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Hey everyone. Here are some set ideas I've got for the near future. Let me know what you think.

New Lara Croft/Tomb Raider set -

Okay, so this series of sets I aim to pace and structure like a movie or one of the games as in like a globe trotting adventure and each set follows on from the last one - think like my Resident Evil series. This series of sets would involve pretty much everything - Monster, SS, beast etc.

Panam Breaks in her Car -

This would be an expansion of my popular Panam image where she gets reunited with her car, but this time she’ll use either a poor boy of the street or hire out the Boy Toy Service to celebrate getting her ride back.

V in the DollHouse -

Another Cyberpunk set but this would be a twist on the quest where you look for Evelyn in Clouds but V stumbles upon a Doll version of V and…well, we can imagine what happens next.

Next Set in the Resident Evil Series -

So this would be one with Jill and maybe Ada. It’ll probably be some beast/dog action with maybe Mr X. Still gotta flesh this set out for now.

Miranda’s biotic experiments -

Got this idea from Jack’s loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2 where Cerbreus was experimenting on kids. Maybe Miranda was involved with that and a young Hugo. A follow up set with this could be where Hugo is saved, brought aboard the Normandy for Shepard to look after.

Ashley Overcomes Her Fear of Aliens -

So Ashley was lowkey a racist in the first game, and I like to think that she overcame her district of the xeno’s with some classic alien fucking. This thinking of making this set like a revolving door of aliens in one set, they get a few pumps in, cum and leave only for the next alien to take over. And maybe Shepard joins in.

Yennefer meets Hugo -

aven’t really got a plot here but it’ll be a teamup of the iconic duo of Yen and Hugo. This set would be a special one as it’ll be following my most popular and well received one with Triss. So I’ll take my time to make it good.

Ciri introduces Yen to the Godling -

The title here is pretty self explanatory.

As time goes on I’ll get more ideas, these are just the ones that came to my head. I’ll aim to do some more FF stuff as well, probably with Jessie and another set with Scarlet. If I can get access to a Anna from Metro model, I’ll be doing a set with her ASAP.

Let me know what you guys think and feel free to add your own ideas. I’ll probably do this more often going forward with sharing of set ideas and getting feedback and/or suggestions.



First of all: like the idea to share these plans and ask for feedback. Nice format i appreciate and support that decision. New Lara Croft/Tomb Raider set – sounds really interesting! Really like the idea of monsters like maybe mummies instead of zombies and other humanoid creatures and stuff with lara – just think lara should be way curvier at least as curvy as your wonder woman. I mean she is one of THE gaming sex symbols and strong/healthy. I think she should represent that. So at least as curvy as wonder woman, claire or triss if not a bit more in my opinion. Panam Breaks in her Car - really like the looks fo your panam, the character and the cpunk porn idea.:) Just personally not a big fan of shota. I mean i am not against you make a set with some boy toy but i would appreciate to see some very old gangster boss having some fun with her too. V in the DollHouse – so this will be a lesbian scene? For me okay but nothing i would need personally (but interesting idea!) Next Set in the Resident Evil Series – i love jill, claire and ada. Even i think all could be curvier in my personal opinion. (you could still make one more curvy than the other if you find this necessary) about the interactions: i think zdogs and mr.x are both pretty much overused. When you search for resi porn stuff. I would personally appreciate something different maybe a new humanoid monster/creature? Miranda’s biotic experiments – interesting idea, love mass effect. Still not a fan of shota personally. Ashley Overcomes Her Fear of Aliens – now thats a hot idea! I would love to imagine „racist“ and disciplined curvy ashley gets fucked by a group of salarians one by one sucking on her tits and fill her pussy. Busty female shepard joining sounds fun too. Yennefer meets Hugo – hugo is the shota guy right? I personally think one of your best scenes is yen with the huma (even i would loved to see yen with bigger boobies but the scene and poses were great!) and triss with botchling (triss looks just perfect there and such a hot scenario idea which makes it atm to my most favourite set of you!) i mean if you like hugo do your hugo but i personally wonder why there is not more drowner and dwarve content out there. Ciri introduces Yen to the Godling – godling is much better than shota so a big yes for this – even i would prefer triss here instead of yen. - or what about some new females? Like anna henrietta (which should be as curvy as triss please) or ves (who maybe would have more the body of your yen) Looking forward to other ideas and sets. What about crossover stuff like power girl x botchling for example? Or Some blizzardgame girls? Anyway i hope my feedback was okay for you. Follow you since a year now and hope for much more of you :)


what i also want to mention: i share your fantasy in grotesque stuff /like beauty x beast) and i appreciate your taste in women and sex posistions/atmosphere of your scenes. but i am no fan of ordinary "real life" creatures in such scenes and fantasies at all. i also think that if it has to be shota (which can be okay) why not some shota aliens, shota goblins or some ugly fat asian shota guy - and better smaller dicks than giant dicks but these shotadicks are too small to take seriously. (if it meant to be funny then sorry)


Hey man. Thanks for the support and feedback. In terms of my stuff. I try to balance it out each month with a bit of everyone. As I get asked to do more SS content, beast monster etc. But I've always liked to keep my stuff varried from set to set aas I find if I do one theme over and over again, I just loose all passion and motivation with the set.


I would luv to see more Jill x beast/monster content. 💜


no worries do what keeps you motivated and mix things up, just please do the kinks i like with the curviest girls cause i primarily like Claire, Triss, WonderWoman, Harley, Panam etc. i like these girls a lot just would like to see them in stuff also which is not shota or doggy/horsey related. more humanoid monsters (at best small ones) and old men with them if you do such stuff from time to time, please