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And one of those is new.

Starting with the up of the left, Altivo, from the movie "the road to El Dorado". The horse is very funny, but damn it, is very haard to draw him, speciality because he has a HUGE nose... but well it can be funny draw him. For now I draw him as he appears starting the movie, with a ridiculous haircut. xD

The second is Achilles, he is very shy because, well you know. Djali will be happy with him.

The third is Khumba, yes I am drawing him again but on that case is only a picture for test poses.

And the last one Spirit wearing a speedo... but I think he wants put it off.  xD




All of the lovelies. They are fantastic creatures! Top left is new, he's the one with a goofy face. I bet you can do a lot with his expressions.


Yeah, Altivo is a horse very expressive, but is harder than the oher horses... well, Khumba is hard too but is for the stripes. xD