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Night in the Bunny Casino.

              Matt sighed as he sat down on his couch.  “I can’t believe I haven’t been fired.”

              “I am just that good.  I can take you out for fun and keep your measly little job.”

              He rubbed his head as he heard the woman’s voice, which he had become attached to rebounding inside his head.  “You fucking took over my body and made out with my boss.  I am lucky he didn’t call the fucking cops, you bimbo.”

              “Bimbo?  Me?  I am just trying to show you how to have a good time in life.  You are a bit of a stick in the mud.  One who seems to have a thing for giant ladies.  Hmm, but who am I to judge.  I am sure one of these nights we can hunt down a giantess and—”

              Matt slammed his hand against the wall.  “I do not fucking like Sarah!  I hate her.  Hate!  Do you get that, you bimbo!”

              “Oh, I am not a bimbo.  You just can’t see what kind of fun life can be from my side of the fence.”  Matt suddenly came to a halt.  “Ohhh, what is that?”

              “Heather!  What are you doing?”  His hands moved on their own.  “You are not taking control, you bitch!”

              “I just want to read this.  Shut up.”  Matt’s hands pulled a magazine up towards his face.  “Ohhh, a new casino opened up.  Or it reopened.  Hmm, it’s a little weird.  But I want to go check it out.  Come on.  You are off for almost a week.”

              “No.  I want to go to a nice relaxing spa.  I deserve it.”

              “No.  Bunny Casino.”


              His body began to tense up.  “Bunny Casino.  This is your last chance to go there on your own.”

              Matt leaned against the wall.  “Heather, you are not taking control of my fucking body.  We are going to. . . ughh. . .”  He moaned as tremendous pressure spread throughout his system.  He knew his words meant nothing now.  Heather was fighting for control of their body.  “Fucking bimbo!”

              “Just give in.  You know you want to let Heather come out and play.”

              Matt stumbled into the next room as red paint formed on his fingernails.  “No way. . .”  His voice started to become more high-pitched.  “I am. . . going to. . .”

              “Aww, you are already giving in to me.  You know I should be the one to pick where we go on this little vacation.  How cute.”

              “No way.”  He scratched at his neck.  “Now stop making my voice so. . . feminine.  I am not a fucking girl.”  His eyes widened as he felt a tingle in his chest.  “Oh no.”

              “My boobies are coming.”

              “Like hell they are.”  Matt rushed into the bedroom.  “If I get some sleeping pills, you won’t take over MY body.”  He moaned as he felt an intense pressure in his chest, forcing him to stop in his tracks.  “Oh, fucking hell. . .”

              “Yes.  You know you want to rub them.  Play with them.”

              “I. . . don’t. . .”  He cried despite his right hand already moving to feel his ballooning chest.  “I will keep you at bay. . .”  An involuntary giggle escaped his lips, a giggle that was Heather’s.  Matt knew he was losing this fight but had to continue trying.  Even as he slipped deeper into the pleasure of his changing body, rubbing his swelling breasts or hers.  Yes, hers.  “She should come out.  I. . . I can’t stop her.”  Matt sat on the edge of the bed.  “So maybe I should enjoy myself while I can.”

              That statement became easier as his, no her breasts continued to expand, slowly growing and hardening into the lovely g-cups that they were meant to be.  “So bouncy.”

              “Yes, they are.  So bouncy and full.  I can’t wait for them to be mine once again.  I can see that you are not fighting me as much?  Do you just accept that it is I who shall be the lady who comes out and plays?  Who shall be the one who decides what we do?”

              Matt ignored her as he felt more changes wrack his body.  His skin softened and his hard, thick legs slowly tightened.  “Ughh. . .”  He squeezed the side of the bed as he felt his lips become fuller, red lipstick helping to fill them out.  “What did you do last time you were out?  I don’t remember you having so much. . .”  He ran his finger over his lips.  “Excess.”

              “Hey, a girl has to look pretty.  Like you will before you hand the reigns over to me.”  Heather’s giggle vibrated through his body, causing him to put his hands over his lips and smear more of the lipstick onto his cute little hands.  “Hey, stop wasting the goods.”

