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Hey everyone.

Just realised I should've done this set in May for Star Wars day. Oh well, I'm ahead of the curve.

As you can tell I've finally made some Star ars smut. I think this is the first time I've ventured into this IP with smut. Better late than never.

Still early days with this set. I'm around 13 images in. If you cast your mind back to Febuary I was using this light/sky addon that made outdoor images look amazing, but added soooo much on to my rendering times. Hence why those two sets were a tad shorter than usual. Same deal here, using the addon again and, as you can tell, it looks really good. So it's worth it imo. Thankfully the rending time isn't as long as before. The Witcher sets took 12 to 18 minutes, this time its 9 to 10 minutes, which isn't too bad.

You'll find the images in the usual teaser folder under Thirst. I've deleted all of the old folders as it was getting a bit crapped in there with all the teasers.

Wanted to address all of the comments and messages from the other day. Instead of replying to all of them, thought it best to make a post here and respond to them all at once.

I'll start off by saying thanks for all your messages and posts. i was pretty stressed with that set and ya'll helped me feel less bad about myself. Means a lot, love you all!

I've always believed in open transparancy with everyoen here as it's important for any artists. Like some other artists I folllow will post 1 image a month then it's radio silence. That's not fair for the people who part with their hard earned money and have no idea what's going on. So for me, I always keep everyone here updated with posts every few days. That also means that when I'm not vibing with a set or an image, I'll be open about it and let everyone know. Vice versa when a set is going well, I'll tell all.

In terms of the sets people were picking between my options. Everyone was just as split as I was. Looks like the main two ones people chose was this Star Wars set and another Half Life one. I went with the former as I had everything for the set figured out. The plot, characters, loction and style. With the Half Life set I only had about half of these ideas. Thus it was time for Star Wars smut.

As always, feel free to let me know any thoughts about this set or any iadeas for future sets. Love hearing them all! But that's enough text for one day, I'll leave ya'll to the spicy smut.


All characters dipicted here are all offering their consent to engage in sexual activity. No one involved is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, or blackmail. 

I message all of my subscribers a link to my latest archive every month. If you've joined during the month, just drop me a message and I'll send you a link over. You can also find it in the group chat section.

Any questions, feel free to ask.




so excited! Rey is my all time favourite girl 🥰

Ser Fif Whoresbane

Rey working hard for meager portions to survive