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Level Up Once More part 2

Grace walked down the street towards the gaming tournament, which she was late to attend as spurts of growth continued to wrack her body. “Ugh.” She put her hand on the side of a nearby building as she grew again. “This is starting to become obnoxious.” She looked down at the ground. “I wish I knew why I was growing like this.”

Rodney looked up at her. “Are you alright?”

She shook her head as her shirt ripped apart to reveal her bra underneath. “No.” She tore the remains of her t-shirt off her body and threw it down, one half landing onto Rodney.

“Hey.” He pushed her ruined clothing off of his head. “Watch what you are doing.”

“Oh, sorry.” She stretched her arms. “But it feels better to have that off my body. I felt like I was being cut in half.” She pulled at her torn pants. “Now, if only these things could be taken off.”

“Then where would you keep that cellphone of yours?”

“Umm.” Grace shrugged. “Well, it isn’t exactly mine. I am just holding on to it, I guess. I don’t know exactly.”

Rodney pulled on her pant leg. “You didn’t steal that phone, did you?”

She shook her head. “No, I wouldn’t dare.” She winced as her body grew once again. “I am just holding on to it until I can return it to its rightful owner.” She tried to reach into her pocket to grab the phone, but her pants were too snug on her body. “If I could just get this damn game to stop going off every few moments. It seems to beep five seconds or so before I grow. It is annoying as hell.”

“Maybe the phone is taunting you.”

She slammed her foot down and caused Rodney to fly a few feet into the air. “That isn’t funny. How am I supposed to participate in the gaming tournament at this size, let alone fit into the building? This growth nonsense has to stop.” She shook her head. “And if this phone has the gall to make fun of me, it needs to shut up.”

“Hey, come now. No need to get worked up over.”

Grace took a deep breath. “Sorry. I just worked so hard to get into this tournament. I don’t want to not take part because I mysteriously grew.” She sighed. “At least we are here.”

At the end of the road, they could see a massive dome building with multiple manners and hundreds of people standing outside. The largest of these banners read “National Call of Victory Gaming Championship. Day one. Let the Carnage Begin.”

Grace smiled. “Well, I hope that I can still meet up with my team before my match.” Grace rushed forward.

“Hey, wait up. I don’t want to miss out. I paid good money for my seat.”

She skidded to a stop. “Oh, sorry.” Grace turned around. “I need to hurry, so I am sorry for this.”

Rodney blinked his blue eyes. “Sorry for what?”

She picked him up and laughed. “I am not waiting on someone as small as you to run that distance, so I am going to carry you.” She grabbed him by the waist and lifted him into the air. “Now, let’s go, shall we?”

“Hey, put me down.” He slammed on the side of her fist. “I am perfectly capable of walking on my own.”

“Of course you are. But I am not waiting on you.” She lifted her head as she neared the entrance to the building. “I have to hurry and meet up with my teammates.”

The people standing in line to enter the building ran to forge Grace a path upon seeing her. She nodded her head. “Why, thank you.” She then noticed their scared looks. “Umm, I think. I wasn’t going to step on anyone. I promise.”

Grace reached the glass door which led into the building. “Ok, here we are.” She set Rodney down. “Head on in. I will meet you inside.”

He looked up at her. “Are you sure?”

“Hey, I don’t want to take up the entire doorway for you. Who knows, I might not fit.”

He shrugged. “Alright.” He pushed the glass door open. “See you on the inside. Hope you win.”

She bent down, the tear in her pants increasing. “I just hope I can participate.” She used her hand to open the door. “Ok, how am I supposed to fit inside?” She pushed her right arm through. “Well, that is one arm inside.”

She felt a slight jolt on her right leg. She turned her head to see a young man kicking her. “Hey. Let us get inside you gigantic pain in the butt.”

Grace narrowed her green eyes. “What are you doing?”

He looked up at her and adjusted his leather jacket. “Getting you to move so the rest of us can get in.”

“Hey, I need to get inside. I am competing here today.”

