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New Fredricks Fancy story around my longest lasting character Sarah.  She has her new house and is called into work, but the person she has to deliver a package to today has something sinister in mind.

Doll Revenge.

Sarah rubbed her eyes as the sunlight poured into her room. “Ugh, what happened?” She shook her head. “All I can remember is a bunch of juice swimming around in my head.”

She sat up. “Ugh, maybe I still have some. My head is killing me.” She lifted her hand, and strange juice dripped from her fingers. “Gross.”

She looked around the strange room. “Just where am I?” She stood up and looked around the juice-filled room with pictures of blueberries on the walls. “What was I doing last?” She rubbed the side of her head. “Oh yes, I was fighting to buy a house. This house.” She looked around. “And then that damn retailer tricked me into eating some blueberry candy or something that turned me into a big bloated blueberry for another customer.” She shook her head and dislodged some juice from her ears. “I still can’t believe I scared those fools off.”

Sarah’s eyes went wide. “Oh my god. Did I even sign the lease?” She rushed out of the doorway. “After all of that and I don’t even own this house I am going to. . .” She noticed a parchment on the dining room table.

“Ms. Collinsworth. Your dedication to defending your home, even in a giant blueberry state, is commendable. So don't worry, we have taken the liberty of signing the lease for you. Don’t think too much about how we gained your signature; it will be better for the both of us.”

Sarah sighed and set the lease down. “Well, at least I have the house, I guess.” She shrugged. “But I can’t believe what I had to go through to get it.” She shook her head. “I wonder just who those people were.”

Sarah turned her head as she heard a phone ring. “Great, I wonder where I left that damn thing.” She slid her hands into her pockets. “Nope.” She twisted around as the ringing continued. “Christ, it is like it is right here.” She looked down to see the silver phone at her feet. “Glad I didn’t step on it, sheesh.”

Sarah bent over and picked it up. “Hello?”

“Sarah, where are you?”

“Umm, at home? At my new home, to be exact.”

“Well, we need you here at work. There is a package to go out with your name on it.”

“Jeffery. I am having a bit of an issue here.”

“Hey, I need my star here. Now get to it.”  The line went dead.

Sarah shook her head. “Why do I always have to deal with people taking advantage of me and my size-changing mishaps?” She kicked a nearby trash bucket over. “Frist Gregory and now Jeffery. At least Jeffery at least somewhat reigns it in but still, why can’t they just accept that I sometimes change in size and shape and leave it at that.” She shook her head and walked over to the door. “I don’t even have a chance to clean my house of the blueberry mess I made trying to claim this place. I hope that Jeffery pays me well for this as I am going to be smelling blueberries for a week for this.” She opened the door. “And I hope that doesn’t mean I will turn into a blueberry again later this week.” She slammed the door behind her.

Once outside, she quickly dashed back inside.

“Brrrr. Forgot my coat.” Sarah grabbed her grey jacket from the hanger, slid it on, and walked back outside. “Ok, that is better.” She slipped on her mittens. “Time to deal with this snow.”

Sarah unlocked her car and turned on her vehicle. She then pulled out the car brush and started to wipe all of the snow off of her vehicle. “I hate winter.” Once the snow was dealt with, Sarah ducked into the safety and warmth of her car. “Phew.” She shivered and pulled off her mittens. “Time to get going.”

She slowly drove out of the driveway and made the quick drive to her workplace of work. The roads were slick and devoid of traffic, but thankfully she made all of the lights, so she didn’t have to stop once on the way to the postal office.

She spotted Jeffery as she pulled into the parking lot as he held a brown package. He waved at her, and she lowered her window. “There you are.” He shivered. “Here, take this package and get going.”

“You don’t even want me to have a Fredricks Fancy drink and grow or anything like that?”

He shoved the package into her passenger seat. “No time. The customer wants this package now, and they demanded you bring it to them. When you get back, you can have one of those growing potions for the rest of the deliveries.” He shivered. “Now get going. I need to get back inside and warm up.” He turned around. “God, it is freezing out today.”

“Hey, who do I even deliver this to?”

“Read the label. It will tell you everything.”

She shook her head. “Ok. Fine.” She rolled up her window and turned the heater on. “Well, I guess things could be worse. Matt isn’t making me change in size. Yet.”

She picked up the box. “Hmm. Twenty-third Avenue. Apartment 46. Why does that sound familiar?” Sarah’s eyes went wide. “Oh hell no. Not him.” She threw the package against the front windshield. “Why can’t Matt leave me well enough alone? So I left him in the middle of nowhere when I was a good seventy feet tall. He should get the hell over it.” She took a deep breath and turned on her vehicle. “That jerk dumped me when I first started to change in size and has harassed me ever since. Well, I am going to just deliver this package to him and get it over with. I wonder why he wants me of all people to bring this to him.” Sarah rolled her blue eyes. “As if spending the night as a blueberry wasn’t enough of an issue.”

She drove the short distance to Matt’s apartment, her fingernails digging into the leather of her steering wheel. A few minutes later, she arrived at Matt’s apartment and took a deep breath. “Ok, just walk up to the door and set the package down. You don’t have to do anything more than that.” She grabbed the box, shut off the engine, and walked out into the cold once more.

As Sarah walked up to the mini-apartment building, she noticed a few people working on the roof. “Huh. Matt was right. It looks like someone or something ripped off the roof.” She took a deep breath. “Danmit Carien, why did you have to get me in more trouble with this jerk?” She pushed the glass door open and walked inside.

