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Casino Bunny Policy.

             Trishia bounced into the breakroom.  “Phew, I am so happy it’s lunchtime.”

             Pamula sat down next to her.  “Ya.  I am happy that the new bosses took over.” She giggled.  “We can have fun with our work again.  No more crazy bunny crap.”

             Trishia arched an eyebrow.  “What are you talking about?  We are playboy bunnies working at a casino.”

             Pamula shrugged.  “The old partners were. . . crazy.  You didn’t hear about the kidnappings, did you?  Or the over-excessive. . .” She held her hands in the air.  “Bunnifcation.”


             Pamula giggled.  “Like people would really become horny bunny people due to something the old partners did before they eventually vanished.  It was weird.”

             One of the casino owners walked up to them. “Everything okay?”

             Trishia smiled.  “We are doing alright, Vess.”

             The young woman smiled.  “Good.  If you have anything you need, please tell me.  I want to make sure my girls are happy.”

             Pamula giggled once more.  “We are doing good.  Though, have you seen Heather?  It’s been about three days, and she hasn’t come into work.”

             Vess sat down at the table.  “No, I haven’t.  Are you sure she’s not sick or something?”

             Trishia shrugged.  “I mean, wouldn’t you know that mistress Vess?  She would tell you, right?”

             Vess tapped her chin.  “Well, she didn’t notify me.  Hmm.” The young woman stood up.  “I will look into it, girls.  Now, please don’t let it trouble you.  Focus on making our guests nice and happy.” She patted them on the heads.  “I will take care of everything.”


             Vess made her way into the casino’s main office. “Mr. Kenerson.  We need to talk.”

             He didn’t look up from his computer.  “Vess, please.  You can just call me Renold.”

             “Ugh, Renold.  We might have an issue.”

             “There is always an issue.  Someone decides they don’t want to pay up, so we have to give them one of our special potions.  One of the machines breaks.  One of our girls gets into a fight with another girl.  Really, Vess, I have heard it all.”

             “Heather might be missing.”

             He looked up at her.  “What do you mean?”

             “She hasn’t reported to work for three days, and she is one of the girls in debt to us, so there is no reason for her to just vanish.” Vess began to pace back and forth.  “You know my formula.  It makes the girls ever so happy and willing to work here until their debt is worked off. There is no reason Heather would just. . . run away.  Especially as she loves playing with the men more than the others.”

             Renold stood up.  “Vess, calm down.  Maybe your formula just wore off.”

             Vess arched an eyebrow at the remark.  “You think my work isn’t cutting it?” She stormed over and pushed him into his chair. “I know my work, mister, and my potions don’t wear off until their debt is paid.  Something else is going on.”

             “Okay, okay.” He sighed.  “It’s just it’s only been about a month or two of us working together, and I just. . . I just don’t have all that much evidence of your work yet.”

             She turned around and crossed her arms. “Well, I have complete faith in my Pink Moon brand of potions.  Out of everything I made, they were always the things that worked.  So don’t question me on them.”

             He sighed.  “Fine.  So, if it’s not that, then why would Heather just vanish?”

             The door suddenly burst open, and an exotic woman bounced towards them.  “I am sorry, Mr. Kenerson.  It tried to stop her.”

             Renold snorted.  “Emma.”

             The woman smiled.  “Long time no see pinki poo.” Her long rabbit ears twitched.  “I missed you.” She took one look at Vess and blew her a kiss.  “Looking good, sweety.  But you could look better.”

             Vess took a step back.  “Who are you, and what do you want?”

             Renold snorted.  “This is one of my two old business partners.”

             Emma jumped across the room and pushed her hands against Renolds desk, her boobs bouncing up and down.  “Just old business partners?  You say it like working together was such a bad thing?” As Vess looked the woman over, she could tell that she wasn’t just a Playboy bunny but an actual bunny girl.  The rabbit ears on her head were real, along with the cute white tail on her big round ass.  “Now come on. Why did you stop calling?”

             “Because of what you were doing to my girls!”

             Emma rotated her head.  “Huh?  I was just showing them some fun.”

             “You were turning them into fucking bunnies!  I want Playboy bunnies to work at my casino! Not horny ass rabbits who have zero self-control and can’t turn back to normal after their debt is paid!”

