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horny Larissa Tudor sketches hooooweeee 💦

also realized I never gave context for her and Matias, so here it is: Tudor saved Matias from the brink of a gruesome death by more or less remaking his entire body through cybernetic and chemical enhancements/augmentations. the procedure afforded him superhuman strength and stamina, making him into an almost Captain America-esque super soldier and a template for her future plans. despite the physical changes he remains a kind and gentle soul, and is fiercely loyal to Tudor for saving his life.

however, the augmentations had an unintended consequence that goes unmentioned in the SFW version of the story: he has an insane libido, and Tudor inadvertently became almost the sole focus of his romantic/sexual desires, due to some unforeseen "imprinting" effect. of course, he respects her far too much to pursue her let alone admit his feelings, leading to months if not years of pent-up frustrations. but Tudor eventually grows wise to his needs, and though she puts up a cold and professional front, she can't help but be turned on by the fact that he's so damn horny for her. perhaps, she thinks, this could be an opportunity... for science~ 👀

that's the gist of it! and as you can see, she's more than happy to invite her longtime friend and business partner Maira to join the fun... 😈



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