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I am very sorry for not drawing for these past weeks, but after BMaC kicked me out and with all that's happening I got nothing left but 24/7 anxiety. And cat videos to keep me from panic attacks.

I should probably go to therapy or something, get some medication prescribed. Not that I can even afford it or that it fixes life, idk. Hope I'm not completely broken, but I'm not sure at this point.

I know people don't like depressing posts, I just felt I should at least write something.

Again, please accept my apologies and thank you for your support.


Sean Bergen

It's all good just take care of yourself first that's more important and we'll be here when you can come back if you lived nearby I'd try and help

The Captain

*hugs very tightly*


I think we all really appreciate your artwork and hope you take care of yourself first and foremost. You're not broken and you never will be 🙂 but it does sound like your going through a really rough time.