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Size Crystals p1.

Hector blinked his eyes as he tried to stay awake. “Ugh, Kevin. Can you take over driving for me? I am. . . I am shit tired.” He yawned as he tightened his hands around the steering wheel of the U-Haul truck. “Kevin?” He looked over to see his partner dead asleep. “Ugh, you have. . .” He blinked his eyes again. “You. . .”

He turned his attention back to the road, weaving to avoid driving into the ditch. He had been driving for almost twenty-four hours straight. Their boss wanted them to drive almost halfway across the country to deposit some crystals into an unmarked cave before sealing it with dynamite. The crystals were associated with multiple recent giantess events and were deemed too unstable to work with after one of the young ladies destroyed one of the laboratories. Never mind that they had made history by finding out that there was some kind of lunar lady floating around the planet, and they had mined said crystals out of her ass or something. No one would know any of that now. The project was being scrapped.

“Almost there. . .”  He blinked his eyes.  “Just a little. . .”  Hector looked down as he drifted off to sleep.


Jezebel shot up as she heard a sound like thunder. “Terry.” She shook her husband. “Terry, wake up. Someone is outside!”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

She elbowed him in the chest. “There was a giant boom outside like someone threw a bomb at us! How the hell did you sleep through that?” She narrowed her green eyes at him in annoyance as he sat up, rubbing his brown eyes.

“Are you sure it wasn’t in your dreams? Like the one where you swear wolves got into the house.”

Jezebel threw the blanket off the bed and threw her feet onto the cold wood floor. “This is serious. If you want to just sit there and sleep, then fine by you. I am going out there to see what the hell happened.”

Terry snorted. “When you find out it’s nothing, hurry back to bed, okay. I want my covers back.”

She rolled her eyes. “Then pick them up the floor.” She walked out of the room. “He can be so lazy sometimes. Ughh.” She walked down the stairs to the ground level of their house. “I just. . .” Her eyes widened as she noticed the crashed vehicle. “What the hell?” she said, grabbing her coat and rushing outside.

She quickly crossed the street and examined the damage. Strange crystals not only littered her lawn but were in the street as well. “Ughh. Great.” Jezebel put her hands on her hips. “I am going to have to spend all day tomorrow picking those fucking things up.”

She then noticed the two men lying in the ditch. “Fuck.” She rushed up to them. “Hey.” She checked their pulses. “Oh, thank god. You are alive.” She pulled out her phone and dialed 911. “Hey, I need an ambulance out there. There was a crash.” She looked down at the two men passed out on the lawn. “Please hurry.”


The next few hours passed by in a whirlwind. Emergency vehicles, police, and so many questions that Jezebel didn’t have answers for. She assumed the two men were the drivers of the truck, but considering they were still passed out, they were not talking. In the meantime, she had to help clean up the mess they made of her lawn. It was considered police evidence for the crash. But she didn’t exactly like working with the crystals. Something about touching them made her feel a bit. . . odd.

The clean-up effort took them all night. Jezebel stumbled up the stairs and walked into her bedroom. “Ughh.” She sat down on the edge of her bed. “I can’t believe you slept through all of that, Terry.”

He sat up and stretched his arms. “Slept through what?” He looked at her. “You look like hell. What happened.”

She took a deep breath. “I. . . ugh, I don’t want to talk about it.” She slumped down on the bed. “I just. I just want to get some sleep.”


When Jezebel awoke, she sat up and stretched her arms. “Ugh, I feel so much better.” She smiled. “I haven’t felt this refreshed in years.”

Terry walked into the room. “It’s about time you got up. I thought you were going into a comma or something.”

“What?” She giggled. “I just stayed up all night and needed to rest, is all.”

Her husband put his hands on his hips. “Then why did you sleep almost three days straight?”

“Huh? What are you talking about? I didn’t sleep that long.”

“You did. I was about to call the doctor.” He sighed. “Now that you are awake, do you want to tell me what happened here? Why there was a crash in front of our house!”

