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I'm 99% sure for now I won't be able to take queues of fully shaded commission requests like every other full time artists. For a pretty long time considering my surrounding environment and how things are going now while trying to stay relevant at the same time I had to come up with an idea.

For a fully shaded one 1 or 2 per month is likely to be my limit. 

I'm trying to test out an additional budget option : 

Pencle-ish line art on top of flat colors in arbitrary poses with a suggested character.

 Limiting to Patreon subscribers only for now. 

Expecting around 40 - 60 per one, may vary depending on the complexity of the character design. posture rendering difficulties don't count here as it's "arbitrary".

Simple Backgrounds will be done without colors or with monotonous colors(grayscale etc).

I think I'm not going to remove the background as it kills the whole idea of everything macro stuff has so I think some scale contrast will always going to happen for the sake of size difference thing.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not as I'm very cautious about this whole "Patreon  exclusive" thing becoming an impossible gate forcing people to pay twice ; for a queue and a slot.

I uploaded one of my recent submissions as an examples down below (NSFW). 

I think I will be available with this plan starting from this weekend. Feel free to let me know in advance if you're interested.

Thanks for reading and thanks for the support.




If you are too busy, making commission slots Patreon exclusive is totally an acceptable practice. You can always open up additional slots publicly if they are not filled.