             Emma giggled as she sat her big squishy butt onto his desk.  “Hey, I was just doing my end of the bargain.”

             “You and Melissa did more than that.  The girls that you transformed eventually vanished.”

             Emma shrugged.  “Well, they told me they weren’t happy here.  They couldn’t be satisfied in a silly ole casino.” She put her hands on her chest.  “Is it my fault that I took them to the only place where bunny girls can truly be happy?  You are such a sour puss, you know that?” She grabbed his cheeks.  “You should smile more often.”

             He batted her hands away.  “Look, Emma, I don’t want you here.  We are done working together.” He pointed at Vess.  “I have a new partner.  One I like working with.”

             Emma looked Vess over.  “Oh?  Hmm, and how can she help you?  She looks so. . . basic.”

             Vess’s face flared in anger.  “I am what!”

             “Look, honey, but the adults are talking.”

             Renold put his hand out in front of Vess.  “It’s alright.  Don’t let her get under your skin.”

             Emma giggled.  “Look, I came back here to remind you that we will still be working together.  I mean, if you don’t want to. . .” She rubbed her fingers together.  It will just make it so much more fun when I eventually get my way.  I mean, when I show you how much more help that I am than this. . .” She rolled her eyes.  “Woman.” Emma sighed.  “You will come crawling back to me.”

             Vess crossed her arms.  “What do you mean by help?”

             Emma jumped to her feet, her hourglass frame swaying back and forth.  “Oh, I am glad you asked.  I think a little demonstration is in order.” She giggled.  “Oh, don’t worry, Vessy Wessy.  I won’t touch you.  Yet.  I think a strong woman like you should want to join the bunny club.  It will be more fun that way.” She giggled as she bounced to and out the door.

             Vess looked at Renold.  “I don’t like this.”

             He walked to the door.  “I don’t like it either.  But I can’t just have that bunny bouncing about my casino unchecked.  So, let’s deal with this.” He looked back at Vess.  “And if need be, start mixing up something to counter their horny bunny transformation.  I am not going to have that rip through my casino again.” He shivered.  “I don’t even want to explain what happened last time.”

             “Of course, sir.  I won’t let you down.”


             About fifteen minutes later, Vess and Renold met Emma behind the back of the Casino.  Standing beside her was Heather and a man Vess hadn’t seen before. “Heather!” Vess gulped.  “Are you okay?”

             Heather waved.  “Hi.  I am alright. I just saw this nice bunny lady who said she could give me a raise here.  We have been talking for the last few days.” Emma ran her hand along Heather’s cheek.  “Don’t worry, mistress Vess.  I will come back to work soon.”

             Renold looked at the love-starved man.  “I have a bad feeling about this.”

             Emma giggled as she bounced about.  “So, I want to remind you two just how valuable my work is.” She turned and looked at Heather.  “My dear, don’t you want to do so much better at your cute little job?  Make so much more money for the casino?”

             “Umm, I guess?” Heather shrugged.  I haven’t really thought about it.  I am happy, though, doing what I am doing.”

             “Oh, how would you know?  Why I could unlock boundless possibilities of pleasure that you can’t even dream of.” Emma giggled.

             Renold threw his hand out wide.  “Don’t listen to her.  What she offers is too much for anyone to handle!”

             Heather laughed.  “I am sure it isn’t that bad.  Besides, if it helps the casino and you make more money, Mr.  Kenerson, why not?”

             Emma’s eyes sparked.  “And that is all I need to hear.” She gently bit into Heather’s neck.

             “Oww.” Heather rubbed the side of her neck.  “What the hell was that for?”

             “Ohh.” Emma shrugged. “I am just helping you become the beautiful bunny that you can be.”

             Renold turned and looked at Vess.  “I want you to start working on a way to reverse this nonsense right away.  Do you hear me?”

             “I. . .” Vess nodded as she watched Heather moan. “Wait, are you alright?”

             Emma pulled the other man back.  “Oh, she is quite alright, my dear.  Just. . . going through some modifications.”

             Heather fell onto her hands and knees as she moaned. “I. . . I feel so strange.  So amazing.” She closed her eyes.  “What is happening to me?” Heather suddenly cried out as her ass almost doubled in size, her Playboy bunny outfit struggling to contain her big bouncy butt.  Heather’s right hand immediately reached back and squeezed it.  “Oh fuck, it feels so good.  So squishy and curvy.”