He laughed. “Ya right. Like someone your size would be competing.” She clenched her left hand into a fist. “I doubt you could even grasp one of the keyboards.”

She brought her left hand next to the young man. “I will figure something out. But you know what will make this competition so much better?”


She flicked him away. “Not having to put up with you.” Grace sighed. “Not to get into the building.”

She rolled her eyes. “No more of these distractions.” She slid her left arm through the doorway. “Ugh, it is a tight squeeze Ughhhgg.” She winced as she forged her shoulders through the doorframe. “Come on.” The building shuddered as she moved forward. “Almost.”

Grace suddenly popped forward into the lobby. “Yes.” She slammed her fist down onto the carpet. “I am in.” She looked up at the ceiling. “Or at least my torso is in.” She twisted herself onto her back. “It should be easy now to get the rest of me inside.” She could feel her entire body shake. “Oh no, not now.”

Her body suddenly grew, her torso swelling to fit the doorframe. “Ugh crap.” Grace winced as she felt her pants become unbearably tight. “Crap. I can hardly move my legs.” She winced as she tried to raise her left leg. “Another growth spurt, and I am sure they are going to finally tear to pieces.” She took a deep breath. “Whenever that is.”

She put her hands on the sides of the building. “But I have bigger issues. My damn body just had to grow to fit into this doorway.” She pushed on the side of the building. “Ugh, come on. If I could only bend my legs, I would be able to push my way out of here.” She threw her arms to the side. “I was so close.”


She raised her eyes to see Bess looking at her. “Oh, hey.” She raised her head and hit the ceiling. “Oww. Fuck.” Grace lowed her head back down and rested it on the velvet carpet. “How are you doing?”

“Wondering what in the world happened to you. They prospered our match because you didn’t show.” She walked up and touched Grace on her forehead. “How the hell did you become so big?”

“I don’t know, Bess. I have been growing all day long, and it is a nightmare.” She pointed at the doorway. “I can’t even get inside.”

“Sesh, you are really stuck.”

Grace raised her head. “Hey, stop that.” She slammed her fist down and sent Bess flying a few feet into the air. “That hurts.”

Bess shook her head and grabbed onto Grace's hair. “What are you talking about? I am not doing anything?”

“Someone is striking my feet.” She bit her lips. “With something hard. It feels like I am being hit with something hard and metallic out there. What the hell are they doing out there?”

A loud horn suddenly blared before Grace cried out in pain again. “Fuck. Are people ramming me with their cars?”

Bess walked over to a nearby window. “Umm. . .” She pulled at her arm.

Grace looked down at her as she twirled her long dark curls. “Bess, I know that look. What is going on out there?” She winced as she felt something tight wrap around her left ankle. “Come on, tell me.”

“Are you sure? I think it will just make you upset.”


“There is a small mob tying ropes around your feet and attaching the other ends to trucks. I think they are going to try and pull you out.”

Grace gulped. “They could tear me in half.” She pressed on the sides of the building. “Bess, we have to do something.”

She threw up her arms. “What exactly do you want me to do?”

“Yell at them to stop this madness. Throw a chair and break one of the windows and stop them before they rip one of my legs off.” She shook her head. “We are teammates, right?”

“Umm. . .”

She turned her head. “Hey, I would do this for you. Now help me.”

Bess crossed her arms. “I don’t see myself ever being your size.”

Grace slammed her hand down onto the floor. “Bess, help me. You want me to participate in the tournament, do you not?”

She shrugged. “I don’t see how you will at that size.”

Grace could feel a tightening tug on her leg. “Bess, this isn’t funny. Now come on.”

Bess rolled her eyes. “Ugh, fine.” She grabbed a nearby chair. “But you owe me one.” She walked over to the window and chucked the piece of furniture through the glass wall. “Hold on, I will be right back.” Bess stepped through the shattered window and out of sight. Grace tapped her fingers on her chest as she listened to the conversation outside. “Hey there. Can I kindly ask you to untie those ropes from this giant lady?”