She walked up the wooden staircase to the second floor. “Wow, I haven’t been here in almost a year.” She took a deep breath. “That brings back some memories.” Sarah shook her head. “Ok. Just knock on the door and leave.” She raised her hand and knocked. “Hello, I have a package here for you.”

The door suddenly opened, and a hand grasped her arm. “Hey!” She was pulled inside, and the door suddenly closed behind her.

“Thank you for the package, Sarah.” Matt took the box out of her hand.

She ran her hands along her jacket. “You could have just taken the box and the door. I will just head out now, Matt.”

He blew strange dust in her face, and she coughed as it traveled up her nose and mouth. “Ugh, what is this?”

Matt put the box on the table. “I have been thinking for a long time on how to return the favor of you ripping off the roof to my apartment. Just suing you isn’t enough.” He shook his head. “Damn, legal shit won't’ even process until a year or two from now.” Sarah continued to cough. “So I talked with those Fredricks Fancy friends of yours and found out that their products can cause you to change in size.”

Sarah shook her head. “What you want me to suddenly grow for you?” She felt her body tingle.

He opened the box. “Not really. See, I help the Fredricks Fancy people perfect their formula, make it so instead of randomized transformations that their products will give desired results, and then I get to have some payback on you.” He pulled a tiny blue dress out of the box fit for a doll. “I think this should fit you nicely here in a moment.”

Sarah shook her head as her skin began to constrict.

“You have to be kidding.” She hugged herself. “I am not sticking around for this madness.” She turned around and fell to the floor. “Ugh.” Her clothes began to feel heavy, and the door increased in size. “Noo.” She reached for the knob as pulled away from her, and her arm retracted into her sleeve. Her shoes fell off of her feet, and her pants slipped off of her body. Sarah tried her best to stand back up, but the growing weight of her shirt kept her pinned to the floor. In moments she was on her hands and knees, sitting in a tangled mess of her shirt, sleeve, and bra.

“That worked better than I thought it would.” As she tried to fight her way out of her clothes, Matt picked her up and shook her out into his left hand. She twisted around as he held her like a doll.

“Let me go.”

“Stop thrashing. I have a buyer that is looking for a nice little Alice in Wonderland doll.” He slipped the blue dress over her body. “I will be sending you over there after I send the info to the Fredricks Fancy company that their products worked the way they intended.”

Sarah crossed her arms. “I am not some doll that you can just sell and trade, Matt.”

He slid the white apron onto her body. “You sure look like a small Alice doll to me.” He laughed. “I think you will make some little girl happy. Just be happy with that.” He sighed.

“I swear I had the petticoat and heels around here somewhere.” He turned around. “Hold tight.”

He walked into the next room.

Sarah shook her head. “This is nuts. I have to get out of here. I don’t even care about that jerk trying to sell me to some toy store.” She grabbed the edge of the table and swung her legs over the side. “The moment he calls Fredricks Fancy and tells them who he shrunk, he will find out how much I am worth to them. I am not sticking around for that. I don’t want to be an Alice gift to Fredrick.” She gripped the table leg and slid down to the floor.

“Ok, maybe I can sneak under the door and get out of here. Alice talked about it being a possibility in the book. Now I have to make it a reality.” She rushed across the carpet, having to push aside the hairs in the carpet. “Also, why is Fredricks Fancy trying to improve their formula? I thought randomized transformations was enough. What in the world has changed, so they feel the need to use me as a test subject yet again?” She shook her head. “I swear one of these days I am going to grow a hundred feet tall and walk down to their headquarters and have a talk with Fredrick about keeping me out of their experiments. I am getting sick of this.”

Just as she reached the door, she heard Matt’s booming voice. “Sarah? Where in the world did you go?” She gulped and flattened herself against the carpet. “Come back here. My client is going to pay me a lot of money for an Alice in Wonderland doll. Besides, I still need to give you the other half of the damn formula, so you actually turn into a doll now come back here.”

She began to slide under the door.  You think that I will come back if you are going to turn me into an actual doll, you jerk.  She winced as her legs popped out on the other side of the gigantic oak door.  I have been through many things in this past year, but I will not become a doll.

Matt noticed her just as she began to push her torso, though. “There you are. Where do you think you are going?” He bent down and grabbed the upper half of her body. “Get back here.”

“No!” Sarah tried to wiggle her way under the door frame. “I am not going to be turned into an Alice doll.” She winced as Matt pulled on her torso.

“God, you are wedged under there.” He pulled once more, and she cried out in pain.

“Stop, you are going to tear me in two, you big oaf.”

He shook his head. “At least once I give you the other half of the formula, it will fix that mouth of yours.” He stood up. “Now, just hold still, and I will be right back.”

Sarah pressed her hands against the carpet. “I have to get out of here before he comes back. I can’t let him finish the job.” She groaned as she pushed against the ground. “Ugh, I am stuck. Come on.” She looked up as Matt’s giant legs came into view. “Move!”

“Ok, Sarah. Just hold on a moment.” A began to drop some irregular flakes down onto her. “Just eat these up.”

She shook her head. “Almost got it.” Her body began to slide. “Almost.”

The first white flacks touched her dress. “Yes.” She slipped under the door like a rocket.

“No!” The door flung open and hit her in the back, the momentum sending her flying towards the stairs. She rolled over and over again until she hit the side of a massive boot heel.

The rest of this story is on my All-Access tier due to the fetish doll transformation content.


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