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A little thank you for every one of you who supported me in this crazy thing x3 It has been one year since Patreon started. There are times I still can't believe it's real... BUT  I am going to stop myself there cause I want to save my words for when the picture is done. So expect a nice hopefully coherent post.

I hired Sergei to model for this, he is a pro x3






Time really flies 0.0 Very fitting to celebrate this anniversary with a Sergei picture :D ALSO I agree he really a pro at modeling ❤️


Aw, happy you like it so much x3 I went a bit silly with the inking here but it was worth it! Can't wait to finish it and write a description.


Yeah I thought since he kind of welcomed people here why not have him write a little thank you too ^^ Mhm, very pro although he might be a little clumsy here, he caught his shirt on his bracelet x3


His thank you message is so cute and wholesome ^-^ Well I don't mind it when he is a bit clumsy ;3


Congrats! Keep up the good work


I guess he's adjusting his diet to let his abs show now too? Either that or he's flexing hard XD Also, glad to be rooting for you :'3


I did think about that, that is why I drew them kinda subtly, more just a fit stomach, but yeah he is flexing too x3 Thank you, don't get me emotional now before I post the final version and text xDD
