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The doorbell rang, and Jade rushed to the door. “Just a moment.” She adjusted her shirt before she opened the door to see a young man in a Pappa Tonys uniform standing before her with her pizza. He spoke in a monotone voice. “One double pepperoni pizza?”

“Yes.” She reached for her food, but he pulled away and held out his other hand.

“Money first. I won’t have thieves on my watch.”

She shook her head. “Fine.” She reached into her pocket and muttered under her breath. “Carol never distrusted me when she delivered pizza before.” She handed the young man the money. “Here.”

“Well, that is why the lady was fired.” He handed Jade the food and walked away.

She rolled her eyes and shut her door. “Well, have a good day to you too.” She opened her pizza. “At least the food smells good.” She walked into the kitchen and sat down. “Time to dig in.”

Jade quickly ate through her pizza, savoring each bite. While not the best she had ever had, it was decent enough for her tastes. After consuming two slices, she bagged the rest up and tossed them into her refrigerator. “I will have enough leftovers for the entire week now, which is good as I can’t eat another bite.” She stretched her arms and yawned. “Ok, now to finally drift off and get some sleep.

She walked towards her bedroom, picking up the dreamscape pillow on the way. “I hope this thing helps me get a peaceful night's sleep. And if I get something nice from my dream, it will be all the better for it.”

She threw the pillow onto the bed before jumping onto it. Jade stretched her arms as her eyes began to droop. “I don’t even think I can take my clothes off. I am so tired.” She fluffed up her pillow before resting her head. “I just hope I remembered to lock the door.” Finally, Jade drifted off into sleep.


Jade found herself floating once again in the clouds. She immediately ran towards the strange house and flung the door wide open. “What interesting things could be waiting for me this time?”

A massive vial stood on top of a table made of glass bottles. Jade walked forward and examined the label. “Drink Me, and you will expand your body.”

She scratched at her head. “Just what could that mean?” Jade picked up the bottle and held it up to her face. “Expand what parts of my body? Well, I guess there is only one way to find out, I guess.”


Her eyes burst open as the giant vial looked over her, and green liquid poured over her like a flood. “Hey.” She swallowed the strange liquid as she batted the bottle off of her body. “Hugh what a way to wake up. Now I am all wet.” She sighed. “And I didn’t even get to see how that potion worked in my dream.” Jade waved her arms. “My clothes and sheets are soaked now. I wish I could have saved at least some of that potion. Now I am going to have to dream up some more.”

She slid off her bed. “Great. Just great.” Jade made her way over to the window and slid it open. She shielded her eyes as the morning light pierced its way through her fingertips.

“It is already morning? I just dozed off for a little bit. I need to get ready for work.” She turned around. “Holy crap.”

She tossed off her wet clothes and hurried over to her dresser. “Where did I put that uniform? Oh, here it is.” Jade yanked out a blue and grey uniform. “Perfect.”

She quickly slid on the pants. “Ugh, what the hell? Why can’t I zip these things up? Come on.” She squeezed her waist, and finally, she managed to zip her pants up. “Ugh. God finally.” She took a deep breath. “These pants are usually way too loose.”

She bent over to pick up her shirt when she heard a sudden tearing sound. “What was that?” As she stood back up with her shirt in hand, she scratched at her head. “I must be going crazy.” Jade walked into the bathroom. “Just get it together. Aurghhh.”

She turned to get a better look at the giant hole located on her ass in the mirror. “How did this happen?” She used her right hand to touch her rear end. “My butt is huge. Holy hell, I am lucky this tight thing can hold my uniform at all.” She shook her head. “This can’t be happening.” She swayed back and forth. “My ass even jiggles now? Oh god.”

Jade slid her shirt on. “Well, I guess I can just work the drive-through today. Then people shouldn’t see me.” She adjusted her hair as she felt pressure grow on her chest. “Yes, I think I will do that today.” Jade narrowed her eyes as she noticed her breasts slowly swelling. “Oh god, what is happening to me?” She took a few steps away from the mirror. “What did I just drink?” She looked down at her chest. “My body is swelling up.”

She blinked her eyes. “Expand your body?” Jade turned around, and her butt slammed into the side of the sink. “I wish I knew this ahead of time that expand your body meant to expand your boobs and butt.” She grabbed her breasts. “I could have asked for a more fitting uniform. Besides, I don’t need everyone learning at me at work. Hopefully, this is as big as they are going to get.” Jade sighed. “I don’t need them getting any larger.” She groaned. “Or any more sensitive. They are going to kill me at work today.”

She looked over at the clock. “Oh god, I almost forgot. I need to get to work.” She turned around and rushed back into her bedroom. “I will worry about this later.” She slipped on her shoes. “I need to hurry.”

