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As Miranda was oft to tell Shepard, everything about her was designed to be a weapon, even her looks were used to give her the upper hand. Cerberus knew that it would need every edge to make sure humanity stayed at the top of the galactic food chain. And Miranda Lawson was no exception.

Cerberus had many biotic training programs to help train the future soldiers. Whereas the Alliance had schools such as the Jon Grimsson Academy, Cerberus had their own facilities. With Miranda being one of the best operatives in the organisation, she was one of the most suited to help put the biotics through their paces.

During her time with the pro-human group, Miranda had developed an unorthodox approach to making sure the future soldiers had what it takes to protect the human race. Granted it wasn’t quite as intense and volatile as the experiments tested upon Subject 13, Miranda’s approach was nonetheless controversial.

Miranda’s logic was simple: if they could not resist her looks, how could they summon the determination and willpower to defeat any and all threats to humanity. The number of recruits who failed the training because of Miranda’s strict rules is in the hundreds. Yet, the Illusive Man trusted Miss Lawson completely. If she said they had to go, they went.

However, since the Lazarus Project Miranda has not found the time to put the new recruits through their paces. She imagined that Shepard would not approve of such actions onboard her ship. Therefore Miranda kept this latest test a secret to only herself and the Normanday’s A.I. system, EDI and ordered the artificial intelligence to meet her down in Engineering as they only had a few hours spare whilst Shepard was away…


You can find the set under 'Biotic Training' in the main fodler. Any issues, feel free to let me know. 

Ended up really liking this set. Tried some new poses and new camera angles. That with the lighting and fantastic Miranda model made this set, in my opinion, my best set with Hugo - or one of the best at the least. Let me know what you all think.  




Holy shit! You keep improving from set to set. What a banger this is. I also think this is easily one of your best ones... yet ^_^ Also, I got a feeling EDI's gonna save a recording of this for Joker :p


The same compliments as NAPALM. But as I have a little something with EDI (you had understood it) I hope that she recorded everything to better redo it one day..


Amazing set. Love to see more from Mass Effect universe!


Your artwork is so amazing! Every day I wake up the first thing to do is check patreon is there any new artwork you publish,especially when you about to publish Hugo set,hope you can keep making more of this,maybe RE girls with Hugo in the future .


I love the undressing scene


Keep getting error while downloading or the download completes and there is no prompt to save. Edit: seems to be the case for everything over a certain file size.


Hmm...That's odd. Which browser are you using?


Android, also happens in all other 3rd party browsers ive tried incl firefox


Hmm. Not sure what I can suggest as you’re the first person to have this issue. I can send you a Google drive link. Maybe that will fare better.


Yes please. As far as i can tell (from a google search) plenty of people have the same issue tho there isnt a reliable work around.


I'll send you the drive link via a message. Fingers crossed this’ll work for you. If not let me know and we’ll look at some alternatives. Apologies for the inconvenience.