             Vess turned and looked at Renold.  “What is happening to her?”

             “She is turning into a bunny.  A big horny bunny.”

             Heather shook her head.  “I. . . so much.” A fluffy white tail ripped through her black latex.  “Ohhh yess.” She pounded her left leg on the ground like a bunny would.  “I. . . love it. . .”

             Emmy giggled.  “Someone is excited.”

             Heather clawed at the ground as her boobs pressed against her tight latex outfight, pushing it outward.  Vess could see the woman’s nipples as her boobs became massive G-cups.  Then her Playboy bunny ears fell to the ground, only for her own ears to become white and fluffy, growing bigger and bigger by the second.  Soon, they were long and floppy like Emma’s.  Heather took a few minutes to catch her breath before jumping up and landing on the other man, her giant boobs pressing down on him as she kissed him.

             Emma giggled.  “Now, now.  You should have some restraint.” Emma grabbed Heather by the collar of her Playboy bunny outfit and pulled her to her feet.  “How do you feel?”

             Heather moaned as her top teeth morphed into a rabbit’s singular buck tooth.  “Oh, so wonderful.  My body is so incredible.  So sensitive. Who knew being a bunny could be so wonderful.  Why didn’t they let me do this before.”

             Emma giggled.  “Because someone might be so very scared for some odd reason.  Who could tell?” Emma smiled.  “But if you want to be this way good news.  You can stay this way and bring hoppy happiness to all.”

             Heather’s eyes sparked.  “Everyone.”

             Emma nodded her head.  “And if you so desire, you can even make them one of us.” She giggled.  “Even the boys.  I mean, they do take some adjusting, but they do eventually turn over to the bunny girl side of life.” She looked over at the man who was drooling over Heather.  “If you want to try it.”

             This is where Renold had enough as he rushed over and stood between the young man and the two bunny girls.  “That is it!  I won’t let you turn anyone else in my casino into a big horny bunny girl.  You hear me?”

             Emma giggled.  “So defiant.  Hmm, I think we should just take over this partnership.  Don’t you, Heather dear?”

             Heather nodded.  “Yes, I am sick of taking orders from icky Mr. Kenerson.” She bounced forward.

             “Hey.  Get back.” He pushed Heather away.  “I command you.  I.” She bit his arm.  “Ughh.” He took a deep breath. “Vess.  Work on finding a way to reverse this.  Now.  You are in charge.  You. . .” He moaned, a feminine giggle escaping his lips.  “You hear me. You have to. . .” He giggled again, covering his lips.

             Emma smiled.  “Give in, Mr. Kenerson.  The more you fight, the. . .” She rubbed her chin.  “Well, I guess the bigger you get, so well fight it.” She held her head back and laughed.

             As Renold was starting to change Vess ran over and grabbed the other young man by the hand.  “Come on.  Unless you want to turn into a bunny too.”

             “But I. . .” He started at Renold.  “This is crazy.”

             She yanked him.  “I said come on.  Are you deaf?” Vess gulped as she watched boobs burst out of Renolds chest.  “Christ, I guess they really want to turn people into horny bunnies one way or another.”

             “But that seems soo. . . cool.” He shook his head.  “No I am here.  Sorry.”

             Vess yanked the young man along as they hurried away.  “Come on, my car is this way.”

             “Wait, what about the casino?”

             “Fuck it for now!  With those bunnies, I think it will be too dangerous to try and keep them away from the casino.  One bite, and you start to transform into one of them.” Vess shivered.  “No wonder Renold didn’t want to work with them.  I wonder why he would even consider this.  Or she now, I guess.” Vess rubbed the side of her face.  “This is getting too weird.” She took a look back.  Renold was on the ground, his hair growing long and turning gold.  His boobs were swelling by the second as his ass pressed tightly against his suit.  His voice was much higher pitched as he moaned.  That was the last look Vess got as she dashed around the corner of the building.

             “What do we do now?” The young man looked at Vess.

             Vess looked at him and sighed. “Get away from the Casino unless you want to join the bunny club. I have a feeling Emma won’t stop at Renold and Heather.” She sighed. I have to find a way to reverse these transformations. Until then, I think the casino will be a bit of a bouncy place.”


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