Once her shoes were on, she hurried out into the next room, grabbed her purse, keys and rushed out the door.


Sometime later, Jade found herself at Jersy Shersy, the fast-food restaurant where she worked at. As she walked through the door, her manager, Arnold, yelled at her.

“Jade, where have you been? We open in less than fifteen minutes.”

“I am sorry.” She made her way into the kitchen area and inhaled the hazy fumes from the deep fryer. “I had some issues at home.”

“I am sick and tired of you blaming this on your piss poor sleep.” Arnold pushed his way between two other employees to stand before her, his dark blue eyes staring into her soul. “I am already down two people because it is their damn vacation or something. Why can’t people just not take vacations? It would be so much better for the world.” He looked at her chest. “Is there something different about you?”

“Umm, no.”

“I swear there is.” He tapped his finger on his tan chin. “I just can’t think of it.”

“Hey, boss man.” Arnold turned his head. “The damn fryer is on the frits again.”

“Well, fix it. I am going to take it out of all of your budgets if you broke it again so early.”

Jade sighed. “Ok, well, that went well.” She squeezed her way to the back of the building. “Let’s see what I have to do today.” Her eyes went wide. “Crap.

Run the register until lunchtime.” She looked down at her chest. “Ughhhh. I am going to have people learning at me all day. Just great.”

She turned around and sighed. “Well, the sooner I start, the sooner I can finish.”

She felt warmth radiate throughout her body as she took a step forward. “Phew, someone turned on the heat.” As she walked towards the cash register, she could feel her uniform tighten onto her body. “Ugh, oh god. Please no.”

“Hey, Jade, are you alright?”

She turned her head. “Hey, Pat. I am umm.” She wiped the sweat from her face.

“Fine. Why?”

“I don’t know. I just feel like I would be called crazy for coming into work in as high heels as you have.”

“What are you talking about?” She looked down at the ground and noticed just how far away it now was. “What in the world?”

Pat shook his head, his dark hair falling in front of his face. “Look, I have to go clean the damn toilets.” He turned around. “Just stop being weird, ok.”

She shook her head. “I umm.” Jade clenched her hand into a fist. “Never mind.”

She turned around, and her hips knocked over a plate of uncooked hamburgers. “Fuck.” She hurried down the tight hallway. “I need to get out of here before anyone notices that was me.”

Finally, Jade arrived at the cash register. She sighed and looked at the clock. “Just one minute until the doors open. Ok, you can do this.” She took a deep breath in and then exhaled, her head suddenly hitting the ceiling. “Oww.”

The doorbell rang as the first customers walked in. Jade shook her head; she bent down, and the rip in her pants grew even more. “Hello and welcome to Jersey Shersy. How can I help you today?” She winced as her uniform suddenly split open from her growing breasts.

The young woman in front of her gasped. “Oh my god. What kind of promotion campaign are you running?”

Jade threw her arms over her chest. “I am so sorry, miss.” Her backside split open as her ass burst apart her uniform. “I am having a bit of a wardrobe malfunction.” She raised her voice as her growing body slammed into the side of the counter. “Can I please have some help up here?”

“What in the world is going on here?” Arnold pushed his way towards the front of the store. “We just started for the day, and you are already having issues, Jade? What in the living hells?” He looked up to see her as her nipples pierced through her uniform. “What is going on?”

“I am having a swelling problem.” The customer ran out of the store as Jade twisted around and platted her ass on the counter. “What does it look like?”

“Well, stop it. You are driving my business away.”

She threw her arms to the side, knocking the cash register to the floor. “What exactly do you want me to do about it?” The seams began to come undone on her uniform as her breasts continued to swell. “If you have any bright ideas on how to make this stop, I am all ears.”

He turned around and pulled out his phone. “Yes, can you connect me with the police department? There is a crazy woman wrecking my store.”

Her eyes went wide as her back pressed against the ceiling. “What are you doing?”

“Yes, please come quickly.” She bent over and picked him up. “Help me. I am under threat. By what?” He scratched at his chin. “You wouldn’t believe me. Just hurry.”

Jade threw him across the room in anger. “How could you? Uggghh.” She was forced down onto all fours as she ran out of space. Her pants split apart, and her giant ass pressed against the ceiling, causing it to crack.

“If you break this place, you are going to pay out the nose to repair it.”

“Ughhh.” The building shook as her body continued to grow. Finally, Jade burst through the walls and out to freedom. She stood up tall and proud, her uniform finally tearing in half as her swollen breasts burst forth. “Oh god, what have I done.” She bent down and picked through the rubble. “Is everyone alright?”

“Ugh, what in the world happened?” Pat’s voice lifted through the air. “This is the last time I clean anyone's restroom.”


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