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Yeah is Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron as foal, or little horse, whatever. Is the first time I post something about him, I really, REALLY wanted for years do something but for different reasons I couldn´t, even when I started to draw I wanted make a crossover with Bambi but... well, I'm satisfied with this for now.

So our boy is on the beach, I think he is the first who assisted the call of Faline, or just is a random picture with nothing interesting.

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The Spirit Of The Beach

Yeah is Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron as foal, or little horse, whatever. Is the first time I post something about him, I really, REALLY wanted for years do something but for different reasons I couldn´t, even when I started to draw I wanted make a crossover with Bambi but...


Judy Belle Gale

You drew him very well. I look forward to more of him


Thank you, I´m glad you liked it. I hope make more, for now are old ideas I wanted to do long time ago but I couldn´t until now.

Judy Belle Gale

Do you have any plans to do full grown Spirit?