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Don’t Laugh.

              Alice walked out onto her porch.  “Hmm, I don’t remember getting mail today.”  She looked down at the package sitting on her doorstep.  “What is this?”  She picked up the box and grabbed the attached letter with her free hand.

              “To my favorite author.  I hope to brighten your day with this special gift.  May it always bring you happiness and many laughs.”  She narrowed her eyes as she walked inside.  “Odd it doesn’t say who it’s from.”  She shrugged.  “Ahh, well, I can’t turn down gifts, can I?”  As she unwrapped the box, she once again narrowed her eyes.  “Really?  It’s just a cream pie.  Ahh, well.”  She walked into the next room.  “Why couldn’t they have gotten me something like some hair ribbons or a new laptop.  Or I know.  Why not send me a bunch of chocolate.  I love chocolate.”

              Alice grabbed a knife and fork before returning to the living room.  “But I might as well try the pie.  Someone went through a lot of trouble to send this to me.”  She smiled.  “And it is a free pie to boot.  How can I turn this down?”  She cut herself a small slice before digging in.  “Hmm.  It tastes a little funny.  Ahh, well.”  As she continued to chew, she went to cut another slice before accidentally knocking the rest of the pie on the floor.  “Fuck!”

              Alice shook her head before letting a small giggle escape her lips.  “Ugh, I can’t believe I did that.”  She held her hand over her mouth, finding herself unable to hold back her laughter.  “I just. . . why wasn’t I more careful?”  She held her hand over her chest as she turned around, consumed in a giggling storm.  “I need to clean this up.  Why can’t I stop giggling?  It wasn’t that funny?”  As she walked away, she didn’t notice the white and blue paint spreading across her face.  “Okay.  Okay.  I think I am. . . I am good.”

              Alice wrapped her hands around the mop and turned around.  “I don’t know what the hell that was about, but I am under control now.”  She scratched at her head.  “Shesh, I should also turn down the air while I am at it.  It’s getting fucking hot.”  She pulled at the collar of her multi-colored neck.  “Like fucking hell, I think I am sweating.  “It’s not even that hot.”  She started to giggle again.  “That fucking weather man. . . hehehehe. . . he should have known better.  Now I am getting all hot and sweaty because I put on the wrong clothing.  What a fucking. . . jerk.  God, why is this funny?”

              The strange paint traveled down her arms and legs as she tried to fight against the fit of giggles.  “I need to focus.  I am never going to clean up that pie at this rate.”  She scratched her rear end.  “Ugh, but maybe I should go upstairs first and change.  It is so hot, after all.  I don’t think these clothes are appropriate.  Like, what if I. . . sweat through them?  Or if I. . .”  She rubbed her head as strange thoughts began to drift into her mind.  “No, that wouldn’t happen.  When would my breasts grow so big that I would break my blouse apart.”  She laughed out loud.  “It would be so fucking funny, though.  My boobs ripping through my shirt and on display.  Hahahahahahh!”

              As she said that, Alice could feel her breasts press against her shirt, almost as if responding to her words.  “Huh?”  She looked down, sweat now dripping down her neck.  “Heheh.  I feel very funny.”  She rubbed her breasts.  “Where did this paint come from?”  She rubbed her hands.  “Hehehe.  It won’t come off.”  Alice moaned as her blouse began tighter, her boobs throbbing.  “Oh god, what is happening to me?”  She put her hand over her chest, her boobs letting out a small squeak.

              Alice’s eyes shot open.  “Hahaahhh!”  She pressed down on her boobs, her nipples hardening as they squeaked once again.  “Need to stop. . . giggling.  Might stop.  . . but too funny.”  She bounced her boobs, feeling them grow bigger and bigger inside her blouse.  “Oh yes.  Grow, baby, grow.”  She licked her lips, a small yellow star appearing on her right cheek.  “Burst.  Burst.  BURST!”

              In a shower of buttons, her boobs ripped free, and her babies bounced about.  “Oh yes!”  Alice put her hand on her hip, feeling it thicken under her fingers.  “But my body can do more than that.”  She giggled.  “I can look much sexier than this!”

              Alice was overcome by the strange giggling transformation.  Her legs began to thicken, and her butt pressed tightly against her jeans.  Her shoes swelled, her feet transforming into long blue shoes that were typically worn by clowns.  “Oh my god!”  Alice smacked her butt.  “Now I get it.”  She giggled again, her butt ripping part of her pants.  “Maybe with my new look, I should start putting on a performance or something.  But I don’t have anyone to entertain.”  Her nose turned red, becoming round and big.  “How will I have any fun?”

              “Hello?”  The front door opened, and her friend Sara walked into the house. “Alice,  Hey Alice, where are you? You agreed to come over today and help me clean my pool. Huh?”

              “Hey, Sara.”  Alice winked as she bounced her boobs about.  “Want to have some fun?  I heard you have a pool.”

              “Alice?  What happened to you?”

              “Oh, nothing.”  Alice took a step closer, her hands inflating into gloves.  “I just. . . oh my.”


              Alice ran her rubbery hand along Sara’s chest.  “It seems you are missing something very important.”  Alice reached forward and kissed Sara.  “Meee!”

              Sara pulled back and giggled.  “God, you really are acting like some horny clown.  Now let’s. . . she started to laugh.  “God, you look so fucking funny.”  She held her hand over her chest as she burst out in laughter, her face turning red.  “Oh god.  Oh god, why do I feel so funny?”

              Alice smiled.  “Yes.  Let it out.  Let it all out!”

              Sara rubbed her breasts.  “They. . . are so fucking warm. . . what is happening?”  She giggled.  “I want to. .  I want to. . .”  Sara moaned.

              Alice bounced about, jiggling her boobs as she encouraged Sara’s transformation.  “You want to do this?”  She honked as she spanked her ass.  “Or this?”

              Sara moaned as her ass swelled.  “Ohh fuckkkkkk.”  She licked her lips.  “Yesssss.”

              Alice smiled.  “Then keep going, girl!”

              Sara shook her head, her breasts pressing tightly against her t-shirt.  “Ohh god!  I. . . ohhh. . .”  Her nose grew into a round green clown nose as she waved her newly inflated hands about.  “They just keep getting bigger and bigger.”

              Alice pulled Sara in for a kiss, rubbing her hands along her thighs and feeling them grow.  “You are almost there.”  She kissed Sara again.  “Just a little more.”

              “Hahahahahah!”  Sara’s eyes blinked open as her transformation was complete, her shoes shooting forward. “Like baby, I feel wonderful!”

              “Right?”  They pressed their breasts against one another.  “What do you say we go and find someplace where we can show our bodies off.  It will be a blast.”

              Sara smiled.  “Deal.”  She turned around.  “Race you to the car!”  She hurried off, her massive ass swaying back and forth.

              “Oh, you are not going to beat me!”  Alice hurried after her, not intent on being outdone by her friend.


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