Jezebel slowly sat up and realized she was still in the same clothing from the night the strange truck had overturned across the street. “I. . . oh ya, the crash.” She took a deep breath. “You didn’t come out to help me!”

Terry held his hands in the air. “Hey, I am not the one who fell asleep for three days.”

She jumped to her feet, energy surging through her. “You jerk.” Her pants pocket suddenly glowed. “You could have helped me, but you just wanted to sleep. What the hell was wrong with you?”

“Umm. . .” He took a few steps back. “What is going on?”

Jezebel rubbed her head. “I don’t know. But I have a splitting headache.” Her stomach growled. “And I am so. . . hungry.”

He crossed his arms. “I would say so. You were out for three days straight.” He turned around. “I am going to fix you some breakfast, and then we are going to the doctor. No ifs, ands, or buts.”

She took a deep breath as she sat down on the edge of the bed. “Fine.” She rubbed the side of her head. “Ugh, why can’t I remember anything after calling the police for help?” Jezebel arched an eyebrow. “Huh?”

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a crystal. “It’s one of those things that were on the truck. How did. . .” She blinked her eyes as she remembered back to last night. “I. . . I stole it. I couldn’t take my eyes off of this thing. But why?” She looked down at the strange pulsating crystal. “It’s just a stupid blue piece of junk.”

The intricate crystal cut her hand as she tossed it across the room. “Owww.”

She groaned and jumped to her feet. “Fuck I need a band aid.” Jezebel rushed into the bathroom as she took a deep breath. “This is just what I need. Where are they? Ahh, finally.” As she grabbed a band aid out of the cabinet above the sink, she noticed the small cut on her hand was glowing. “Huh? What the hell?” She held her hand in front of her head, ignoring the fact that she was still bleeding.

“I. . .”

Jezebel blinked herself back to reality. “I will figure this out later.” She grabbed some Neosporin. “I could just be imagining this after all.” She laughed as she poured the pain relief jell onto the band aid before placing it onto her hand.

“There.” She sighed. “Now I can go have some fucking breakfast.” She turned around and walked out of the door. “I want to put crazy crystals out of my mind.”

She walked down to the first floor as the scent of pancakes caught her attention. “Ohhh. . .” She hurried into the kitchen. “Mhhhm.”

“They are almost done. I—” Terry turned and gasped. “What the hell did you do to your hand?”

Jezebel sat down at the table. “It’s nothing. I just accidentally cut the side of my hand. I will be fine.”

He snorted. “You sure seem to be having a lot of weird issues lately.” He looked back at the stove and the pancakes. “So, I called the doctor and we can leave as soon as you have some breakfast.”

“Terry, I am okay.” She stretched her arms. “I am relaxed and. . .” She moaned. “Ohhh. . .”

He turned around, pancakes in hand. “You sure as hell don’t sound alright.”

She took a deep breath, her heartbeat racing. “I. . I don’t know what that was.” Jezebel took a deep breath. I am okay. Seriously.” She blew her bangs to the side. “Now give me the food. I am. . . starving.”

“I. . .”


“Huh?” He took a step back as she yanked it out of his hand. “What has gotten into you?”

Jezebel devoured the food. “Ugh. That barely. . .” She looked around, heat starting to swell within her. “I need something. I. . .”

Terry put his hand on his wife’s shoulder. “Honey, I am starting to worry. I. . .” His eyes widened as she suddenly grew a few inches. “Huh?”

Jezebel moaned. “Ughhh. ..” She closed her eyes, her right hand drifting up towards her breasts. “I feel weird.” Her hands slammed down on the table. “Get me more food now!” She took deep breaths as she grew another few inches. “I. . . I am starving.” She stared at him, her eyes glowing. “Do you hear me?”

He took a few steps back. “Uh-huh. Anything you say, darling.” He rushed to the other side of the room. “Just stop growing.”

She rubbed her breasts, moaning as she did so. “I am not growing. You are. . . ohhh. . .” Everything felt so hot. So sensitive. She had no idea what was going on. She just had to try and cull this hunger burning inside of her. She felt like. . . no, that was insane. Jezebel blinked as Terry set an entire cereal box in front of her.  “Why do I feel like I need so much energy to grow all of a sudden?”