              He looked at his hands, no longer big and callous, not small and petite.  “I will do what I want with my body while it still belongs to me.”  His eyes widened as he felt a sudden pressure in his ass.  “Oh fuck.”  He twisted onto his belly, rubbing his ass.  “Why does this transition have to always be so intense?  Ohhh god!”

              “Because you know you like me coming out.  Admit it.”

              “Noo.”  Matt moaned.  “I do not!  I doooo not.”  He rubbed his butt as it slowly expanded and pressed against his jeans.  “Ohhh, my fucking ass is getting so big and sensitive.”

              “You don’t like it, huh?  Well, that wasn’t me who said that.”

              “Shut up, you bimbo!”  He giggled.  “Oh, this feels so good!”

              “I am the bimbo huh?”

              Matt could feel her judging him.  “I said shut. . .”  His eyes widened.  “No.  Just take over already.  I don’t want to feel you take that away from me.”

              “No.  I want to feel you transform fully into my body.”  She giggled.  “You seem to love it sooooo much.”

              Matt gripped the bed as he felt her giggle escape his lips once more.  “I. . . I don’t like losing my dick.  Heather.  Please.  Just take over.”  He groaned as he felt his dick shrink before pressing tightly against his body.  “Nooooo!”

              “Just a little more.”

              Matt’s hair poofed out and extended down his body.  “Heather!”  He took deep breaths.  “I. . . can’t. . . stand this.  Stop.  Stop.  Stop!”

              “You will be a lady yet.  Just for a few moments, then I can take over.  This is too much fun.”

              “Ahhhhh!”  He moaned as he felt his dick push into his body, becoming a deep pussy.  “Oh fuck.  Ohhhh. . . ohhhh. . .”

              “That is right, dear. You know you like it. But that is enough fun for now.”  Matt felt himself slip into their subconscious. “Heather is ready to play.”  She sat up and stretched her arms, finally ready to go out and check this bunny casino out. Now, dear, please have some fun while you are in there.”

              “You bitch!”

              “Now, now.  That kind of language is uncalled for.”  She stood up.  “Hmm, maybe I should do some shopping.  You sure don’t have anything I can wear.”  She clapped her hands together.  “Oh, today is going to be so much fun!”


              After a quick shopping trip to get some new cute clothing, Heather found herself outside the famed Bunny Casino. “Well, here we are.”  She looked at the car’s rearview mirror as she tried to talk to Matt. “Hello.  Hello?”

              “Just go and have your stupid fun already.  I want back in control of my fucking body.”

              “So rude.”  She crossed her arms and looked away.  “You know I would never talk to you that way.”  She pushed the door open.  “But whatever.  I will have fun.”  Heather bounced her way toward the casino.  “With your money.”


              “Lad-do.”  She giggled.  “I would use my own, but you have just been such a stick in the mud.  Call it payback.”

              “Why couldn’t I have been put up with someone who is, you know, not a bitch.”

              “Hmm, maybe I should blow all your funds now.  For such a silly comment.”  She walked through the massive glass front door.  “It’s not nice to make such rude comments after all.”  As she slowly walked into the casino, Heather rubbed her chin.  “Strange.  Where is everyone?  I swear I should have seen someone by now.  At the very least one of the people running this place.  It is a grand reopening, after all.  Something is up.”

              “Maybe you came on the wrong day.  Oh well.  Time to give me back my body.”

              “Oh, hush you.”  Her eyes widened.  “Oh look, there is someone.”  Heather waved her right arm above her head and waved.  “Hello.  Hi.  I am here to have a weekend of fun!”

              “Weekend?  What the hell?”

              “I said hush.”  She watched as the lady bounced, almost hopped over to her.  “Now, let me enjoy myself.”

              “Welcome to the casino.  You will enjoy your stay; you will enjoy staying with us forever!”

              Heather arched an eyebrow.  “Forever?  One night will be good enough.”  She watched as the strange bunny ladies surrounded her.  “My, you two sure are. .  umm. . . is that real fur?  I am not judging, but I have never seen anyone get into quite an act like this before.”

