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Blind for his passions, Chirin stared watching a figure aproaching from the fire and ashes.

He discovered on the dust and smoke a lighting.

A hand of justice. A soul full of armony.

A King.

Noble and pure on all creatures of creation.

Chirin doesn´t reconized him. He can see only an obstacle.


The White Lion, majesty on all causes, aproached to the cursed lamb. "Chirin" he says, "come, come and play with me". The air is fill of smoke. Kimba continue talking "And chase all the clouds away".

Chirin don´t reacted. The little lamb was trambling of hate. The lion continue: "I want hear the bell you love so well, that brings you back home".

The lamb opened more the eyes. the atmosphere is fill of tension. He is impatient, he wants to run, he wants to scream, he wants something else. Revenge into an inocent.

And Kimba, opening the claws and hands, for last time he says: "Chirin, ring your bell, let me know all is well".

The mountains rumble for the warn of the fire. The earth is trembling. The land is now a place of confusion.

Chirin watched for last time the white lion as enemy, an apropiate oponent, or a perfect victim.

Instead, Kimba just see a boy who lost everything.

And the world turns into darkness.


All is clear...

And only left...

Only one thing...

