nice looking one at that.”

He smiled. “Put it on.”

Samantha rolled her eyes. “You are just not satisfied.” She brushed her hair back and slid the glimmering necklace around her neck. “There, are you happy now?”

“Yes, perfect.” He smiled and held up his hands. “You look just stunning. And I know you will look even more stunning in a bit.” He turned around. “I hope you enjoy your trip. It will be stunning.” He walked off laughing.

Samantha shook her head. “What an odd fellow.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Ahh, well. I have a flight to get to.” She picked up her bags and hurried off toward the airport. Samantha began to feel a slight tingle worm its way through her body as she walked. She shrugged her shoulders as she neared the terminal. “Ugh. I hope that this weird feeling settles down as I take off.” She shivered as she slid through the doorway.

“I don’t need my stomach to be jumpy while I am up in the air.”

She pushed her way into the airport lobby and smiled. “Finally.

Just a few minutes, I will be up in the air and on my way to a relaxing vacation.” She took in a deep breath. “I can’t wait.”

Samantha walked toward the clerk. “Excuse me, can you tell me where to find the flight to Cinder Island is?”

The woman didn’t bother to look up from her computer. “Do you already have a ticket, or do we need to order one here?”

“I have one here.” She set her luggage down. “Like, just give me a moment. I can find it, don’t worry.” She dug through the side pockets in her bags. “I know my tickets are here somewhere.” Samantha wiped the sweat that began to drip down her neck. “Phew, this is making me sweat, and I like don’t know why.”

Her hand finally grasped the ticket. “Like here we are.” She stood up and handed the lady the parchments. “One genuine ticket to Cinder Island.”

The lady took the ticket. “Miss, this is a ticket to the Terrerson Hotel in Californian.”

Samantha blinked. “Umm, what? I specifically remember buying tickets to head out to Cinder Island this morning. Let me see that.” She grabbed the ticket. “What in the living hell?”

“Can you not swear here?” The woman shook her head. “I swear you would think you would know where you were going to.”

“I do.” Samantha wiped the sweat from her brow. “Ugh, is it hot in here?”

The lady shook her head. “No. In fact, it is a tad too cold. My manager is the type who likes it that way for some odd reason.”

“Then something must be like crazy, I guess.” Samantha gulped. “Umm, can I have my flight changed?”

“Nope. Too late for that. Either you take this flight or head home.”

“Like I can’t do that!” Samantha groaned. “Ugh, my chest is like killing me.”

“If you are going to hurl, do it outside.”

Samantha rubbed at her stomach as she felt her waist tighten in on itself. “I don’t think I am going to puke. Is there really no way I can get to the island.”

“Look, I wish there was something I could do, but you arrived just five minutes too late. The gates to Cinder Island are already closed. So take this ticket or leave it.”

Samantha ran her hands through her hair. Her thoughts were starting to become heavy.

“Ugh, I umm. . .” She tapped her fingers on the side of the oaken desk. “I will go. I like can’t just not go on vacation now, can I?”

The woman behind the desk shrugged. “I don’t know. We don’t get vacations. Must be nice.” She looked up. “Is it just me, or are you skinner than when you walked in?”

Samantha looked down at herself. “Wait, do you really think so?” She blinked her eyes. “Wait, what? What in the world are you talking about?” Samantha shook her head. “Look, just tell me where my gate is so I can get on my flight, ok?”

The lady pointed to the right with her pale arm. “Head on down until you see gate twenty-seven. If you can’t find it after that point, well, I guess you really are screwed.”

“Umm, well, thanks for your help.” She grabbed her bags. “I will be on my way then.” Samantha made her way down the hall and sighed. “I wonder what happened to my Cinder Island flight? I swear that is where I was going to, not some odd hotel.” She shrugged. “Well, maybe they have a nice beachfront.” She smiled. “Maybe I can even spend time in the casino and see all of the cute guests.” She blinked her eyes. “Huh. What am I talking about? I should just focus on catching my flight.”

She continued down the hall until she spotted a massive gate with the number twenty-seven on it. “Here we are.” She walked forward until a small man in a uniform put his hand out. “Hold it right there.”

“Is there an issue?”

He narrowed his blue eyes at her. “I need to see your ticket.”

“Oh right.” She reached into her pocket. “Here it is.” He looked over the parchment, and she felt a smile forced its way onto her lips. “So, how do you enjoy being such a cute little height?” She giggled.


Samantha’s cheeks flushed red as she realized what she had just said. “Oh shit, nothing. Does everything check out?”

He snorted. “Yes, you can get on. I would hurry, though, before they take off.” He stepped aside. “Have a nice day, miss.”

“Why, thank you.” She grabbed her luggage and hurried down the corridor. Once she was far enough away from him, she said, “What is wrong with me? Why did I say such a foolish thing?” She giggled. “But it was funny, though.” Her cheeks flushed red. “Like, even thinking back on it now, I can’t believe I said that. So cool.” She neared the door to the plane. “And he is like the perfect height and all to squeeze in my breasts.”

She giggled.


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