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“Help us! Save us!” The woman screamed as she burst into the tavern, out of breath and covered in sweat. Gods know how long she must have been running for as her ripped clothes were soaked through and her scratched and bleeding skin could be seen through the tears.

After being calmed down by the local inn keep, a big, burly hand with more facial hair than skin, did the distressed woman share her plight.

“They attacked us as soon as the sun went away. Gods…they appeared so quick. Killed our horse first, poor girl. We hid in the house, hoping that they would feast and leave. But we were wrong for they clawed and pushed their way into our hut. The blood was everywhere, they got to my husband Angus first - the poor fool never stood a chance.”

The woman broke out in tears again, the fear could be seen stitched into her face.

“It’s alright now, you’re safe here.” The innkeep whispered.

“No! You don’t understand. I…I left my son up there with those monsters. Oh the gods will curse me for this but I had to run. If you were there you’d understand. No one could survive at attack. I just hope that Pavel’s death was quick.”

A man shouted up from the group huddled around the woman. “Maybe if we round up some abled men we can go back and collect the bodies, it’s the right thing to do!”

“And who’ll volunteer for such a task?” A shriveled old woman said. Only silence followed until a chair could be heard creaking, breaking the atmosphere in the murky tavern.

“I’ll do it” All eyes turned to the ashen haired girl with a sword slung around her back. “I’ll rescue the boy, or his remains”






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