              The two ladies giggled, their boobs bouncing about.  “Oh, these?”  They pulled at their rabbit ears.  “You like them?  You can have your own pair.”

              The other girl slapped Heather’s ass.  “And we can help you with this tiny ass of yours.  Plump it up!”

              Heather blushed.  “My butt is nice and perfect.  It gets all the attention it deserves.”

              The two bunny girls squished their arms against their boobs.  “Oh really?  I don’t think she really believes that statement, Jamie.”

              “You are right, Fran.  Hold her!”

              Jamie suddenly hopped forward and grabbed Heather.  “Hey!  What is this!”  She struggled against the iron grip of the bunny girl.  “Let me go.”

              “Sorry, hun.”  Fran took a step closer.  “We have to open your eyes.”  She kissed Heather on the mouth.

              Heather blinked her eyes.  “Was that supposed to do anything?”

              The two bunny girls looked at Heather in surprise.  “Are you sure you, did it?  Try it again!”  Fran gave Heather the biggest and longest kiss she had ever felt in her life, the strange woman’s tongue swimming inside her mouth as her hands gripped her ass.  A few moments later, Heather could finally twist away from them.

              “You two are crazy.”  She took a deep breath.  “I swear when I get out of here, I will give this place the worst review.”

              Heather heard a giggle in her mind.  “Matt?”

              She fell to the ground, feeling Matt trying to break free, though he didn’t feel as familiar as he had just an hour before.  “Matt!  What are you doing?”

              “I. . . want to play. . .  Why don’t you ever let me use those boobs?  I can have so much more fun!”

              Heather’s eyes widened.  Before she had been locked away in that stupid Potion’s R Us store, she had remembered hearing about some crazy bimbo bunny girls, girls that, with just a kiss, could pass their curse on to you.  No matter who you are.  “Matt, I need you to listen to me.  You are staying in there.”  She moaned as she felt his presence slam against her mind.

              “Who are you talking to, hun?”  Jamie arched an eyebrow.

              “Ya.  No need to keep secrets.”

              Heather pulled on her shirt as her boobs pulsed, growing a few inches.  “No one.”  She realized that her being merged with someone else was the only reason why she hadn’t been affected by these bimbo kisses.  “I need to keep in control.”  She moaned as her boobs swelled a little more.  “I need to keep him at bay.  Before he fully transforms and becomes such a horny bimbo, I can’t control him, her. . . I don’t know.”

              Heather stumbled out of the Casino, clutching her breasts.  “Oh, they are so fucking sensitive.”  She giggled.  “Noooo.  You won’t take over.”  Her lips plumped up even bigger.  “I have to fight.”  She scratched at her pants as they became skin-tight.  “But I am getting sooo horny.”

              “Because you know I should be the one fully in control.  Let me take over, and you can just go to sleep.  Forever.”

              Heather moaned.  “Noooo.  I won’t let you do this.”

              “Yes.  Let Martha take over.”

              Heather blinked her eyes as she placed her hands on their car.  “Noooo.  I won’t let you lose yourself to this bunny curse.  I will get Matt back!”  She forced Martha into her mind.  “I will stay in control even if my body changes.  No matter what.”  She giggled again.  “No matter what!”

              She felt new sensations rock her body.  Her boobs slammed against her bra as her ass swayed back and forth.  “Soo sensitive.”  Heather twisted around and rubbed her butt against the vehicle, trying to calm herself down, but the pressure in her ass only increased.  “Oh, fuck make it stop.”  She giggled.  “No, keep it coming.”  She squeezed her butt and fell onto her knees.  “Oh, fuck yes.  Don’t let it stop!  Don’t let it stop!”

              Heather’s pants began to throb as a little bunny tail pushed its way out, ripping through her pants.  “Oh, fuck yes!”  Moments later, her ears began to grow, becoming long white, and fluffy.

              After it was all over, she stood up, sweating and with a big smile on her face.  “That was amazing.”  She looked herself over.  “And I am still me.  Not some silly horny bimbo.”  She sighed.  “But I have to get my other half back somehow.”  She looked at the dark night sky above.  “Somehow.”



The sniping spy

Odd, I didn't think Heather would want Matt back at all