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Berry Sunrise.

              Alexa stretched her arms.  “Today is going to be a good day.”  She slipped her feet into her slippers and walked towards the foot of her bed.  “I am starting a new job, and my husband is going to start to sell his artwork.  What couldn’t be better.”

              “Hey, honey!  You should come in here and see this!”

              She arched an eyebrow.  “Shouldn’t he already be gone?  I swear the people running that important art galla want him and all the other up and coming artists in like an hour.  Why is he still here?  There is no way he can make it in time.”  She grabbed her gown and walked out of the room.  “Honey, what the hell? You should have left by now.  I know saying goodbye is important and—”

              “Shut up.”  He pointed at the television.  “This is important.”

              She crossed her arms.  “Don’t you dare tell me to shut up.”  She snorted as she looked at the television.  “This better be important.”

              “We ask that everyone stay indoors today.  There is something strange going on, and for your own protection, it is best that you don’t go outside.”

              “Don’t go outside?  What the hell are they talking about?”  She listened as the anchor went into stuff about geothermics and something about plants.  “Seriously.  What in the world is he talking about?  Why does this mean we can’t go outside?  Do they really think there is something bloody wrong with the sun today?  Why did they say something about blueberries?  I think this is just another fucking news media scare tactic.”  She pointed a finger at her husband.  “I told you to keep that damn stuff off!”

              “But this is serious, Alexa.”

              “What?  Some weird stuff with hints of blueberries?  Look, I am going to get changed and then head to work.  Nothing is going on.  You should go out yourself.”  She shorted as she went into the bedroom.  “You can’t miss selling your artwork for the first time over some artificial news scare.”  She slammed the door behind her.  “I can’t believe he is being so gullible.  Ugh.”  She tossed her gown off and pulled up some jeans.  “Seriously.  I would slap some sense into him if I wasn’t so pressed for time.”  Alexa slipped a cute little blue dress top on.  “Okay, now to head out.”

              She walked out of the bedroom, slipping on some Mary Jane heels.  “I will be back later today.”  She pointed at Jake.  “And you should go.  This is the chance of a lifetime.  You can’t miss it.”

              He crossed his arms.  “You should listen to the news on this.  You are going to regret it.”

              Alexa rolled her green eyes as she opened the door.  “I doubt it.”  She walked outside.  “He is crazy.  There is nothing wrong.  There just. . .”  She snorted.  “Is it just me, or does it smell like blueberries?”  She looked around.  “And what is with this blue fucking haze all over the place?”  Alexa began to cough.  “Ugh. . .”  She stumbled forward.  “I just. . . need to. . .”

              She stopped just a few feet from her house, coughing in the strange air.  “Ugh fuck it.  I am not going anywhere.  Jake was right something weird is going on.”  She turned around.  “I am going back inside before. . .”  She moaned.  “Ughh. . .”  She ran the short distance to the doorway, dropping her purse as she rushed inside.

              “Everything okay?”  He crossed his arms as he looked at her.  “You seem a bit flushed.”

              “I am fine.  I just. . . thought I would stay home after all.”  She moaned; her ass now extremely sensitive as it rubbed against the wooden doorway.  “I mean, is that a problem?”

              Jake arched an eyebrow.  “Your cheeks are bright red.  Are you okay?”

              Alexa nodded her head.  “I am fine.  Perfectly fine.  I just. . .”  She hurried past him.  “I need to go wash up.  That is all.”

              “Umm. . .”

              Once she was out of sight, she ducked into the nearby hallway, her hand on her right breast.  “Why do I feel soo. . . fucking. . .”  As she rubbed herself, the pressure inside of her only increased.  “Hot!”  She moaned, not noticing the blue dots forming on her face.  “Ohh god.  It’s like something is trying to. . . ohhhhhhhhh!”

              “What is going on in here?  I can hear you. . . ahhhhhhh!”  Jake fell down against the wall as he saw his wife.  “What the fuck happened to you?”

              “What are you talking about?”  She looked at him with her blue face.  “I am just a little hot.”

              “Hot?  You are fucking blue!”  His eyes widened as he saw her boobs slowly pulse and expand a few inches.  “Alexa?  What in the world is happening to you?”

              “I. . . don’t know.  I just feel so fucking. . . juicy.”  She rubbed her overflowing breasts.  “Something is swelling within me, and it just won’t stop!”  Glorp.  She was suddenly pushed away from the wall as her butt grew a few inches.  “Oh fuck!”

              Jake held his hand over his nose.  “No wonder.  I think you are filling up with blueberry juice.  I can smell it from here.”

              “What!”  Her dress suddenly turned dark blue as her juices squirted out of her nipples.  “I. . . I can’t be turning into a blueberry.”  She moaned as her hips began to expand.  “You have to stop this!  Ohhhh. . . everything feels so fucking gooooood.”

              “Oh, you like it?”  Jake walked up and began to rub her body.  “Hmm. . .”

              “Stop it!”  She moaned as she continued to swell and expand.  “We have to figure out how to stop my body from filling up with juice.”  Her eyes widened as her pants began to rip, her thighs becoming thick and juicy.  “Ohh fuck.”


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