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It was a hot and clammy night in London, the kind of nights where you just tossed and turned all night long just to get 10 minutes of sleep at best. However, it was not the heat nor the never-ending blare of shouts and sirens from the streets below - the young adventurer had other things to worry about.

“I thought you said that if I gave you the money you’d be able to put me in contact with him?” Lara yelled over the phone.

“I said I would try, Lara.” The voice on the other end replied. “But I never made any promises. The Collector is a man who seldom does business in person. You and I both know this, I shouldn’t need to say it out loud. You’ve been in the business long enough.”

Lara leaned up against the radiator, the faint breeze cooling on her sweating skin. “Are you still there?” The voice on the phone said after a long pause.

“Yeah, Yeah I’m still here.” Replied Lara, her voice strained and tired from her search for the illusive Statue of Nam’batu. It had been weeks that she was trying to find this fabled statue of legend. Yet even with all her contacts and expertise, Lara was no closer to finding the legendary statue.

The Collector - for no one knew his real name and only a select few have even seen his face - was her best lead. If anyone in this cursed city knew where to look, it was the illusive Collector.  After yet more negotiations with her contact, the most Lara was able to achieve was that he’d try again to get in touch with The Collector. It’s a start, thought Lara. Better than nothing I suppose.

The night was dragging on and the stuffy suffocating heat was becoming ever more unbearable. Lara had to calm down and cool off. Turning to her laptop and her trusty vibrator Lara reclined in her chair, which raised the head of the German Shepard she was looking after for Ana.

“Go back to sleep, Drake.” The dog lowered his head as if on demand and went back to sleep by the front door. Thankfully facing away from her. I can’t do it with him watching, she told herself as she slid the toy across her slippery skin.





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