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Hello there,

Firstly, just wanted to say thank you for being patient with the delayed release of the final episode for Revenge of the Sith. We had a small set back as I got a sore throat this week and as I do all the impressions for the characters, this can be somewhat a setback. Seems to be on the mend and I can get back to filming!

We will be releasing the final episode today at 16:00GMT

In other news, I finally have a surgery date for my ACL which is at the end of November, so there might be a slight delay in the release of the Kenobi series. We do have a backlog of work that my team will be working to edit and release, but wanted to keep you informed.

Finally, I will be doing a post later today with information about my London previews for a tour, so keep an eye out for that!

Again, thank you all for the continued support!

Charlie and team



hope your surgery goes well, just wondering how is the clone wars script looking


Stay well and speedy Recovery!! It’s been a blast and I’m so excited to be back with Gandalf too! Cheeky bugger that he is!