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PoV The Rain!

             You slowly walk home after a long day of partying with your friends. You smile as you think back to all the wonderful memories that you made this evening. As a cold breeze blows against your body, goosebumps form on your arms. It isn’t that far from your apartment, but it might rain before you get home. It shouldn’t be a problem.

             Suddenly, you feel your phone vibrating inside your pocket, and you pull it out, wondering why you are getting a text so late at night. “Sarah, I’m so happy you could make the party. We slipped a special concoction into your drink before you left. Try not to get wet!”

             You scratch your head, unsure of what your friends mean by the text, but decide to shrug it off. What could a little water do to you, after all? You put your hands into your jeans pockets and begin to hum as the first drops of water start to fall from the sky. Normally they would be cold, but as they bounce off your skin, the water seems to. . . cause a tingling sensation. You giggle as you rub your neck. “Hey, that feels kind of good.” As more water droplets hit your skin, you smile, wondering what it would be like for them to hit your bare breasts.

             But you are out in public still; you can’t give in to such naughty temptations. Can you? 

You look back and forth to ensure no one is around before lifting up your shirt and bra. As the rain hits your exposed breasts, you moan, your nipples hardening and pressing against your bra as you let your clothing snap back into place. You have never felt so alive. Why would your friends warn you not to get wet? This feels amazing. Your entire body feels warm and tingly. As you spin around, you wonder how this moment could possibly be ruined.

             Then you see it. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice your arm is bright blue. You grab your arm and gasp, only to realize your skin now is the same color as—


             The thought is cut off as your hands fall to your belly. A sudden, strange pressure is building inside of you, mixing with the warmth that has spread through you. You take a deep breath, wondering what peculiar fate has befallen you. As the rain starts to pick up and the heat inside of you only builds, you realize it would be a good idea for you to hurry home, so you slide your blue hands into your pockets as you resist the urge to moan. Everything has become so sensitive. Your nipples won’t stop rubbing against your bra, and it is making your eyes twitch with every step. Part of you says squeeze them, and another says get home and out of the rain!

             Your hand falls to your belly once more, the pressure inside of you now greater than ever. You feel full, bloated, almost. . . juicy. You taste blueberries on the tip of your tongue, but you don’t understand why. Your breasts begin to press tightly against your blouse, and you feel your belt tighten. Once more, you decide to look down, only to gasp. Your belly has swollen as if you ate the entire party’s worth of food, and your boobs almost doubled in size.

             You start to run, realizing that you can’t stay in the rain any longer. Every droplet is causing strange, juicy sensations to surge through you. You moan as your boobs bounce about inside your blouse, slowly swelling as the rain pours down on your face. A giggle escapes your lips, and you realize you are loving this. Maybe it wouldn’t be bad to be trapped out in the rain, your body slowly swelling uncontrollably.

             You shake off the thought as you feel a new pressure, this one in your jeans. Your butt is now getting in on the action, bubbling with blueberry juice as it stretches out the fabric. You turn your head and gasp in a mix of horror and delight as your blue ass is exposed to the rain. The sensations force you to stop, your butt now overwhelmed by juice pleasure. You squeeze it without thinking, blueberry juice surging into your thighs. Your jeans can hardly take it, ripping at the seams and exposing your legs even more.

             As you take deep breaths, you are forced to widen your stance. It takes you almost fifteen seconds to start moving again. You know you have to get home, but the thought of just stopping and swelling is becoming too much. You want to feel your breasts bubble with blueberry juice to become big, enormous berries. The thought makes you wet, your jeans becoming stained with your juices.

             You wobble down the street, your thighs merging with your chest as you start to look like some overstuffed marshmallow. Your blouse struggles to contain your folds, blue skin poking out wherever it can. Buttons begin to snap off of you, shooting ahead of you. You would think it would give you breathing room, but your overstuffed body quickly expands to fill the void. Moans fill the air as this is going on, your belt digging into your blue skin. You don’t know how much more you can take. Just the tiniest of nudges will set you over the edge.

             Then suddenly, your blouse gives out as it explodes in a shower of buttons. Your massive blue body expands to its full size as you show off your big round body to the world. Your boobs bounce around on your chest like two twin blue watermelons. The experience is too much for you as your legs struggle to hold you up. You stumble backward before falling on your ass. When your big blue butt collides with the wet pavement, your belt snaps apart, and the lower half of your body expands rapidly, no longer bound by your clothing. Your jeans are torn by the surging juices, and you are left almost naked, save for your bra pressing tightly against your boobs.

             You look around, thankful you are alone, but now the rain presses down with its full force against your skin. Your entire body rages, the juices inside you burning as you swell. You moan as you slowly become bigger. You try and rub your sensitive breasts, but your body is now just too massive, and your arms are being swallowed by your body. But it isn’t all bad; your boobs are swelling so big that they are starting to press against your face. The sensation causes you to moan as you feel blueberry juice drip from your nipples.

             But suddenly, the rain stops, and the clouds above you clear up. You moan, not wanting the good times to end as you roll around on your big round rear end. Suddenly you hear the sound of a truck, and you try to turn your head, but your massive blueberry boobs are in the way.

             Then you feel warm hands pressing against your body and a familiar voice. It’s your friends from the party. “Looks like someone didn’t even make it home.”

             “Well, what should we do with her?”

             “Roll her back to my place and juice her. What else.”

             You have no idea what they mean, but as they begin to roll you, it doesn’t matter. You are in for the time of your life as you bounce about, your boobs pressing down against the pavement and your ass the next. You almost can’t contain yourself as your juices spill about. It doesn’t help that your friends rub their warm hands against your skin, and you wonder what they will do to you when they get you back to their house.

             But you don’t have to wait long as they roll you up to their home. They squeeze you through the door, your boobs pressing tightly against the door frame. The sensations cause you to cry out, juice dripping out from your pussy. As you finally squeeze through, you bounce about into the living room, blueberry juice dripping from your nipples.

             Then they walk into the room and press their bodies against your own. “Well, someone needs to be juiced.” Before you can process what, they mean, the two men press their bodies against yours, and you can feel your juices bubble. They work their way up to your breasts as they rub their bodies against yours, removing their shirts, their warm chests pressing against your hard nipples. You feel all your juices rush into your breasts, almost as if you want to. . .

             Then, without thinking, you squirt your juices. Just a little at first, but then more as they work and pleasure your juicy frame. You moan, lost in juicy pleasure. Slowly, you shrink, your curves coming down to a more manageable size. You can rub your nice curvy sides again; you can feel your ass once more. Your belly isn’t all-consuming.

             But they don’t juice you fully; no, that wouldn’t be fun. They leave you juicy and curvy. 

But you like that. You stand up, your boobs bouncing on your chest as you bow before them. Then, an evil smile forms on your face, and you smack them with your breasts. You are going to embrace your new blueberry life and be the juicy queen that you are meant to be. As you turn and walk to the door, your ass swaying back and forth, you are happy and can’t wait to see what your new life has in store for you.



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