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Mune with Cheshire and Campanella continued walking until they approached to entrance of Limbo. Giovanni recognized his friend and he ran to hug him.

- You did it! - Exclaimed Giovanni. - You found my ticket.
- Yes... we did it. - Campanella corrected the sentence of his friend.
- What happened? is the sheep fine?
- Well...

Campanella don´t wanted to talk. But the eyes of his friend convinced him.

- His name was Chirin. - Finally Campanella talked. - But he was not prepared to leave Gehenna. His guilty feelings are so heavy...  he decided not come with us. And he become like him. - Campanella pointed the Shadow.
- I feel bad for him. - Giovanni responded. - We should help him.
- We tried. - Replied Mune. - But he needs find himself first. We cannot do more.

The Shadow approached to the kitties, it looked confident. - I passed for something similar too... and it was for him, Chirin. - Everybody watched the Shadow.
- What happened? - Asked Giovanni.
- I lost a combat... he finished me. I  think I am wandering on Limbo for find a friendly face can help to remember who I am... but I ended like a celler of Limbo, watching everyone is behind of those doors.
- But how can you remember the combat? - Asked Mune, trying to find something on that shadow.
- Because now I remember what happened to me when you mentioned his name. And that´s all I remember.
- What will you do now? - Giovanni tried to find somebody on the cloud of smoke of the shadow, but only looked two red eyes.
- I will wait to somebody help me to remember who I am.
- Never desist. - Said Cheshire. - I know there is a great warrior inside you. And I suspect... a king.

And then, the sky was clearing, the darkness of Gehenna was leaving behind.

- It´s time you leave. - Said the Shadow. - Farewell... friends. Friends of Chimeric dreams and distorted wishes.

Then, the Shadow vanished. Mune approached to Cheshire.

- You knew who was that Shadow, why didn´t you helped him?
- I was not sure, blue guy. I don´t wanted create a false memory. But... something on him is familiar.
- Are you sure?
- Maybe. Or maybe I am becoming mad too. See too many broken memories can be agonizing.
- Yes. I feel it. - Cheshire put his hand on Mune´s shoulder.
- Don´t leave that experience affect you. I requested your help, not be a heroe.

Cheshire interrupted his conversation when Campanella and Giovanni started to run.

- Where are you going? - Asked Mune.
- The train! - Exclaimed Giovanni. - We must hurry or we will lose it again.

They ran for an empty field of clouds and mist...



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