Grace waved her arms about. “Thanks, Bess, my good old friend.” She sighed and rested her arms on her chest. “Why am I suddenly worried.”

“We are getting this thing out of the entrance so we can get inside and see the competition.”

“Shouldn’t you give her time to move on her own? Don’t you think using these pick-up trucks are a bit drastic? For your trucks?”

“What kind of nonsense are you talking about here, lady?”

“I mean, you don’t know what kind of damage someone that size could do to your vehicles. She might break the very laws of reality.”

Grace heard the crowd laugh. “That is a good one. While that woman may be big, I doubt she will wreck our vehicles. Ok, Daniel, time to. . .”


“What now?”

“You don’t have to tear her out because umm.” There was a pause, and Grace ripped out a tile in the ceiling above her in frustration. “Oh, see where I shattered the window to come out of the building. You all can just walk in that way.”

“I guess, but wouldn’t that be vandalizing the establishment?”

“Hey, there is a gigantic woman inside. Blame it on her.”

Grace narrowed her eyes. “Bess, you better hope I don’t get my hands on you.” She slammed her hands down on the floor. “I am not your scapegoat.”

Bess’s voice rose up from outside. “See, perfect person to blame breaking the windows on.”

“Fine, fine. Get the ropes off of her.”

The tightness around Grace's ankles loosened, and she took a deep breath. “Finally.” She put her hands on the doorframe. “Now, if I can just get out of here now.”

Bess walked through the shattered window. “There. Happy.”

Grace looked down at her teammate. “You could have done that without making me a scapegoat.”

Bess threw up her arms. “What are you talking about?”

A young couple walked in and snapped a photo of Grace, the young man saying, “There is our proof for later in case anyone asks us what happened to the windows.”

The young lady brushed her blonde hair. “Screw the window. What about the door?”

“Just hurry on in. I want to see the next match.”

Grace shook her head. “Ugh, I need to get out of here so I can compete.”

Bess laughed. “Face it, Grace, you are stuck. I will go tell the judges you won’t be competing today. Maybe someone can bring you a television to watch things play out.”

She reached out and grabbed Bess. “Oh no, you don’t.”

She hit the sides of Grace’s palm. “Hey, what are you doing?”

“You are going to help me out of here, my good old teammate. I am going to participate in the tournament tonight, and if I can’t, no one on the team will.”

Bess looked up at her. “Grace, you are crazy.”

“Don’t mess with me. I have spent all day growing out of control and in tight spaces. I have had it up to here with nonsense, so don’t give me any.” She snorted. “Now, do you understand me?” Bess didn’t respond, so Grace shook her like a young child shaking their favorite toy. “Do you understand me?”

“Ok, ok. I understand. I will help you out of the honey tree.”

“I am not a bear.”

“Ok bad comparison.” Bess gulped. “Just put me down.”

Grace set Bess down next to her chest. “Just don’t try and make any sudden moves. I may be stuck, but I can still move fast.” She narrowed her eyes. “And I am watching you.”

She walked up to where Grace’s body was stuck in the doorway. “Are you sure you can’t just push or pull yourself out?”

“I could if I could move my legs. But my pants are so tight I can hardly bend the lower half of my body.” She winced. “God, they are killing me.”

Bess laughed. “That is a first. Well, it is simple then. I just go outside, climb up and umm. . .” She gulped. “I can’t believe I have to say this but undo your pants.”

Grace slammed her hand down and blocked Bess between her arm and chest. “Oh no, you won’t.”

Bess looked up at her. “Hey, you want me to help you out of this situation so we can participate in our match today, right?”

Grace took a deep breath. “Of course.”

Bess held up her hands. “And you can trust me. You know that, right.”

“That isn’t what I was. . .” Grace shook her head. “Well, I really don’t want you to go out there now.”

Bess laughed. “What were you thinking was going to happen?”

“I don’t need to be more exposed than I already am, ok.”

