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PoV Body Testing Mayhem.

             You stroll through the mall, searching for a new pair of clothing. It is going to be your birthday, after all, and you want to look nice. As you look through the selection of clothing, a cute little dress catches your eyes. It is a blue dress, one that will show off your more flirty side. You just have to try it, so you grab it and rush to the nearest dressing room.

             Thankfully, you find a vacant room, and as you slip inside, you remove your T-shirt and pants. You even remove your bra as you want to see how this cute little outfit will show off your boobs. As you slip it on, you smile with the results. It comes up to your shoulders, the flower patterns showing off your babies. You bounce about as your dress flows about. It only comes down to about your knees, allowing you to show a little leg as well.

             “Well, I think I am going to. . .” You feel a familiar warmth spread through your chest. “Oh no.” As your nipples harden, you blush, knowing what is about to happen. A few weeks ago, you had been cursed with a. . . unique issue. When overcome with feelings of intense happiness or pleasure, your breasts and ass can grow. “I. . . I know I love this dress, but. . . I don’t want this to happen here.” You gulp as the warmth intensifies. “I don’t want to test how this dress will hold up with my body. . .” You let out a moan. “My body is swelling.”

             You make a move for the door, but it’s already too late. Your breasts slowly swell, inching outward. “Maybe. . . maybe I can make it to my car before I get too big.” You take a deep breath, knowing that it will be hard to stop the transformation. The bigger you get, the more it will only turn you on, and the more it will fuel your growth. “I have to get out of the store before it’s too late.” You feel a tingle in your ass, the sensations spreading.

             You thrust the door open, trying not to let the others know what is going on. But your cheeks are bright red as you walk down the aisle, and people are starting to stare. One even points at you. “Hey, is it just me, or is your chest getting bigger?”

             As you turn around, your boobs bouncing as they grow a few inches, you stifle a moan. “What? That isn’t possible.” You try and pull your dress away from your ass as it swells. “How could anyone’s breasts grow into. . . bigger and more. . .” You stop yourself, knowing that saying such things will only accelerate the growth. No, you can’t think such dirty thoughts. You have to get under control; stop this before you become so massive that you might not be able to move at all.

             The young man takes a step forward. “No, I am sure of it. In fact, I think your ass is becoming bigger as well. It looks nice.”

             “Yes, it does.” You hold your hands over your mouth before a burst of pleasure washes over you. Your boobs suddenly expand almost an entire cup size, causing you to stumble backward. “I am happy I didn’t wear a bra.”

             “Whoa, what happened?” More people are starting to stare. “Are you okay?” He twists you around and blushes as he stares at your chest. “Whoh. You are. . . big. . . boobs. . .”

             You take a step back, your babies bouncing about. “I umm. . . it is a virus. Stay back.” You can’t hold back your moan this time. “So very contagious. You will grow too if you get close.”

             A young lady steps forward. “I will? So cool.”

             You look back and forth, realizing you are losing control of the situation.  Your breasts and ass are rubbing more and more against your dress, only fueling your growth as the people stare at you. “I. . . have to. . . go. .” As you turn around, trying desperately to get out of this awkward situation, you stumble. The curse has now made your boobs watermelon size, and they are oh so heavy as they press against the dress. You stumble awkwardly as the onlooker’s giggle. Moments later, your butt swells, the dress now being forced to ride up your body and expose your curvy skin. Your panties don’t do much to cover your butt as they are slowly inching into your cheeks, the sensation driving you wild.

             “Are you sure I can’t help?” The man asks his eyes on your boobs. “I. . . I think you really need some help in your situation.”

             Your dress starts to tear. “I am fine.” A moan escapes your lips as your nipples begin to show. “I. . .” You widen your stance as you stumble forward. Thankfully your thick thighs and ass aren’t growing anymore, but as you knock over multiple racks of clothing, you know that is the least of your worries. The weight of your boobs is becoming too much to bear. As more rips and tears form in your dress, revealing more of your breasts to the hungry onlookers, you wonder if you can make it out of the mall in time. Every thunderous step adds to your pleasure as your breasts jiggle and rub together. Why did you have to be cursed with such a potent spell to grow when you feel pleasure.

             Suddenly your vein attempt to escape the mall comes to an end as you stumble forward; your boobs, now the size of semi-truck tires, bounce up and down. You hug them tight as they rip a hole through your dress. “I was so close.” The exit is in sight, but you don’t even know how you could fit into your car, let alone drive it in your condition.

             “Still want my help?” The crowd walks up to you, the man pressing his hands down on your right breast. You moan, his warm hands rubbing back and forth, causing you to lick your lips. Your boobs swell in kind, pushing you out and up.

             The man and the others take a step back. “What is happening?”

             “I. . . grow when I get excited.” You pant a little. “It’s okay. I am sure I will stop eventually.”

             He runs his hands through his short, dark hair. “Well, then, it will be challenging to get you out of here.”

             The thought of having everyone’s hands press against your massive naked breasts and ass only turns you on more. Milk is now dripping from your nipples as your boobs grow even larger, now as big as small chairs.

             “What do you all say we help the young lady out and carry her to her destination.”

             “Of course. That is doable, Greg.” You moan in anticipation.

             “Okay. One, two, three.” Their warm, sweaty hands slip under your body and lift you up. It takes all six of them to do it. They were wobbling but were able to get the job done. Still feeling the sensation of your body jiggling once more, and their lovely hands rubbing against you makes you grow. Your boobs press against their bodies as you swell. It makes your pussy wet, and your nipples drip with milk.

             “I. . am having a hard time holding you up,” Greg says as your body continues on its lovely growth course.

             One of the ladies nods her head. “I don’t think we are going to make it to the door.”

             She is right as they all fall onto your sweaty body, bouncing against your squishy breasts. You push them away, moaning all the while. As you look to the ceiling, you know you can’t contain your hornyness. Knowing there is no other option, you just give in, pushing yourself until you cum. Maybe then you can finally stop growing.

             The others realize what is happening and help you. They gently rub your breasts, adding to your pleasure. Your breasts are now so big you can’t see over them, and your breaths are becoming shorter by the second. The remains of your dress rip apart, leaving you naked, your panties having slipped into your ass long ago. It is just as well; the small fabric rubbing against your ass is just helping with your ecstasy.

             Greg walks in front of you and grabs onto your nipples. “How do you like this?” You cry out, your breasts growing almost two feet and knocking him to the floor, his feet becoming trapped under you. More clothing racks are knocked over by your body as you feel yourself on the verge of cuming. Milk drips from your nipples, and your pussy is so very wet.

             “I. . . I. . . I. . .”

             Greg pulls himself free and reaches up to your nipples. He slowly caresses him before licking them. “You can do it.”

             “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” With a thunderous roar, you finally reach your divine apex. Your boobs swell almost seven feet before you sigh with a happy grin on your face as you rest on your body. The wonderous growth is at an end, but it will still take some time before you shrink back down. A part of your brain wonders if this is really a curse, but considering what it does to your clothing and the social awkwardness, you know it to be a fact.

             An employee of the store walks up to you. “Are you going to pay for that dress miss?”

             Greg looks the man dead in the eye. “I think the lady will not be paying. Unless you want me to push you between her cleavage.” The store employee arched an eyebrow, confused by the threat. “I am sure with how big the lady’s breasts are, you will be a bit smushed by the sheer weight.

             With that he got the hint, backing off. “Okay, okay. She doesn’t have to pay.”

             You smile. “Thank you.”

             “No problem.” Greg and the others smile. “Happy to help someone in need.”



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