The thought randomly popped into her head and now wouldn’t leave. She rubbed the side of her head.  “That is insane. I don’t. . . I. . .”  Jezebel blinked her eyes.  “Grow and become the giantess you deserve to be!”

Her heart skipped a beat as she gripped her breasts tightly, feeling them swell in her hands. “Ohhhhhh fuckkkk!”

Terry grabbed her shoulder and shook her. “Hey! Are you alright? Your body is fucking growing!”

She looked at him as she tried to control her breathing. “I. . . ugh. . .” She felt her body grow another inch.  “Grow. Grow.”  Jezebel rubbed the side of her head as the strange thoughts intensified. “Terry I. . . Ohh fuck. I need to fucking.”

“You need to what?”

She looked around, sweat dripping down her neck. “I need to grow.” She grabbed the cereal box and held it above her head, consuming every last piece of cereal in the box. “Ughh.” She shivered, her pants tightening as her ass swelled a few inches. “Ohhh god.” She squeezed it instinctively. “Ohhh.”

Terry looked at her new curvy ass. “What do you mean you need to grow Jezebel.” He watched her grow a few more inches, now almost a foot bigger than she had been before the spurts had started. “How big are you going to get?”

“I don’t know. I. . .” She moaned. “I don’t know if I can control this.”

She stood up. “I just. . . I must become bigger.”


Her eyes glowed, the same color as the crystal. “Because I have to.”

Terry turned around. “I am calling an ambulance. I can’t have my wife growing out of control.”

She suddenly fell on him, pinning him to the ground. “You won’t do any such thing.” She grew almost an entire foot, her clothing clinging tightly to her skin. “I make the rules around her little one.” Her eyes glowed once again. “You can’t take me away just like that.”

“Huh? Jezebel, you aren’t talking straight. I am your husband, remember.” He gulped as she grew on him again, her boobs pressing against his face. “Honey.”

She blinked her eyes. “Terry?” She looked at her hands as she grew a little more. “What is happening to me? I. . . I feel such a strong urge to. . .” She moaned as her pants began to rip. “Ughh.”

“What is wrong?”

She tried to stand up but failed, her clothing pressing tighter and tighter against her skin. “Get me out of these. . . fucking clothes Terry. I. . . my little. . . husband.” She moaned, her boobs swelling a few more inches. “Soo tight. . .” She cried out as her entire body swelled almost an entire foot. “Ahhhh!”

Terry squirmed out from under her. “I am on it.” His hands pressed against her giant waistline. “I will get you out of there, and then we will figure out this growth issue.” He slowly unzipped her pants. “Don’t worry, hunny. I got you.”

“Ohh.” She moaned as he helped her out of her pants. “Such a nice little helper you are.”

“I am not little,” he snorted. “Stay with me. You are not a giantess.”

She narrowed her eyes as she grew again. “I am.” Her eyes glowed brightly. “I am!”

She pushed him to the ground, her shirt clinging tightly to her body as she tried to stand, only for her head to hit the ceiling. “And I have so much room to grow.” She looked up. “I need to get outside, as this house will only contain me.”

Terry ran in front of her, cutting her off. “Please. We have to find a way to stop this. Honey, you are almost twelve feet tall.”

“I know. Isn’t it wonderful?” Jezebel shook her hips. And I am only going to get so much bigger.”


Jezebel licked her lips. “You have a problem with that?” She bent down and looked him in the eyes as she grew a few more inches, her shirt ripping a little. “Because if not, I may have to find another husband who is more. . . obedient.”

He slapped her across the face. “Jezebel, what has gotten into you! I. . .”

She suddenly slammed him to the floor. “Ugh, I could have. . .” She blinked her eyes. “Ugh, oh no. Terry?” She shook her head. “I don’t know why this keeps happening.” She moaned as she grew again, her back pressing against the ceiling. “I just have some. . . gigantic pressure growing inside of me. I don’t feel like I can contain it.”

