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Take Your Growth Medicine.

              Jan sighed.  “What the hell?”  She crossed her arms as her boss stood in the doorway of her building.  “Harry, what is going on?”

              “Sorry, Jan. We are starting a new policy. After you are sick, you must visit our company doctor to be evaluated before you can return to work. After someone decided to lie about getting over the flu and infecting the entire office, we have to make sure people are in tip-top shape.”

              She gripped her hands into fists.  “I don’t want some stupid medical bill!  Besides, I am fine!”  Harry wouldn’t budge.  “You can trust me!”

              He shook his head.  “Sorry, Jan.  You can’t get out of this.”  He pointed at the building across the street.  “Now Riely is expecting you.  Don’t come back until she has finished her evaluation.”

              Jan snorted.  “You know this is some class A blullshit, right?”  She turned around.  “Especially as you don’t pay me until I get my butt back into my seat and start working.”  She slammed her foot onto the ground.  “Just more hurdles for me to overcome and get my paycheck.  I. . . fuck!”

              “We love you.”

              Jan rushed across the street and into the brick building.  “Okay, who is in charge here?”  A young man smiled at her.  “I don’t want smiles. I want to get out of here as quickly as possible and back to my job.  I have rent to pay.”

              “Down the hall.  Room three.  Riely is waiting for you.”

              “What?  No paperwork or—”

              “It’s company paid for, ma’am.  No need to worry.”

              Jan sighed.  “Well, that is a relief.  Maybe I could get some extra testing while I am done here.”  She laughed as she walked down the hallway.  “Since the company is fronting the bill.

              “That isn’t how it works.”

              “Fuck.”  She turned the corner and found the room that she was looking for.  “Okay.”  Jan pushed the door open and walked inside, finding a humming woman sitting at the far end of the room browsing her computer.  “Hello?”

              The lady turned around.  “Ahh, you must be my three-o-clock.  Jan, right?”

              “Umm, I guess?”

              “Come in.  Come in.”  Jan closed the door behind her.  “Don’t worry, this will be quick.  Sit down.  Anywhere you want.”  Jan picked a chair nearest to the door.  The quicker she was out of here, the better.  “Now I just need to take a few vitals.”  Jan tapped her foot on the ground as Riely examined her.  She was always nervous when doctors looked her over.  It was as if something was going to go terribly wrong.

              “Oh my.  This is not good.  Not good at all.”


              Riely turned around.  “Your blood pressure is way off.  And your temp?  Hmm.  Are you sure you’re feeling better?”

              “Umm, I feel perfectly fine.  Are you saying I have to go home?”

              Reily laughed.  “No, of course not.”  She reached into the cabinet.  “Our company just approved this new wonder drug.  It should help balance out these nasty ailments you are feeling.”

              “But I am feeling. . .”

              Riely forced the pill container at her.  “Nonsense.  Who is the doctor here?”  She laughed.  “Besides, you want to go to work, don’t you?  Get that lovely paycheck?”  Jan nodded her head.  “Good.  Then you are to take two of those a day.  Starting now!”


              “Go to the fountain around the corner and take two pills, missy.  Unless you don’t want to work at your previous job.”

              Jan snorted as she stood up.  “I have never seen anyone so pushy to get me to take medication.”  She walked out of the room and around the corner.  At the fountain, she found some paper cups.  She filled one up with water before popping out two pills into her hand.  “All of this just so I can get some work done.”

              She swallowed the pills, her eyes lighting up as she did so.  “What the hell?”  She shook her head, her body reeling from the experience.  She dropped the cup of water and pill container as she reeled with the strange sensations.  “Soo fucking hot.  So much pressure.”  Her hands gripped the edge of the fountain as she took deep breaths.  “I have. . . have to get myself under control.”  She moaned a little.  “What the hell was in that stuff?”

              Her nipples hardened as the pressure increased.  “Fuckkkkk!”  Jan closed her eyes.  “I can’t take it!”  She felt her clothing tighten as she let out another moan.  The intense pressure was too much for her to bear, so she began to finger her right breast to try and relieve it.  No pressure was the wrong word; pleasure was more like it.  Her boobs, they felt so full, so squishy.  “Ughh.  Why am I such a. . . a. . . god damn it allll!”

              Jan squeezed her breasts, letting out a small orgasm.  As she regained her senses, she looked around, thankful no one had seen or heard her.  But Jan also gasped as she realized what happened to her body.  She was now almost eight feet tall, and her boobs were nearly a g-cup.  “Holy crap.”  She reached down and grabbed the pill container before rushing back into the doctor’s room.  “Hey, what the hell?  These things made me grow!”

              Riely only giggled.  “Well, ya.”


              “You weren’t sick.  We just had to test a new product.”  Jan narrowed her eyes.  “Of course, we don’t fully know what it will do yet, so if you want to keep your job, honey, you will have to take those pills every hour.”

              “Every. . . hour. . .”  She looked at her body.  “I. . . I. . .”

              Reily giggled.  “We need to know just how they will work on someone.  And we also need to figure out a good dosage.  I could hear you moaning out there, so I am sure you would like it.  Now, be a good girl and take your growth medicine.  Doctors’ orders.”  She turned around.  “Now, please, I have work to do.  You should head to your office.”


              Riely pushed Jan out of the office, the enlarged woman bonking her head on the doorframe.  “I said shoo.”  The doctor shut the door, leaving Jan alone.

              “Great.  I am supposed to take these damn pills all day long?”  She sighed as she held the pill jar in her hands.  “But at least I can go to work now.”  She smiled.  “And it did feel good growing.  I wonder. . .”  Jan shook her head.  “No. I can’t.”  She slowly made her way out of the building.  “I just need to focus on getting a good day’s work done.  I can’t just pop these things like they are candy and. . . ohh. . .”


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