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Our favorite goat of all life.  xD

I like always draw him on hard or uncommon poses, so I decided continue with the path of yoga, like looking to us very sexy and with Mune (and he is showing something is... well, you know what I mean.  :v

Now about that, I am with a hard choice, I like black balls for Djali, looks different compared with the other characters, but all entire zone on black I like it too.

So this will be like a pool, which one you like most? I like both.  =P




I do like the all black zone more. Nice art too :)


Now that you point it out it probably should be all black. The skin is different there so it's likely less hair on animals. Idk tho. Also I think about Tchaikovsky2's character Adreea when you talk about Djali's yoga routines. They make her pose crazy too everytime we see her.


Indeed. :v However I am thinking on use real poses for the future, not random poses. =P And about the skin, well, maybe it can be of both ways... maybe there are secretly 2 twin Djalis. :o