He took a deep breath. “What are we going to do?”

She moaned as she rubbed her breasts. “I think. . . I think I am just going to have to give in and become this giantess.” She giggled. “It could be fun.” She looked down at Terry. “You better be okay with it. I don’t know if I want to be in the market for a new husband.” She giggled.

He sighed. “Fine,” he pointed at her. “As long as you are not too dominant. You better make this somewhat fifty, fifty, you hear me. If I am going to be married to a giantess, I am not going to be her plaything.”

Jezebel’s eyes flashed once more as she grew almost two feet. She towered over Terry and smiled. “No promises.”

He gulped. “Fuck.” He took a deep breath as she loomed over her. “Jezebel, please. Be reasonable. I am your loving husband.” He gulped as she put her hand on his shoulder. “Come on.”

She licked her lips as she stretched out a little more. “You are going to stay, my little man. Don’t worry.” Her eyes flashed. “But I get to decide the rules.” She slammed her body down against him. “And right now, I want you to. . .” She moaned as her pants ripped some more. “Ohh, god.” She rubbed her curves with one hand as she pushed herself off Terry with the other. “So, they can’t contain me forever, can they?”

Terry looked around the room as Jezebel grew a little more, her feet pushing the kitchen table against the wall. “Okay. Very funny. You can stop growing now,” he gulped as her right foot pressed against the refrigerator. “Seriously?”

“Oh, you don’t like that I am. . .” She pressed harder against the fridge. “Playing with the appliances?”


She grew on top of him, her boobs bursting out of her shirt and bouncing against his skin. “Oh, come on. I do need to make room for me to grow.” She ran her giant finger along his chest. “What is a girl like me to do, huh?” She giggled. “Besides, what is someone like you going to do?” She poked him in the belly. “At your size, you don’t really have much to do other than make me laugh, silly goose.”

He snorted. “Jezebel, you need to get out of the house right now.”

She twisted onto her side and crossed her arms. “Oh, I do?” She stretched her arms, pushing the loose chairs against the walls. “Are you going to make me or something?” She arched an eyebrow.

“I umm. . .”

She wrapped her hand around him and pulled him close. “Now, see here.” She smiled.

“I will do what I want. I will leave when I want.” She grew a little more, letting her feet dangle into the living room. “I am currently enjoying the feel of my body against this little house.” She looked around. “It is very interesting. I didn’t know that I could have so much fun in such a small space.” She looked at him. “And I am considering having more fun.”

“But you could outgrow the—”

She put her index finger to his lips. “I don’t care. The place is too small for me anyways.” She giggled. “And if you are worried, I will take care of you. You are my tiny little hubby.” She kissed him. “So let me take care of you already. Stop fussing, or you won’t get your reward.”

“My. . .” Sweat began to drip down the back of his neck. “My reward?” He looked up at her hungry eyes. “What do you mean by reward?”

Jezebel slowly pulled off his pants. “Well. . .” She licked her lips. “If you stop bugging me about growing in this house. . .” She moaned as she grew another foot, her shirt ripping as her ass ripped through her panties. “I may reward you with a little. . .” She whispered in his ear.”

“Oh fuck!” He instinctively gripped her breasts. “I. . .”

Jezebel moaned. “My, my. Is someone hungry for me?” She giggled as she looked down at him, slowly pushing him to the ground with her boobs. “Well, my dear. We sure will have fun, won’t we?”

He took a deep breath. “I. . . I. . .”

Jezebel gently kissed him. “Aww, you look so cute when you are flustered.” She pushed him down. “Now, give me a reason to grow.”

He pressed his body against hers, rubbing his hands against her swelling breasts as she tried to get her bra off. But that job wasn’t hard as, with another growth surge, it ripped in two, her boobs smacking him in the face. “Ohhh.”

