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- Cap'n, can you get home from work sooner? I got honey on my dick.

That head was so damn hard to draw x3, I really hope it looks ok!

Tell me what you think so far! Hopefully I will be able to draw the honey. It should be finished super soon then two pages coming right up.




Look at him! He looks sooooo cuuuuute <3 Also looks like as if he got himself in a sticky situation there hehe


He looks so cute, such a handsome fox boi~ ^^ love the way ya did his clothing, great job x3


I'm so glad, also I will draw punky clothes like that every chance I get xD They are lots of fun to do!


I love how you drew his eyes and his face in general! Makes him look very handsome <3


The head looks fine to me. :D Once the honey gets added - this is going to look even more amazing x3. Very well done thus far!