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Hello! This is my first time seeing the new Patreon, but what the heck is that logo?! XD

Anyways, new cover coming up for next week and it's called 'Time Machine' by 40mp!
I really love this song, so I wanna give it some love with SynthV Teto, and my gosh, it sounds nice, isn't it? Surprisingly it fits her voice really well!

It's also been months since SynthV Teto was released, so what do you think about her voice so far?
Did you like it? Still hating it, or still not getting used to it?

Lemme know what you think! Thank you for the support!

P.S I think I'll share about what I'll be covering for Halloween special when I posted the early access next week. So if you have any ideas/suggestions for content, please also lemme know!



Jeez, Time Machine is a great song but that scene in the PV where they are chasing after the train is so sad 😢. Gets me every time. Oh and I love the new SV Teto; she sounds more mature and confident. Still love Utau Teto too though! I actually used SV Teto to sing a simple jingle for my phone call and message alerts lol. And, ideas? For Halloween? Umm there is that song "Happy Halloween" I think it's called, I've heard Kagamine Rin sing it, I think. Fun song. Anyways I can't wait for your Halloween special, I'm sure it'll be awesome!


Oh yeah...but not with SV Teto though :D lol. Yeah, maybe it's too predictable though. You can throw everyone a curveball and premier a Christmas song? Lol. Get everyone angry XD