“Oops.” Her left arm pushed out the window as her body began to fill up the room. “I am just. . . ohhh. . .” Jezebel moaned as her butt pressed against the ceiling, followed by Terry’s tongue against her nipples. “Oh fuck.” Her left hand gripped the lawn tightly. “Oh, baby. You are such a good. . .”

“Does my giantess like it?”

She looked down at him as she grew a little more. “You tell me.” She licked him. “I love it.”

He played with her nipples a little more. “Well then, I guess I should. . .” He gulped as Jezebel’s body started to vibrate. “Honey? Are you okay?”

She moaned. “Keep going. I just. . . I love it.” Terry did as he was told, pleasuring her body. It seemed to add to the warmth flowing through her. “Ohh. . .” She closed her eyes. “Oh, baby. Help me grow. Bigger. BIGGER.”

Suddenly, her body grew five feet. “Fuck!” His dick hardened. “I. . .” He gulped. “I don’t know if I am up to the task if you grow like this.”

Jezebel grew again, pinning Terry to the ground. She could feel his tiny warm cock under her skin. “Oh, don’t worry.” She rubbed him with her finger. “I am sure you will find other ways to please your mistress in the future.” She moaned, the growth already overtaking her.

“But for now, I need to. . .” She grew another few inches. “Get out. . .” She looked down at him as her head began to inch towards the next room. “And you should too before I crush you.”

He nodded his head before squirming out from under her babies. Once free, he rushed out of the house. Once he was gone, Jezebel focused on her lovely growth. She pushed down on the wet grass with her hand, trying to stand as the house rebelled. “I will get up.” She moaned as her body swelled again, her boobs pressing tightly against the ground as her legs slid further into the living room. She could feel her feet press against the far wall, the couch flipping onto the ceiling. Her head was slowly forced into the hallway and towards the front door. “Ughhh. Sooo tight.” She moaned as her boobs rubbed against the hard metal floor. “Ohhhh fuck.”

Everything was so. . . soo. . . Jezebel moaned as she grew another few feet, her nipples digging into the floor. She wanted to rub herself, but one arm was already outside, digging into the ground. She carefully used the other hand to try and touch her sensitive breasts.  “I just. . .”

She suddenly grew again, and with nowhere else to go, her hand was forced into the guest bedroom. “Ughhh.” Jezebel took long, deep breaths as her growth became more consistent. “I. . . ohhh. . .” She looked about as her head was forced closer and closer to the front door.

“Ohh god. I don’t know how much more I can take. I am being pressed against by all fucking sides.” She slammed the bed in the guest bedroom through the wall. “I need to get out!”

Her head pressed against the door, her growth not slowing down at this point. But as her head began to pound against the foundation, her feet shot through one of the living room walls. The building shook, causing Jezebel to moan. Seconds later, her ass penetrated to the second floor. “Ohhh. . .” She took a deep breath as her head knocked down the door and began slowly inching out onto the lawn.

“Hey.” Terry rushed up to her. “Are you okay? The house is—”

Moments later, the house began to tetter back and forth before collapsing entirely, revealing Jezebel’s naked body. She took a deep breath before standing up, brushing loose debris off her body. “Well then.” She looked around and took in her new height. “This is amazing.” She looked down at Terry. “Awww.” She knelt down and picked him up. “I have such a cute little husband.”

He crossed his arms. “Look, we need to talk about this, okay. You can’t just.” She kissed him, her lips almost covering his entire face. “I. . . I umm. . .” He giggled.

“I will do whatever you want, mistress.”

“Good boy.” She patted him on the head. “Now then, if you want to stay good. . .” She set him in between her boobs. “You will have to keep doing what I say.”

“Yes, dear.”


“What do you mean we can’t get those crystals back!” Hector slammed his hands down on the desk. “What kind of place is this!”

“Sir, if you raise your voice again, I am going to throw your ass in the slammer.” The officer narrowed her eyes. “Those things are evidence. You will get them back if we deem it necessary.”

Hector threw his arms into the air. “You don’t know what you are doing, lady.” He turned around. “Mark my words. Either get rid of those things, or strange things will happen.” He walked out of the room.


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