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As you stood up to approach him, the tipsy raccoon seemed to quickly abandon his previous plan on a whim and fixed his eyes on you, perhaps not having the patience to drag this out. In a flash, Rocket pounced, knocking you to the ground with a heavy thud. He quickly pinned your arms to the side and straddled you. It even felt like he was holding back, despite how much smaller he was.

"Too slow..." He growled slowly, licking his lips and cheekily sticking out his tongue. You could smell the alcohol on his breath, mixing with his raw, musky scent. His soft, silky tail brushed across your arm several times, making you shudder. You half-heartedly tried to push him off, feeling the raccoon ease up but Rocket quickly pinned your arms next to your head. He squeezed your wrists deliberately, unable to hold back a snort. He was so quick that you had no time to react, it was all instinctive. It was all rough play for him, and now you knew you were his. Rocket could do whatever he wanted, toying with you like this and the thought excited you. He saw it in your face as he settled into position, looming on top of you and grinning, his large canines gleaming in the dim light. Rocket’s tail wagged behind him as he clearly loved having you under him and seeing your submissive, slightly shocked reaction.

His half-lidded eyes slowly opened as he noticed you looking down towards his cock again, slowly swelling and filling with blood, growing longer and fatter, if that was possible, the wet tip pressed against the side of your stomach.

"You wouldn't be-lieve how much I'm looking forward to this after today..." He said and slid his growing cock across your chest and right under your lips. Rocket let out a deep groan as he stretched his tired back with a few audible cracks, arching it like a cat, letting his shirt ride up slightly revealing more of his beautiful and defined abs. His cock throbbed and twitched as, with a deep sigh, he drew back his foreskin with one hand, exposing the large, swollen head. All nearly 8 inches of it were now in full view. The intoxicating smell of his cock combined with the rest of him made you dizzy and excited as you could even feel the heat off of it this close up. He didn’t have to hold on to your wrists anymore.


I thought this would be a nice present for the New Year seeing how much you guys love the series. I included a bit of a story to the picture since I thought it would help with how this picture suddenly happened after the last one and I wanted to see if you would like maybe one big story for all of the pictures when the series is over? ^^ Do tell me if you want what you think about the picture and the story idea.

No worries everyone I am going back working on the comic full force right after I finish up a few pictures and Patreon poll winners, I didn't realize I needed a small break from it and to maybe experiment a little. I'll go into it maybe a bit more in a New Year's community post!

Anyway I hope you enjoy this new offering of your favourite horny, short king and husbando x3 In my mind when I draw him he is around 4 foot 1 inch (125cm), at least I try to make it around that xD




Really hot. Rockets so handsome here, you did a great job. I love the story, too.


Your description / story made it so much hotter!