Bess kicked Grace just below her armpit. “Come on now. You are just wearing a bra. I think if you really cared about that, you would have put something on to cover yourself, you slut.”

Grace clenched her hand into a fist. “You try dealing with these growth spurts, and it ripping your clothes apart like butter.”

“Ok.” She laughed. “Ok, I get it. I think. Look, you have two choices stay stuck here and keep your clothes on, or I get those pants off, and you compete.”

“Or I could just wait for another growth spurt.”

Bess shrugged. “Who knows when that could be, though? Do you want to risk life on a maybe, or do you want my help of a certainty?”

“But you could just run away, Bess.”

She threw her arms up. “Hey, better than nothing, Grace. Take it or leave it. I am getting tired of talking in circles.”

Grace sighed. “Fine, ok. I trust you.” She raised her hand. “I mean, if I can’t trust you to do this, how am I going to trust you to have my back on the battlefield.”

Bess laughed. “Right. They do have friendly fire turned on in the last round, remember.” She slid through the broken window. “I will be right back.”

Grace tapped the ceiling above her and hummed to herself. Then, a few moments later, she could feel something tug on her left pant leg. “Oww.” She winced. “Careful, Bess, you are cutting off circulation to my leg.” An elderly man gave her an odd glance and hurried down the hallway.

“I know what I am doing.” Said Bess. “Just let me do my thing. I mean, this is just like undressing a doll. A very, very big doll.”

Grace narrowed her eyes. “Will you stop with these horrid comparisons?”

“Hey, you asked for my help.” Grace felt pressure on her groin. “Not just stay quiet while I work. You are like a buzzing gnat in my ear.”

Grace took deep breaths as she felt her midsection tighten onto her body more and more like a vice. “Just what are you doing?”

“Getting this button off.”

She tore the carpet out as the pressure slowly increased. “Well, that isn’t how you get pants undone. Dear god!”

“Almost. . .” The pressure suddenly vanished, and she felt her waist explode outward. “Holy crap.” A few moments later, Bess landed on Grace's left leg. “What just happened? It was like I set off a rocket.” A loud crashing sound filled the air. “I think your jeans button crushed someone's Jeep. Hope you have good insurance.”

“Eh, no one is going to be able to prove it was me anyway.” She flexed her legs, further ripping her pants in the process. “Ugh, finally. Freedom.” Grace shook Bess off her body. “Now to get out of this situation.” She slammed her legs down and pressed against the sides of the building. “I am sick and tired of this situation.”

“Hey, wait until I get off of you.” Grace felt her left pant leg tear off from her body. “Christ.”

“Ughhh.” The building shook as she pulled herself through the doorway. “Finally.” Grace twisted onto her stomach in the lobby and sent a few unlucky people flying into nearby rooms. “Bess, are you alright? Bess?”

She pulled herself out of the remains of Grace’s jeans. “No more favors until this is all over.” She picked up the cellphone that Grace had found the day before. “What is this?”

Grace shook her head. “I don’t know. It just appeared on my doorstep last night. I was going to try and find out who it belonged to after the tourney and return it to them.”

Bess laughed. “Hey, who cares?” She slid the phone into her back pocket. “Free phone.”

“That isn’t yours.” Grace tried to grab Bess, but she slipped between her fingers. “Come back here.”

She ran past Grace and towards the room and the glowing lights behind her feet. “I will meet you on the grand stage. Don’t be late ok. We don’t want to want to have to be disqualified because of you.”

Grace narrowed her eyes. “Hey.” She twisted around to see Bess suddenly grow as the phone in her back pocket vibrated. “You umm. . .” She sighed. “Never mind.” Grace sighed. “I guess that little devil was the issue making me grow all this time. Should I bother to tell Bess? Maybe after the competition.”

“Hey, still stuck here?” Rodney walked forward with some popcorn in his hands.

Grace shook her head. “I am finally free.” She pointed at the ruined entrance. “That damn doorway was my prison for almost a half-hour.”

He waved at her. “Well, come on already. The next match is about to start.”

