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While I draw the previous month's winner vote what I should draw the next month ^^ ! This month is male characters!

I think it's better to go with 4 choices for now, then increase to 5 eventually when there are more people who can vote, since the results last month were so close. But it is possible that this month will be close too with some of the choices that are up here x3. Btw Jake Long is in his dragon form of course and older, I was imagining in his 20s or so. Anyway, I am excited to see who will win this month! Like before don't worry if your character doesn't win, they may come back in the future, get commissioned or even randomly drawn by me in the future since every choice I put up here is something I would draw.

EDIT    Sorry, needed to delete the last one 10 minutes after I uploaded it when I saw i didn't click only one response per person and an end date. Chock that up to me being dumb.

EDIT 2 Crisis averted I think xD


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