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Fruity Sunscreen.

             Cassie bounced about in her sandals. “I can’t believe we are here after all this time.” 

She turned and looked at Betty. “We are at Great Bear Dunes. Can you believe it?”

             “We are here just to soak in the sun. It’s still too early to go swimming, but we can get a nice tan. Maybe dip our toes into the lake if we feel a bit frisky.”

             Cassie spun around. “But come on. We have the place to ourselves as the big beach crowds won’t come for another few months.”

             “You mean we came to my aunt’s private beach?”

             Cassie giggled. “Umm, yes. That too.”

             Betty walked past her. “You are lucky my aunt has a place up here. She is out on a book tour, so she is letting us stay for the weekend.” Betty smiled at Cassie. “So, I thought we could have some fun.”

             “Even if we can’t go swimming.”

             “Oh, come on. My aunt has a hot tub by her cabin.”

             “A. . . hot tub.” Cassie raced down the beach. “What are you waiting for, slowpoke. Come on!”

             “Wait!” Cassie turned her head, sand flying in the air. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

             Cassie shrugged. “I don’t know.” She held her hand in front of her and started counting on her fingers. “Let’s see. We have sunbathing. Running along the beach. Going into the lake if we want to be adventurous. Your aunt’s hot tub.”

             “Nooo!” Betty crossed her arms. “You need sunscreen, silly. You said you would wait until we got here to put it on.”

             “Ohh.” Cassie blushed. “Do I really have to?” Betty nodded her head. “Ugh, fine.”

             Betty walked over. “You say it like it’s a punishment.” She dropped the bag of beach supplies next to them. “Besides, I think you are really going to enjoy the sunscreen I got for you today.”

             “Right, like I am going to enjoy you applying sunscreen to my skin. You know how silly you sound?” Cassie made a crazy look with her face. “Enjoy you putting sunscreen on me? Sure, it feels nice when you rub it into my skin, but other than that, it just gets in the way of us having fun.”

             “You don’t want to get a nasty burn, do you? Or worse, melanoma?”

             Cassie crossed her arms as she sat down in the sand. “Nooooo.”

             “Good.” She pulled out the sunscreen. “Now, I hope you enjoy the smell of blueberries.”


             “Yup. It is a very special brand.” Betty squirted the sunscreen into her hands. “It is supposed to help protect your skin from the sun and rejuvenate you.” She giggled. “Along with. . . other benefits.”

             Cassie shivered as Betty’s hands pressed against her back. “What kinds of benefits? Ohhhh, that feels kind of good.”

             “Oh, you will see.” Betty rubbed her hands up and down Cassie’s back. “Just enjoy.” The sunscreen slowly absorbed into Cassie’s skin. “You are looking cuter already.”

             “Cuter? Just from some sunscreen?”

             The blue cream seemed to spread across Cassie’s back with a will of its own. As Betty leaned back, Cassie’s back began to turn blue, even parts that Betty hadn’t touched. “Why yes. 

You are turning a very healthy shade of blue.”

             “Very funny. I am sure it’s just the cream pressing against my skin. Now, get back to the back rub. It was very nice.”

             “If you insist,” Betty rubbed Cassie’s back, no longer using the cream as it was already doing its work inside Cassie’s body. “Feeling good, honey?”

             “Ya, but I. . .” Cassie rubbed her head. “I am starting to feel a tad warm.”

             “I could just be the sun warming your sexy body.”

             “No, it’s not that. My nipples feel hard for some odd reason.”


             “And I. . .” Cassie’s eyes widened as she noticed her blue hands. “What in the world?”

             “Surprise.” Betty giggled. “I told you that you would like my special sunscreen.”

             Cassie twisted around, her blue eyes staring at Betty in surprise. “What? 

What did you do to me?”

             “I am just bringing out the fruity side in you, my dear?” Betty giggled. “Is there anything wrong?” She smiled as she looked down at Betty’s hips. “Ahh, it looks like you are starting to ripen. The sun is doing its job, after all.”

             Cassie moaned as she felt a pressure build inside of her, the warmth she felt inside her body increasing by the second. As she looked down at her hips, she gasped. “Oh my god.” Her hands reached down and rubbed her swollen ass. “It is so big and curvy.”

             Betty reached forward and rubbed her butt. “Yes. And so lovable.”

             Cassie blushed. “You. . . you like this?” She moaned a little as her butt pressed against her swimsuit.

             “Of course. I always wanted a blueberry of my own.” Betty liked her lips. “You will be my blueberry, won’t you?”

             Guggggle. Cassie’s juices bubbled in anticipation of what was to come. “I will ripen up however you want me to.” She giggled. “I guess I just wish you had told me before.”

             Betty laughed. “But then it would have ruined the surprise.” Betty gripped Cassie’s shoulders and breathed on her neck. “And I would have missed out on your utter look of surprise as you noticed your hands turning blue.” She giggled. “It was priceless.”


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