She began to crawl forward. “I need to meet up with my teammates still. And that means getting backstage.” Her head hit a ceiling light. “God, it is cramped in here.”

Rodney walked beside her. “Well, how do you even expect to get back there, let alone play on a computer at your size?”

“I will figure it out.” She shook her head. “I came this far.”

He put his hand on her arm. “Come on. Even your pinky would crush one of the computers.”

Grace slammed her fist down and cracked the floor. “I just have worked so hard. I don’t want it all to go away because of this.”

He climbed up her shoulder and rubbed her neck. “Hey, how about we go and see the person setting everything up and ask them to postpone the match, huh?”

She nodded her head. “That sounds good.”

“Great. I know for a fact that he is right up ahead interviewing the team who just won the last match. I was watching it before I went to get some food. Want some?”

She turned her head to see the popcorn in his hand. “Sure, why not? I haven’t had anything to eat all day.”

Rodney looked at the bag. “Umm, how much? I don’t think just one little bit will do it for you.”

Grace used her teeth to grab the bag out of his hands. She then threw it up into the air and swallowed it whole. “Mhhm that is good popcorn.”

“Hey!” He crossed his arms. “You could have taken my arm off. That and what about saving some for me, huh?”

She laughed. “Sorry.” She rolled her shoulders. “Now, hold on.” She made her way down the hallway and towards a massive room filled with glowing lights and screaming voices. At first, she thought the attention was directed at her. Still, as she squirmed into the room, she could see everyone had their attention directed towards the giant monitors around the dome-like room and the stage in the center where a group of people stood.

“Thank you, and I hope your match against the Killer Jerrys goes just as well. Up next, we have an exciting match-up of. . .” The man at the podium paused. “Gigantic proportions?”

All eyes turned onto Grace as she finally made her way to her feet. “Ugh, my aching back.” She gulped as she noticed everyone staring at her. “Umm, hello everyone.”

“Just what kind of disruption is this?”

Voices rang up from the crowd. “That is the giant lady who had her ass stuck in the entrance.”

“Is this some kind of new media stunt?”

“Some people will do anything to get their ta ta’s on television these days.”

Grace held her hands over her breasts. “Excuse me. I am not here just to get on television. Dear god.” She turned her attention towards the stage. “Mr. Telamark.”

He gulped and stepped down from the stage. “Security.”

She quickly ran down the aisle, looking down to avoid stepping on anyone. “Wait, please.

I am with team Pride Star.”

Mr. Telamark laughed. “That is absurd. Grace Livingstone didn’t sign up as being fifty feet tall. Nor would I let her team compete if she was.”

She bent down in front of the stage. “Well, I wasn’t when I did sign up.” She eyed the security officers as they entered the room. “Please let me explain.”

Mr. Telamark held up his hand. “Ok. But only because this is amusing.”

“Look, after I arrived at the hotel, I had very, very bad growing issues. I am not asking that I am allowed to compete. I know that if I can’t, my team can’t.”

Bess, who was not a good three feet taller than before, ran out. “Hey, what are you doing?” A security guard grabbed her. “Fight to compete, dammnit. We have to get into this tournament.”

Grace ignored her. “I am asking that due to these unusual circumstances that you postpone the events until I shrink down and am able to compete.”

Mr. Telamark scratched at his grey beard. “Do you know if or when you would return to your normal height?”

“No, I do not.”

“Look, I don’t want to look unfavorably on your plight. What has happened here is terrible.

But we have already started the championship so we cannot wait forever. So you have until tomorrow morning to get your size issues straightened out. If you don’t, you will be removed from your team. Is that clear?”

Grace nodded her head. “Completely understood.”

“Ok then.” He waved his gnarly hands. “You can go back to your posts, boys. As for the rest of you, we will reconvene tomorrow. No need to worry about paying for tickets and such. Have a nice day, everyone.”

Grace sighed. “I can’t believe it.” She looked down at Rodney. “Now, I just need to figure out how to shrink back down.”


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